Love Like Winter

I am the product of insanity

After an almost ten hour, non-stop flight, I arrive in Russia. I get off the plane and rush right into the terminal due to the freezing December temperatures. Fury is going to seriously owe me big time for this mission, I’m risking frostbite and death by cold here.

“God,I hate Russia.” I mutter to myself as I go through Customs.

“Business or pleasure?” The lady behind the counter asks.

“Pleasure,” I lie through a smile. I pull my coat tighter to my body as my eyes scan the airport; falling onto the sight of my baby sister and her boyfriend who are being followed closely by the rest of the team I recruited for this.

“Welcome to Russia, Miss Maggio,” a thick Russian accented voice pulls me back to the lady in Customs. “Please enjoy your stay.”

“Spasibo,” I smile before taking my passport from her. I glance over at my sister, briefly, before walking away; shoving my passport back into my purse. It’s time to get my luggage and get into a warm place. I’ve got a mission that needs to be done, ASAP.


“Chernyy kofe, pozhaluysta,” I say as I get to the Starbucks in the airport. I give her my name and wait on the side.

“Your Russian is pretty good,” Max, Ravenna’s boyfriend, says as they walk up to me.

“Our mother was Russian,” my sister informs him.

“Yea but your Russian sucks.”

“Our mom died when Ravenna was young; probably around five.” I explain as I’m handed my nice warm latte. “What Rav knows is all that our mother managed to teach and the few curse words I taught her when she was 13.”

“I see,” Max says before ordering a cup of coffee for him and Ravenna.

“So you guys ready for our vacation to Russia?” I ask, making it sound like we’re typical tourist; just in case people are listening in.

“Overjoyed,” my sister smiles but sarcasm is dripping from every single word. “I seriously can’t wait to get hypothermia from being here.”

“You’re definitely my baby sister,” I roll my eyes as the barista hands them their coffees. “Let’s get to baggage claim, I want to get to our hotelroom before the blizzard that’s suppose to be coming in.” Ravenna groans as we walk towards baggage claim. I get why she’s like this. We’re in a different country, hunting down a ghost. We’re doing a mission that’s life or death. She’s temporarily working for an agency that expects her to put her neck on the line. She’s doing everything that goes against what she believes in. If I wasn’t already working for SHIELD, I would be wary of this mission too.

We’re hunting a ghost. No one in the right mind would want this job…
♠ ♠ ♠
Spasibo means thank you
Chernyy kofe, pozhaluysta means black coffee, please.

or so goggle translate tells me.
