Status: slow updates


t e n

*Third person p.o.v.*

The room was dark, but not all light was lost. A faint glow came from outside of the room through the bars of the window-type square cut from the wall. It led to outside. It led to freedom.

The door that led to the room was locked, like all the doors in the Mental Ward were after four o'clock.
It was seven. The sun was setting.

Ben looked out the window from his spot on the uncomfortable cot in the corner of his new room. He was surprised that he'd gotten a room with a window, but then again, no one believed him about the whole werewolf ordeal, so why not?

He sat there with questions brewing in his mind.
What had gotten him in there?
Was he sick?
Where was he?
Where was everyone else?

As if on cue, the bolt on his door slid open with a rusty shriek, and the door opened loudly. Ben turned to look at the newcomers, but turned away almost as soon as he'd looked.

Mr. Tony's leather shoes echoed as they hit the concrete floor, coming to a stop near the boy huddled on the bed.
"Benjamin," he said.
Ben growled and swatted away the hand that Mr. Tony reached for him with.
"Do you know where you are?" the psychiatrist continued unaffectedly, concentrating his probing gaze on the disoriented teenager sitting in front of him with his knees tucked to his chest.

Ben looked up slowly, his distracted eyes landing on Mr. Tony's own.
"Am I dead?" he asked quietly after a moment.

Mr. Tony smiled.
"Of course not. You had a heart attack, but the doctors were able to revive you," he said, patting Ben's shoulder.

Ben shrugged his hand away and stared at the window.
"It wasn't a heart attack," he whispered after a minute of eerie silence.

Mr. Tony regarded Ben curiously, watching his every move carefully.
"What makes you say that?"

Ben's laugh ricocheted off the walls, a bitter smile playing on his lips as he looked up to the therapist.
"You wouldn't believe me," He said after he'd composed himself.

But Mr. Tony knew what Ben wanted to tell him.
To him, it was a game. How long would it take to crack the glass boy that hid behind a stone wall of pain?
Mr. Tony believed Ben; he knew the truth. Ben knew the truth from experience; Mr. Tony had been in the shadows, watching.
"Try me."

"Where's Danny?" Ben asked, beginning to tap his fingers against the wall impatiently. "And don't you bullshit me. I know he's alive."

Mr. Tony smiled tightly and crossed his arms.
"What makes you think he's alive?" he asked, a bit cockily. He knew that Ben would have to spill his guts in order to back his decision.

Ben frowned and shook his head.
"Does it matter? I just... know," he replied wearily, not turning his head to look at the person he'd despised talking to for so long. He still did.

They both pondered nothing in silence, Mitchell Tony standing next to Ben who was staring out the window at the sun that was slowly sinking below the horizon.

"You're going to have to come with me," Mitchell said after a few minutes had passed. He placed a hand on Ben's shoulder, causing the boy to jump in surprise at the unexpected touch. He looked up at Mr. Tony, whose expression had turned cold and sinister.
Mitchell reached into the pocket of his suit pants and pulled out a syringe filled with fluorescent yellow liquid that seemed toxic.

Ben laughed dryly and smiled.
"You're going to drug me?" he asked, but he knew the answer already.

Instead of a reply, Mr. Tony just stuck the needle into Ben's arm. Ben didn't even flinch as the metal pierced his skin. He was past the whole 'feeling' thing.

Soon, Ben's eyes drooped shut. His shoulders slumped and before he could fall over, Mitchell picked him up as if he weighed nothing. Mitchell Tony's eyes wandered to the window, and he gazed at the sun finally dipping out of sight.
He wandered out of the room, locking it, before carrying Ben to the basement of the facility. There was no light, but he could see perfectly fine.
He descended the stairs soundlessly, walking for what seemed like hours before he finally reached the dusty floor of the basement.
The sound of dripping water could be heard, most likely from one of the faulty pipes that lined the basement ceiling. Soon, the sound of expensive leather shoes could be heard walking toward the far end of the room.
As they neared the side, there was a feral growl from the other end of the room. Nails on metal. The clashing of chains.

Mitchell laid Ben's limp body on the gurney sitting against the wall, binding the unconscious boy's ankles, waist and wrists with thick leather straps. He'd need to stay down there so that he could recover before the doctors tested his brain to check his mental stability and physical wellness.
As soon as Ben was secured to the table, Mitchell left the basement, the chorus of despair following him up the stairs.

The psychiatrist straightened his clothes and pushed back his black hair before putting on a smile and walking away from the door. He passed a doctor he was quite fond of, Ariel.

"Any news on the escape?" He asked casually.

The pretty redhead frowned, her pretty, full lips turning into a pout. "Not yet, Mitch. We're keeping a lookout though," she said, her melodic voice keeping Mitchell from frowning as well.

"I see. Well, I hope he shows up soon," Mr. Tony said, patting Doctor Ariel's shoulder before he excused himself.

He passed various rooms before getting to where he wanted. He pulled a key from his pocket.
Mitchell unlocked the chains on the doors that led to the dining hall, slipping out of the door. He looked down, seeing a blur of black before it faded. He shook his head and looked again, but saw nothing. He dismissed it as a trick of the light and left the Mental Ward, taking care to lock the door before he walked through the dining hall to retreat to his office.
He had work to do.

Doctor Ariel continued toward the room Ben Bruce had been occupying for the past twenty-four hours. When she arrived, she wasn't surprised to see that he was already gone. She was, however, surprised to see a medium sized black dog sitting on the bed, whining softly.

She approached slowly, marveling at the adorable puppy.
"How did you get in here, little fella?" she said quietly.

The dog looked up at the sound of her beautiful voice, his ears pricking up to hear better. He growled softly, but stopped quickly and continued whimpering.

"What's wrong?" Ariel continued, sitting down gingerly near the dog. It didn't move away, so she reached a hand out to touch it.
The dog growled again, but allowed her to touch him. She began petting him, wondering if it was hurt.

"Why are you crying, baby?" she asked soothingly.

Suddenly, under her touch, she felt something shift. It felt like a twitch and she rubbed over the spot to try and calm the dog, but then the dog howled and she felt another shift, except this time it was accompanied by a crack of a bone snapping.
She stood up quickly, her hand flying to her mouth, her eyes growing wide.

The dog howled again, and snaps and cracks echoed throughout the room. Ariel was frozen to the spot, watching in horror as the dog broke from the inside.

She looked up and noticed a window. There had been glass there, before the other boy, Danny, had been brought to the room. Put up a pretty good fight; smashed the window, broke a surgeon's nose. Then he'd escaped.
They hadn't replaced the glass of the window.
The moon was up.

That snapped the doctor from her trance. She snapped into action and ran from the room, slamming it shut behind her.
She was the only doctor in the Mental Facility, since the only other person that usually came in was Mr. Tony and the occasional patient and/or doctor.

She could hear the half human, half animal screams coming from the room, but she didn't look back.
Her red hair streamed behind her as she ran, finally making it to the door. She unlocked it with shaking hands, still not sparing a glance back, even when she heard a door smash.
The lock finally opened and Ariel slipped out of the room, bolting it behind her. She slid down to her ass on the tile floor of the dining hall, her breaths coming in short gasps.

She wasn't scared, really, but she was startled.
Mr. Tony had taught her about these types of things while training her to be a guard. Beasts, he'd called them. The only other one that knew about these... things was Misha, and of course, Mitchell Tony.
But now she was a doctor, and she hadn't trained as a guard for nearly a year. She was just watch; not trained to fight them anymore.

The only three that knew the real purpose of the facility were Ariel, Misha and Mitchell.
But everyone that worked at the facility had their own "secret".

Ariel got to her feet unsteadily and straightened her lab coat before walking down the hallways quietly to Mitchell's office.

She knocked twice before opening the door, only to find the window opened. The crimson curtains billowed with the night wind into the office.
She retreated and shut the door, deciding to find a better time. She'd just have to wait until he got back to tell him the escaped patient was back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shit's about to go all Supernatural on you guys.

and I made a bunch of changes (picture and layout woo!)

GOLLY (just kidding, I never say that...) it's been awhile!

IDK WHATS GOING ON FOR REAL OMFG hELP. Jk I know :) if you're confused (because I'm a horrible, confusing author) comment or inbox questions or what you're confused about, and I can try to clarify! I KNOW I KNOW this is REALLY confusing... sorry!!!

anywhore, NEW LAYOUT. Yeah, I can make layouts now, I'm up to date with this shit. Not really.

I'm really sorry about the shitty updating... PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP ON ME, I'M TRYING D':

LOVE YOU ALL thanks for the comments *hearts*