‹ Prequel: Secrets
Sequel: We Run This Town

The Motto


The familiar sound of her alarm clock woke Jamie up from her magnificent dream. Her dreams were just beautiful films that inspired her day after day. She modeled her paintings after her dreams. She had such a big imagination and such a unique way of seeing things.

She got up from her bed and opened the blinds. The sun shined into her room. She looked outside and saw the whole town before her. She grabbed her polaroid camera, opened the window and took a picture. She didn’t miss England at all.

She turned on some music to start her morning. She picked out a colorful outfit and colorful make up and hair to match. She took a shower and ate something quickly before her mother even woke up.

“You’re up early…you seem happier then you were yesterday” her mom said. “Was school a success?” Jamie smiled.

“Yeah” she said. “I made new friends” her mom smiled.

“That’s so great! See, I told you it wouldn’t be that bad”

“It wasn’t that bad. I’m actually glad I’m here…I’ll see you tonight” Jamie left the house with an apple in her hands. She walked confidently to her bus stop. Kylan, Emmi and Cass were already waiting there.

“Good morning, Jamie” Kylan said. “You look like a ray of sunshine…I hate that” Jamie giggled.

“Why are you so peppy?” Emmi asked. “We don’t like peppy people”

“My first school day in America was an overall success. I’m really glad I gave it a chance”


“How did you like it?” Cass asked softly.

“Well I made three new friends, I went to an awesome party, I met a cute boy” she shrugged. “It was lovely”

“I love your accent” Kylan said. “Marry me?”


“What cute guy?” Emmi asked.

“Frankie” she said. Jamie’s face turned a light red.

“AWWWWWW!!!” Kylan exclaimed. “Frankie and Jamie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, next comes marriage, then come little artisans in a baby carriage!” he sung. The bus came down the street.

“I hope today is as good as yesterday”

During first period Jamie had the chance to draw. Frankie had seen her photography side and her creative side through her fashion and hair. He hasn’t seen her drawing yet.

Frankie sat next to her that day. They both drew. He kept looking at what she was doing to see what she was drawing but he couldn’t tell what it looked like. Towards the end of the period he finished with his master chief portrait and looked at her picture. She had drawn Link from the Legend of Zelda games.

“Whoa, you like Zelda!” Frankie exclaimed

“Yeah, you play the games?” Frankie nodded. “What do you think of it then?”

“It’s awesome” Frankie took the piece of paper. “You have serious skill” Jamie blushed.

“Not really…what did you draw”

“ah, just the master chief” he gave her the paper. Jamie’s face lit up.

“You like the Halo games?” she asked.


During French that morning Adam didn’t say a word to anyone. Since the party he couldn’t collect his thoughts. Emmi kind of surprised him with that information. Why did she just say that to him?

During Lunch Adam sat with Kevin and Frankie. “Ugh you make me angry” Frankie said. “A beautiful girl likes you and you’re confused”

“Emmi is…Emmi” Adam said. “She’s that weird quiet girl who likes to read all the time” he said. “She’s not my type”

“Type?” Kevin asked. “I would fuck anything with a pulse” Adam shook his head.

“Emmi is so nice” Frankie said. “Why don’t you get to know her”

“I don’t know…”

“Ugh” Kevin said. “If Emmi liked me I would be fucking her senseless”

“Shut up” Frankie said.

“Emmi is not what I’m looking for” Adam admitted. “I want someone outgoing and like me…oh and on the popularity list”

“Adam, you’ve been seriously hurt by sluts before” Frankie said. “Maybe Emmi will be everything you need.”

“We aren’t compatible in any way”

“Opposites attract” Kevin said. “Literally, penises fit right into vagina’s”


“Anyways, Adam, you really won’t know all these things about Emmi unless you get to know her. She’s not all that quiet and too herself” Frankie explained. “See it before you believe it”

At that moment it kind of snapped for Frankie. Why hasn’t he asked Jamie out yet?

Adam nodded.


Lex was the captain of the cheer squad. As captain she was running the try outs and she had final say on who made the team.

She looked at the list of girls trying out for the last spot on the team. Elle was one of them. Elle wasn’t at all a good cheerleader. She didn’t make it the year before.

Lex saw Emmi’s name on the list. Her eyes rolled. She didn’t want Emmi to get the last spot. News spread that Adam had asked Emmi out on a date. Lex didn’t want them together. People were even calling hem “Ademmi”. Why?

During the next day Frankie walked into school with a big smile on his face. He needed to feel confident to ask Jamie out on a date. They hadn’t known each other for that long. Only for three days now, but Frankie liked her. Adam took the chance, so could he.

Frankie walked into art and saw Jamie taking pictures of the football field from the art room.

“Hey Jamie can I talk to you?”

“Yeah sure” she put her camera down and took a seat next to him. She smiled.

“Well…I was wondering” he started. “Adam and Emmi are going out this Saturday…want to make It a double date with me?” A smile slowly crept onto Jamie’s face.
