Status: Hiatus

Shut Away


Today had been a pretty laid back day. Deryck and I looked through the thousands of pages on the internet showing all sorts of housing places for sale. We had been looking for a two bedroom condominium to call our own although none had stuck out yet. We had been to different apartment buildings and such in the neighbourhood but none were all that appealing. Yesterday we had visited the last available house in the small town. Finally we decided to move out of this town we called home and into our new lives together with little Ariana. Burt before I get into too much detail about my new life with my two loves I should tell you about how it all happened

My name is Ariadne and this is what happened last summer before I found my true love and saviour, Deryck.

It had been a beautiful forecast the day of my high school graduation. All of my graduating friends with their families and my family were all there to celebrate with me. It had started out as one of the happiest days of my life. Anyways, I was all dressed in my cap and gown, ready to accept my diploma when I saw this little old man sitting in a car struggling, trying to get out, just a little down the way. It hurt me to see him having so much difficulty so I quickly dodged over to him and asked if he could use any help. To this day Ive wondered why I never noticed how secluded this mans car was. He motioned for me to come over. As I got closer I noticed my mistake right away the supposed old man grabbed a hold of my shoulders and yanked me down out of site. I knew it this was it he was going to pull me into the car and kidnap me. Thats it my life is over, just like that.