In Orbit


Tension filled the house. Harry's bruises were gone and my father had the night off, and I was dreading the meeting I'd told Harry would come. My father thought he was meeting some up-beat and upstanding football player with straight A's and some good background, possibly looking into going to the army or into the science field, just like him.

Harry knew he was meeting a scientist who was overprotective of his family; who didn't approve of Greasers or smoking or fighting. Someone who wanted only the best for his daughter... But what really was best for me? That was really what I was dreading. I would have to choose: Dad's way, or Harry's.

I was setting everything up for dinner when the bell rang. My father and John were still getting dressed, so I moved to the door to answer it only to see Harry with hands dripping red and a puffy lip.

"Harry!" I gasped, immediately dragging him inside and to the kitchen, washing his hands in the sink as I grabbed the first aid kit.

"Sorry Sammy," he managed through grit teeth, forcing a smile. "Ran into that Scorp who tried to rearrange my face and decided to teach him a lesson." I shook my head, cleaning off his hands before turning off the water and wrapping a bandage around the cuts on his hand. "He decided to flip a switch out. I taught him you don't need a blade to fight dirty." He grinned and I gave him a dark look.

"You're meeting my dad today, Harry. Do you think it's a good idea to meet him bloody?" The grin fell from his lips and he touched my waist hesitantly.

"I'm sorry Samson..." I pulled away, turning to finish putting the food on the table. As I finished, he grabbed my hand, pulled me to his chest and kissed me quickly before letting me go and moving to a chair, waiting to sit down.

I stood there for a minute, dazed, before moving to check that my father and brother were ready for dinner. Upon walking into my brother's room, I sighed and moved over to him, pulling the leather jacket from his shoulders and grabbing the comb in his hand to slick his hair to the left instead of straight back.

He opened his mouth to groan and complain and I cut him off. "You know Dad will freak out if he sees you dressed like that. Let it go." He glared at me.

"I bet Harry doesn't care if Dad sees him like that." I rolled my eyes.

"Harry never uses gel, John, and for your information he's dressed appropriately for this dinner." John rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "Go on, wash your hands and get ready to eat." John sighed hautily and moved out to the kitchen as I moved to my dad's room and helped him with his tie.

He studied me. "He's here already?" I nodded. "An over achiever, being here early." I smiled to myself.

"He's a good guy." I paused before going on, "He tripped getting out of his car and cut his hands up pretty bad."

My dad hummed distractedly. "Did you clean him up then?" I nodded and he nodded in response, moving into the hallway. "Come introduce us then." I hurried after him.

He stepped into the kitchen and looked straight at Harry, giving him the eye. Trying not to fidget, I stepped beside him and said, "Dad, this is Harry. Harry, this is my father, James." They shook hands briefly and my dad took his seat at the head of the table. Harry sat at the other end and John sat between them as I began serving everyone. After everyone was served, I took my seat and began to eat.

The kitchen was filled with an awkward silence until my father started the conversation. "You go to school with Samantha, correct?"

Harry cleared his throat and nodded. "She's in a few of my classes. She's a bright girl." My dad gave Harry a look as if to say, "I know." Harry forked another bite into his mouth and another silence fell. "What kind of science do you research?"

"Nuclear," my father responded, and Harry's eyebrows lifted and he gave me a look and I just shrugged innocently. It wasn’t exactly something I went around telling everyone. “Pays well for my family.” Harry looked back at my dad and nodded.

“I understand.” Silence fell as we finished our food and James and I stood to do the dishes.

“Harry, join me in the living room, will you?” my dad said, and I swallowed, watching them go before hurrying to finish the kitchen. John followed quickly after that, and as I wiped down the table I looked through the door to see my dad in his recliner, with John and Harry on the couch next to him. Harry was listening to him intently,

I bit my lip anxiously, washed out the rag in the sink and moved into the living room, standing awkwardly and unnoticed in the doorway. Harry nodded along with something my father said, and then the gray haired man asked him, “So why did you want to meet me tonight son?”

Harry glanced over at me, smiled, and turned to my dad. “I’d like your permission to date your daughter.”

Silence crashed over the room like a wave over the Titanic.

Quietly, my dad said, “Why should I give you my permission?”

With the smallest of smirks, and not meeting my dad’s eyes, Harry said, “Because I think she’d be more comfortable if she knew you were okay with it.”

My hand flew up to my mouth and I looked between him and my father in shock. My dad gave him a straight stare, nostrils flaring slightly, before looking at my brother, then at me. He studied me for a minute and turned to Harry.

“I can tell the kind of man you are Harry. Cut your hands tripping? Not like that. I know exactly what happened to you.” My face flushed and I looked down. He’d caught me lying. “I don’t approve of you.” He stood, moving over to the door. “But you make her happy, I can tell.” He opened it without a word and gestured for Harry to leave. “I’ll think about it. Kids, go get ready for bed.”

I nodded quickly and dragged John into the hallway as Harry moved to the door.

“Do you smoke Harry?” was the last question my father asked that night.

“Not often,” Harry said truthfully. The door closed.

I didn’t hear another word from my dad for a few weeks.
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Finally updated shhhhhhhh