Love Like Winter

You'll never know what hit you

“You sure you can do this?” Clint ask as I pack for my trip. “You really think you can kill him?”

“Clint, I’ve been killing people since I was a 13 year old flat chested girl,” I chuckle as I throw clothing in a duffel bag, “I’m pretty sure I can handle Winter Soldier.”

“He’s a ghost, Keely,” Clint sighs, “half the time intelligence agencies don’t even want to admit he exists.”

“Clint, I’ve been killing very dangerous men for most of my life, I’m fine.” I assure him, “I love that you’re being concerned about me but I’m fine. This mission will be a walk in the park. I find him and I kill him, that simple.”

“Finding him is going to be the hard part Keely.” Clint sigh, as he gets up off my bed. “If he doesn’t want to be found, he’s not going to be found.”

“You’re acting like I can’t do this,” I point out, “you’re afraid I’ll fail; like I’ve already failed.”

“Keely, this is one of those missions that if you don’t kill the target first, you’ll be coming home in a body bag….”


A sigh escapes my lips as I wait in a local Starbucks. I get weird looks from people passing by; mainly because the fact I’m wearing shorts in the middle of winter. It’s not my fault that my mind set is still in South America mode. Plus the cold has never truly bothered me, I just hate being in it for a long period of time.

My left foot nervously taps against the table as I wait for someone to occupy the seat in front of me. It’s been twenty minutes since I made the call, they honestly should be here by now. But if I know the person as well as I use to, they’re still doing their hair.

“I can’t believe you called me for help.” A female voice says a couple minutes later, causing me to look up from my phone. Standing in front of me is my little sister, Ravenna.

“I’m desperate,” I sigh, “I need your help with something. It’ll be a back-up, last resort kind of thing.”

“Since when does the amazing Keely Marx need anyone?” Ravenna has a smirk on her face; she’s enjoying this way too much.

“Look, I know you’re fucking enjoying this; savouring the fact I came crawling to you,” I hiss at her, pulling her down into the chair next to me, “but I really need your help. This person I’m dealing with is a fucking ghost. And you’re the only person that I know that can track the untrackable.”

“So who does SHIELD have you going after this time?” She asks, earning a sigh from me. “Are you really worried about this person; afraid of them?”

“Afraid? No. Worried? Hell Yea.” I reply, “SHIELD isn’t giving me much of a team so I think it’s time to bring in my own team to help me deal with this guy.”

“Who is this guy?” She asks once more, “come on Keely, give me a name.”

“He’s a ghost, half the agencies in the world refuse to admit he even exists,” I begin, “I’m after the Winter Soldier…”

Her face goes white, “you’re joking right?” She asks, “Keely, this isn’t your average guy, this is the ultimate weapon. Failure isn’t an option here. If you fail at killing him, he’ll kill you.” Her voice rises high enough to earn dirty looks from the people around us.

“I know that.” I growl through gritted teeth. “The better question is how do you know?”

“Dad and I went to Russia on a business trip, we meet with a couple people; he was involved with the people we were talking to.” She replies, softly. “Keely, this guy is bad news. How did you even get involved with this mission?”

“Because if they sent in one of their best, she’ll be compromised.”

“If they think she’d be compromised, what do they think will happen to you?”
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