London's Calling

One of One

I never believed in true love
Until I saw your face…

Katie swallowed nervously as she sat in the cab, her hands wringing around the straps of her backpack. This was stupid, she knew it was stupid, but she also knew she had to do it. She started chewing on her bottom lip as she watched London pass her by, the rain trickling down the window of the taxi. She closed her eyes, letting her head fall back against the seat.

Your eyes sparkled like stardust
And took me away from this dreadful place…

She had emptied her bank account for this, and if it didn’t work she had no idea what she would do. Her ticket was only one way, and she didn’t even know where she was going to sleep tonight. But she knew she had to try. She was about to fall asleep when she heard his voice over the radio. She shot up and asked the driver to turn up the station. She recognized the soft piano and guitar duet immediately and smiled.

Don’t you know I fell in love with you darling?
And I don’t even know your name

Harry sighed, running his fingers through his thick curls. He looked outside and bit his lip. It was absolutely dreadful, maybe he should just not go today. She hadn’t been there the day before, or the day before that, or the day before that. He wondered deep down if this was hopeless, if he was just wasting his time over a girl he’d never even met.

But with your bright blue eyes
Let's run away tonight

But when he thought of those eyes, those bright blue eyes that had stolen his heart with just one look, he smiled. He turned to Louis, a grin on his handsome face. “I’ve got a good feeling about today Lou.” He said. Louis sighed, looking at the hopeful young boy.

“Harry, maybe you should stop this. It’s been three months now.” He bit his lip, trying to break this gently to Harry. “Maybe she’s just not coming.” But Harry simply shook his head, his limp curls bouncing.

“She’ll be there this time, I’m sure of it.”

London's calling you darling
London’s calling you home

Katie had never thought when she’d gone to the One Direction concert that she would mean anything to the boys. She didn’t even think they would have been able to see her. True, it was magical and the most incredible night of her life, but she was realistic. Then she had gotten the phone call. Her friend Casey had called her, asking if she’d heard the new leaked Harry Styles single. She pulled up YouTube and watched as the boy she loved from afar sang softly, Louis playing the piano and Niall strumming the guitar.

I’ll wait for you love of mine
No matter how long it takes

It had become an overnight sensation as Harry finally released his very first solo song. Casey was convinced he had been singing about her but Katie brushed it aside. She was sure Harry had seen plenty of blonde haired blue eyed girls in his concerts, he couldn’t really be singing about her. But she did buy the song and listened to it every night before she went to sleep. She dreamed that maybe, just maybe, he was singing about her.

At the corner of 87th and Corona
That’ll be our special place

Harry could still remember everything about the concert, even now. He remembered the screaming girls and the blinding lights. He had come to hate concerts, he hated that girls threw things at them, like their panties and bras, he hated the spotlights and he hated the lads trying to mess him up during his solos. But then when they had walked off and the lights had gone out he had seen her. In that one moment something happened inside him, almost like a light had been switched on. He knew that this girl, this beautiful face in the crowd, was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Don’t you know I fell in love with you darling?
And I don’t even know your name

He had scoured the crowds after the show, signed autographs for hours, but he never saw her. He knew he couldn’t leave her, he had to find her, but he didn’t even know where to start. He had searched the city for days regardless, but eventually he had to go back on the tour. He had been absolutely heartbroken, he would never see her again. Louis had suggested that she might come to the next concert and that’s when Harry had gotten his brilliant idea. And that’s how the song was born.

But with your bright blue eyes
Let’s run away tonight

Katie had been watching TV when yet another phone call from Casey had frantically told her to turn it to Harry’s interview. She agreed, simply to see the stunning green eyed boy. She watched as the host asked him where he got inspiration for such a beautiful song and Katie assumed she mean “London Calling” his solo single. He simply blushed. “Well you see, there’s this girl from America.”

London’s calling you darling
London’s calling you home

She had watched in awe as he described her, down to what she was wearing, at his concert and flushed. Harry had written that song for her. She watched the rest of the interview as he admitted he’d fallen madly for her and wanted nothing more than to see her again. “I searched the entire city, twice, but I never could find her.” Katie bit her lip, knowing what she had to do. She had packed her bags and gotten on the first flight to London.

Blonde hair that glows like sunlight
A smile to light up the world

Louis and the rest of the lads had thought Harry mad, sitting in this café for hours every day, waiting for his American girl to show up. But they simply didn’t understand. She was perfect, he just knew it somehow. When he looked into her eyes he wasn’t in a crowded arena sweating like a pig, he was home. And he would wait here until the end of the time if it meant he could feel like that again.

And blue eyes that sparkle like stardust
And take me away from this dreadful place

The waitress smiled sympathetically at him, knowing his near impossible hope and quickly brought him a hot chocolate as he sat in the same booth. The second to last in the far left. It had a perfect view of the front door of this little café on the corner of 87th and Corona. He flipped his curls away from his eyes nervously. He felt that something was different about today, she would be here. He didn’t know when, but he knew that she would be here. Today was the day he met the girl he’d fallen in love with.

Oh I just want to love you
I’ll wait forever if that’s how it must be

All her friends and family had thought she was completely crazy, just dropping everything to find a boy in London who she didn’t even know. But she knew, she just knew that this was the only way to get her answers. She had packed all her clothes and gotten on the plane, having no idea what she would do if she didn’t find the curly haired boy from Holmes Chapel.

Because no other girl matters anymore
I need you here with me

Finally the cab stopped and she handed the driver her fare, smiling at him. She quickly got out and looked before her. The corner of 87th and Corona, just like the song. She quickly made her way under the eve of this tiny café and shook the rain from her curly blonde hair. She then took a deep breath. Her fate rested on the other side of this door. The man she could spend her entire future with could be on the other side of this simple piece of wood. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Don’t you know I fell in love with you darling?
And I don’t even know your name

Both of them knew this was crazy.

But with your bright blue eyes
Let’s run away tonight

But sometimes crazy is the only logical solution.

London’s calling you darling
London’s calling you home

Harry looked up upon hearing the door close and felt butterflies in his stomach. It was her. She had come and she was her, in the café. He couldn’t believe it, she was real, and she somehow looked even more beautiful. He looked into those perfect blue eyes and felt like he was flying. Louis was wrong, everyone had been wrong. Whatever this was he had with this girl, it was meant to be.

With your bright blue eyes
Let’s run away tonight

Katie stopped as he looked up at her. It was really him, Harry Styles was sitting in this café with his stunning green eyes locked on hers. She felt her heart start thudding in her chest and waited for herself to wake up in the taxi at any moment. She had to be dreaming after all, right? Things like this, it didn’t really happen in real life. But yet, here she was, fluttering heart and all.

London’s calling you darling
London’s calling you home

Both of them were frozen, but finally Harry smiled, walking over to her. His hands were shaking as he approached the girl he’d dreamed of so much for the last few months and smiled.

“Hi.” He whispered. She grinned at him.


Oh love of mine,
London's calling you home
♠ ♠ ♠
For the amazing Katie c:
I actually had so much fun writing this
lyrics are MINE by the way
and I will shank you if you steal them