Status: slow updates


t h i r t e e n

*Ben's p.o.v.*

We were in the woods. I didn't know how long it had been, or how we- as in the wolves- had been able to keep our human mindsets after we shifted. Actually, I couldn't exactly recall anything except shifting then ending up naked in the woods. But moral of the story- we were still in the woods. And half of us were naked.

"I thought we were going back to civilization," I complained to my younger sister.

Rebekah looked up with narrowed eyes and growled.
"I'm working on it," was all she said before distancing herself from the rest of us.

Danny was asleep, curled up against my side. He snored softly and I sighed, running my fingers through his soft, yet ratty, hair.
I desperately wanted to catch up with Rebekah, and Danny. I had so many questions consuming my mind.

I looked up when someone approached me, and made a low growl in the back of my throat when I saw that it was Oliver. He sat in front of me cross legged and smiled shyly.

"So, um..." he mumbled, pulling off his jacket despite the chilly weather.
I raised an eyebrow in silent question, and the raven haired boy handed me his jacket.
"Uh, sorry about being a jackass to you at Gilds," he said.
What a charmer.

"You should be," I said with a shrug, covering Danny's tiny frame with Oliver's jacket instead of putting it on myself.
I looked back up after a minute and met Oliver's eyes. They were strangely beautiful and hypnotising. They were wide and seemed chocolaty brown, at least until I stared for another minute. His eyes seemed to constantly change colours- from brown to gold, gold to green, green to hazel, back to brown.

"I am sorry," he said softly, clasping his hands together. "I really am. I mean, at Gilds, it was eat or be eaten. Survival of the fittest." He looked at Danny and a soft sigh escaped his parted lips. "And you and your little friend were the underdogs."
Suddenly, Oliver's eyes were on mine again. He smirked, but I thought it was more of the type of smile he was capable of.
"You could have been one of us, y'know," he muttered, raising an eyebrow. "But, to be honest, I'm quite glad you decided against it."
Oliver stood up and wiped the dirt off the back of his jeans, then lifted his shirt over his head and handed it to me with a real smile.

I took it meekly and thanked the tyke and, after he receded to his friends, I slipped the shirt on. It was incredibly warm, and I sighed contently, pulling the fabric tighter over my chest.

I was going to have to get used to all of these people. They were... like, my new family. As much as I loathed some of them, as much as I didn't know some of them, I had fifteen new people to look after.
"They're our pack," Danny murmured, and I looked down to find his head resting in my lap. He wasn't facing me, but rather the other guys.

"Hmm?" I hummed at Danny, letting my fingers trail lightly over his arm.

"A pack, y'know?" he said softly, and I felt his head turn up to look at me.
I looked down and our eyes met. "We're wolves. Wolves travel in packs, I think."

I chuckled at Danny's logic, and at the fact that it sort of made sense.
"Right," I said, dragging out the 'i'.

Danny smiled sleepily at me, his sparkling eyes half open lazily.
"You were thinking about family," he mumbled, the sentence ending in a yawn. "We're a family."

I nodded thoughtfully. "Mmm, you're right," I responded. "Now get some sleep. We're going to be walking for god-knows-how-long tomorrow. Not to mention it's your turn to Sam and Cameron."
I leaned down and pressed my lips to Daniel's. He reciprocated quickly, and I pulled away to find that his eyes were already closed.
"Sweet dreams, fat man."

"I am not fat," Danny whispered, his voice so low I could barely detect the irritation in it.

I chuckled again and leaned down, kissing his cheek.
"I know. You're too skinny," I murmured, recalling how iffy of a subject eating was with Danny. I sighed. "But you're perfect to me."

Danny stopped talking after that, he just moved so he was curled up in my lap, and quickly fell asleep with a smile on his lips.

I glanced at my sister, who was obscured by the shadows of some large trees, and saw Oliver squatting next to where she was sitting. She laughed at something and Oliver smiled widely, and not in a fake way or a smug way, but in a genuinely happy way. Rebekah proceeded to trace one of the many tattoos on Oliver's bare torso and I growled a bit.
I looked away, and over to James and Devin on the ground laughing loudly, Andy and Matt to the side of them, talking in hushed tones.
Cameron and Sam were huddled together in a circle that contained Beau, Ricky and Chris who somehow managed to blend into the darkness that enveloped the woods. I noticed how Chris and Ricky were so close that their shoulders were touching.
I also noticed Alan pacing behind Beau, who just kept staring at the small redheaded boy in fascination.
Then there was Max and Ronnie, sitting in the corner, more likely than not plotting everyone that was here's death. Actually, that was definitely a lie, but it was worth a shot.
Ronnie was staring off into the sky while Max kept stealing glances at his friend.

I was perceptive. Not many people gave me credit for that.

"I love you," I murmured to Danny's sleeping figure, then I curled against the ground and fell asleep with my boyfriend in my arms, wondering what would happen in the morning. Where would we go? What would we do once we were back to the city?


I woke up to something pressing down on my chest, and something licking my face.
I couldn't really breathe and I sighed, opening my eyes the same time that I flipped Danny around and onto the ground, switching our positions.

"I was sleeping," I growled, straddling his waist. I looked into his eyes and grinned when I saw that his were black, mine presumably in the same condition.

Danny whined and wriggled beneath me, but I grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the ground mercilessly.

"Let. Me. Go," he snarled, abruptly going still. His breathing was ragged from the short, sweet fight he'd put up.

"Dog breath," I murmured, my eyelids slipping halfway over my eyes, a lazy grin forming on my lips.

"Bitch face," Danny hissed, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Mutt," I shot back, leaning in a little closer.

"Butt sniffer," Danny giggled as I got about a centimeter from his face.

"Sexy," I growled before crashing my lips against his.

God, I've missed you... I thought as we kissed hungrily, our lips moving in sync.

Same here, love Danny's thoughts penetrated mine, his with a mocking tone.

I smiled into the kiss, then detached our lips and started trailing kisses down Danny's neck. He made a soft whimper that sent shivers down my spine.

"Ew! Benjamin," Rebekah whined from somewhere behind me.

I just snickered and continued nipping at Danny's neck, eliciting small noises of pleasure from him.

"Benji, stop," Daniel mumbled ruefully. "Th-they're all staring."

I groaned in irritation and rolled over and off of Danny, draping an arm over my eyes.

"Get up, dog," Rebekah shouted, smacking my head.
I groaned again and slowly stood up, glaring at my sister, who was wearing a cheeky grin.
"But seriously, we've gotta roll," she said, her smile falling.

I nodded, still annoyed by the rude interruption, and stood up, pulling Danny with me.
I threw Oliver his shirt, then grabbed his jacket off of Danny and returned it to him as well. Rebekah, surprisingly enough, had borrowed Alan's shirt. She gave it back to him and he smiled brightly, accepted it, and hugged her... while she was naked...
I didn't mind much, though, because I knew that he didn't see her in a sexual way. More of a friendly way. It was cute. Other than the fact that she was naked.

Not for long, though, because she shifted in the blink of an eye. Faster than I'd thought possible.
I rolled my eyes.
"What a diva," I whispered to Danny, who giggled, and Rebekah's wolf just snorted and pawed at the ground.

Even as a wolf, she was so... human.
I shifted, and that was all I remembered.

*Oliver's p.o.v.*

I slipped my shirt and sweater on, then climbed onto Rebekah's back, Andy following.
I couldn't help but tangle my fingers in the white she-wolf's fur and massage the warm skin underneath. I felt, rather than heard, Rebekah sigh, as her torso expanded widely then collapsed in.
She was... amazing. Well, all the wolves were amazing, but Rebekah. She was snow white, sleek and wild. I liked it.

Soon enough, we were moving quickly through the woods. Not inhumanly fast- yet.

I felt Rebekah's muscles moving beneath me and it was honestly the most magnificent experience. It was kind of like horseback riding, but so much more dangerous. I loved danger.

With a sigh of content, I shut my eyes and let the wind whip my hair around. I didn't even mind Andy's arms around my waist, even though it had bothered me loads the first time. I was too caught up in the moment to really care.

Ben and his crew were nice guys. I'd never really taken a liking to being a cunt to all of the guys that weren't Beau, Ronnie or Max, but now that I didn't have to fight to fit in I could really get to know them. I wouldn't have to act like I was someone I really wasn't. I was glad about that.

I realised that at some point we had started going faster. The wind whistled in my ears and the trees passed in blurs of brown and green. Brown and green together were typically pretty nasty colours, but to me this was just... beautifully surreal.

I watched in awe for awhile, subconsciously rubbing my hands over Rebekah's fur.

I liked Rebekah. She was... different.

I just wondered what all of us were going to do once we got the hell out of town. Would we stick together, or go home? Could we even go home?
♠ ♠ ♠
fillerish, sorry... and sorry if it gets a bit confusing from now on, it's just that there are so many p.o.v.'s to keep up with and I want you all to see what everyone's thinking, U FEEL ME DAWG?