The Love That Caught Her Eye


Emily wiped the rest of her tears away and moved away from her bedroom window. She had enough crying. She wasn't going to suffer anymore. It was time to move on. If only it was as easy done as said. Emily's ex-boyfriend Peter dumped her the night before. Why? He was cheating on her and two other girls. He didn't want to keep up with all the names so dumped the one he dated the longest. They dated for 6 months. She couldn't believe all that she gave him. She devoted her life to him, and he threw it like a rock on the river.
She should have suspect dating a bad guy that she didn't know very long was a bad idea. Though she thought that the rush of sneaking out and doing bad things would be fun. Until she gets dumped anyways. Big mistake. She wasn't going to let it get to her anymore. She was going to prove to everyone she can bounce back fast.
The next morning she awoke with a start. Today was going to be the day. She got out of bed, and put on her best clothes a blue tank top over a denim jacket, and her favorite denim skirt, then curled her waist length light brown hair. She hated that it was stick straight, so she curled it when she wasn't too busy. Put on her make-up like any other day, but just a little bit lighter today. So everyone could see most of her natural beauty.
Emily was pretty outgoing, almost as far as outgoing can get. She had a great bubbly personality, a killer smile, the cleanest hair, and the bluest eyes. Most guys looked for this kind of girl, but the guy she will soon meet later on that day. Will not be looking for that, so she just may have to fight for him. She will be willing though. With the way he caught her eye.