Still Dreaming

One of One

Amanda let out a small sigh as she sat at the edge of the frozen pond that she and Harry had frequented as children. There was a good foot and a half of snow surrounding the small pond and the moon was high in the sky. She’d been sitting there in the snow for almost two hours now and was getting impatient. He promised that they would go ice skating, like they did every Christmas Eve before he became famous, but the curly haired boy was nowhere to be found. He said he’d be here. She thought bitterly. But, sadly, his ditching her was something she was growing quite used to.

All Harry had done for the last two years was stand her up, paying no mid to his old friend or her feelings. He was too caught up in all his celebrity nonsense to bother with a small town girl like her. At least, that’s what she figured. With another long sigh she brushed her brown hair out of her face and effortlessly got onto the ice. She was only three or four smooth glides towards the center when she heard his voice.

“Amanda! There you are!” She spun around to see Harry running towards her, a giant grin on his face. She couldn’t help but blush when she saw those perfect dimples, but quickly remembered that she was mad at him and fought the warmth in her cheeks back.

“I figured you weren’t coming, again.” His smile dropped as he finished lacing up his skates and shakily made his way over to her. She cocked an eyebrow at him as he had to catch himself two or three times to keep from falling. Finally his handsome face was right in front of hers.

“Look, I know you’re mad at me-”

“Oh really?’ She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “What gave you that idea?”

“I deserved that.” He said simply. She rolled her eyes and skated away from him, not wanting to look into his beautiful, lying eyes. “Amanda, wait!” He called out, following her. She heard a loud thud and turned to see he’d fallen flat on his face.

Forgetting that she was mad at him she quickly skated over and slid onto her knees so she was next to her friend. “Are you alright?” He chuckled as he slowly pulled himself up into a sitting position.

“I never was as graceful as you were.” He joked, smiling at her and exposing his perfect dimples again. When she still didn’t smile his own grin dropped. “I said I was sorry.”

“Sorry is just a word to you Harry.” She said. “It doesn’t mean anything. Do you have any idea how many hours I’ve spent of my life waiting for you to show up? For just a phone call saying you were ditching me to go to some stupid pub with Louis?” She shook her head at him, quickly getting back to her feet.

Harry shakily followed, desperate to catch up to the stunning brunette. “I’d invite you, but you hate pubs.” He tried. She just scoffed at him, her brown eyes narrowed into slits.

“Please, you don’t let me anywhere near your friends. It’s because I embarrass you isn’t it? You don’t want them to know that there’s one girl in the world who can make Harry Styles blush. You don’t want me to tell them about our little sleepovers and that one time I painted your nails-”

“You’re wrong.” He said simply.

“Yeah, I’m wrong about a lot of things.” She muttered, skating away from him again. But his voice stopped her.

“Why did you wait? If I’m such a dirty scoundrel why even bother? Why even come here tonight?” She turned back at him, her brown eyes catching in the moonlight and making Harry blush. She’d grown up a lot in the two years since he’d left and she’d only become more beautiful.

“Because that’s what friends do Harry.” She said simply, snapping him out of his trance. “Not that you would know anything about that.”

“Bollocks.” He said, skating over to her. “I wouldn’t wait for hours for Louis or Zayn if they were late.” She swallowed nervously as he skated closer to her.

“I also would never ditch you without a single word!” She snapped, shoving him. “I’m sorry I’m not one of your famous American birds, but you still should have talked to me!” Harry was stunned as he saw the pain in her eyes, the betrayal of his absence. He watched as a tear rolled down her cheek which she hastily wiped away with her mitten.

He didn’t say a word; he just wrapped his arms around her frame, loving how he was almost a foot taller than her. She finally broke down, like she always did when she was in Harry’s arms, and hugged him back. “I missed you so much.” She whimpered finally. Her nose was stinging from the cold and her tears, so she tried to bury her face even further in Harry’s jacket. He kissed the top of her head and she pulled away, her eyes huge.

“I missed you too.” He whispered, his eyes glimmering like emeralds. “And I never meant to hurt you this badly.” She sighed before pulling out of his warm embrace and wiping away her tears.

“Well, come on, let’s skate.” She said simply, trying to avoid discussing the subject any further. Harry smiled and extended his hand.

“Do you think an old pro like you could help me out?” He asked. She rolled her eyes, but smiled, taking his hand in hers and guiding him around the ice.

“So.” She said. “Why don’t you want me to meet your friends?” She asked. Harry flushed. He tried to hide it under his scarf, but Amanda noticed and grinned.

“Remember your friend Holly who you refused to introduce me to?”

“Because she wanted into your pants and I knew she was a slut.” Amanda answered. Her eyes grew huge as Harry raised his eyebrows at her, begging her to connect the dots. “You didn’t want your friends hitting on me?”

“Well, I knew Niall will try and charm your knickers off if given half the chance and I would rather avoid that if I could.”

“So you’re protecting me?” She whispered.

“Well, it’s not quite that selfless.” He admitted sheepishly, looking back at her.

“Then what is it?”

“I didn’t want to see anyone of them with you because…” He stopped, looking into her eyes. “I want you to be with me.” She flushed, not believing what she was hearing.

“Harry…” He didn’t give her a chance to finish before he smashed his lips to hers and both of them fell to the ice. They pulled away, groaning in pain before Amanda looked back into his stunning eyes. “Harry?”

“Let me guess, you just want to be frie-” She cut him off by kissing him softly. His eyes were huge as she pulled back and it started snowing softly on the two of them, the snowflakes covering their lashes as they looked at each other. Finally Harry smiled. “So that’s why you waited.”

“You caught me.” She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and quickly checked. When she saw that her alarm for 12:01 had gone off she smiled back at her friend. “And Harry?”


“Merry Christmas.” And then she pressed her lips back to his. Harry quickly kissed her back, both of them grinning as the snow continued to fall on them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww c:
As said in the summary, this is for the amazing and wonderful Amanda
aka harry styles.
This is her bit of Christmas magic