Status: 'Tis the season (almost-but that's good enough)

The Magic of Macy's

Moving On.

“Luce,” Sebastian’s alarmed voice rang through our tiny apartment. “Lucy, are you home?”

I didn’t move from my spot on the holey couch. The television was on low; Sebastian had paid the bill because I had once again forgotten. Sebastian’s footsteps got louder, but I made no effort to move.

“You left early.” He said, folding his arms resolutely.

“It’s called quitting.” I clucked my tongue, changing the channel. America’s Next Top Model flashed across the screen.

“You can’t be serious, Luce.” Sebastian shook his head with disappointment. I straightened up, furrowing my brows at him.

“Why?” I demanded, “Why is it such a radical thought for me to—”

“Because you’re quitting because of him!” Sebastian lost his cool. “He’s a douche bag, yes. But, he’s not worth losing your job over! Besides, he wants to make it up to you,” Sebastian informed me, no trace of a joke written on his face. “He wants you to meet him at Mademoiselle’s at six.

“First of all, he can go to hell,” I shot upwards, getting eye to eye with my best friend, “Second of all, I didn’t quit because of Niall. I quit because I fucking hate my job, and you do too! You can’t stand in front of me and try to come up with reasons for me to come back because it’s a load of shit. I don’t want to sacrifice my sanity for minimum wage anymore, Seb! And a few weeks ago, you would have happily cleaned out your locker with me, now what? You the new super, duper Macy’s advocate?” I shook my head in disgust.

“It’s not that simple, Luce.” Sebastian muttered angrily. “I need this job and so do you! We’re not just teenagers, running wild without responsibilities! We have bills to pay, needs to meet. These things matter, and you can’t just throw away a good job because you have to dress like an elf for a few weeks and hang around with a famous ex!” He shoved a chair into the small kitchen table we never used.

I had never seen Sebastian lose it. In fact, I had never seen Sebastian get angry before. It was unsettling.

Sebastian stayed hunched over the table, his back lifting slightly with each intake of air. I didn’t know what to do. Did he want me to console him? Console him for what exactly? I wasn’t sure why he was acting this way. I had been telling the truth: only yesterday he would have quit with me. So why hadn’t he?

I swallowed, stepping forward hesitantly. The floor boards creaked under my shifting weight. In a low voice I asked, “What’s going on, Seb? Because this isn’t about my unemployment or Niall.”

“I’m moving out.”

“W-What?” I stammer, completely caught off guard. “Because I quit? Seb, don’t be—” My eyes burned and I couldn’t understand why I was crying.

“I didn’t want you to find out like this but, I just think it’s time.” Sebastian turned around. His eyes were red and tired. His plump lips were pursed in a fine, unperturbed line. “Time for you to move on. So, head back to Macy’s tomorrow, beg for your job back, and get through the holidays like an adult.” He picked up his jacket and made his way back to the front door. “And meet Niall at Mademoiselle’s. You need closure, Luce.”

“Why are being so cruel?” I managed to get out without letting a sob loose. I wasn’t used to feeling this way. I had learned a long time ago from my parent’s indiscretions that no one cared how you felt so there was no reason to show it. But, Sebastian was my best friend. He was the only person in the world who hadn’t hurt me. Until now.

“It’s for the best.” He said quietly, before shutting the door behind him.

I wiped away a few stray tears furiously, having the strong urge to rip something to pieces.


Mademoiselle’s was a swanky upscale (horrendously so) restaurant and I had half a mind not to show because nothing in my thrift store closet would get me through the door. But there was also the annoying chirp in my mind that told me that Sebastian had betrayed me. He was deserting me, just like that. No warning, no explanation. And it was because of that chirp that I was giving Niall the time of day.

I just didn’t want to be alone in that loft knowing that Sebastian wasn’t ever going to order our usual and watch terrible sy-fy original movies anymore. It was too much for my lifeless interior.

I managed to pull something off with the little that I had and left the loft early, not wanting to linger in case Sebastian came back to pack and leave me in the dust forever.

I took the subway into the city and walked the rest of the way. In hind sight, it was a terrible idea with it being winter in New York and I wasn’t wearing a jacket, or a blanket, or Eskimo wear. But, I survived the trip with minimal frost bite and told the host what name to seat me under.

“Mr. Horan just arrived,” The tall, mocha-colored man told me in a silky smooth voice, “Why don’t I take you to him?”

I wanted to remind him that that was his job, to take me to my party, but I’d already had enough conflict for one day, and I still had to deal with Niall.

Niall had chosen a cozy, corner booth. I wasn’t sure how he’d managed it because you had to call weeks in advanced to get a table, and this one must have taken some wrangling. Niall was staring absentmindedly at the pretty, dangling lights that brightened the restaurant, breathing in the delicious Italian food air. My mouth was watering, and my stomach growled so loudly that a couple we passed by stopped talking to stare rudely.

I crossed my arms absentmindedly, still shivering from my chilly trek. Out of the corner of Niall’s eye, he saw the host and me nearing and he stood up promptly, a bright grin held his face and I had this painful longing sensation in my stomach. But that was probably just the fact that I hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

“Lucy,” Niall greet me happily, “You look stunning.” I refrained from rolling my eyes in our present company. The host asked if we wanted anything to drink and Niall ordered some fancy (and probably the most expensive) wine on the menu. I took my seat and Niall plopped back down.

He was wearing a crisp, black suit with a green tie that didn’t exactly go easy on the eyes.

“I wasn’t sure you would show.” Niall said hopefully, his big blue eyes burned holes into my skull.

“I wasn’t sure if I was, too.” I replied honestly, taking a sip of the complementary ice water in a wine glass.

A neatly dressed waiter brought a steaming fresh batch of bread and butter and I dug in almost as soon as he placed it on the table.

“I’d forgotten how ordinary you were.” Niall commented, a smile clad on his Irish face as he watched me crudely stuff my face.

“Is that a fat joke?” I said through a mouthful of food. He snorted and shoved a piece of bread into his mouth, no daintier than I.

“Merely an observation, love.” He chomped. I wasn’t sure why, but I laughed. And it felt uplifting. “Most girls won’t eat in front of us.”

“You been on many date lately?” The feeling of cold, dead hate was back. Jealously was a bitch.

“Only the one’s management puts us up to for fundraisers and meet-and-greets.” Niall gave me a look like I should have known better.

I shrugged it off, “Good answer.”

He rolled his eyes, chuckling, “Yeah, I practiced with the lads on possible questions you would ask on our date tonight.”

“This isn’t a date.” I said quickly. He stared at me, raising a brow.

“Right then, a gathering of two people of different genders who used to date but are now simply dining together casually.”

“You don’t have to be from different genders to go on a date, or a non-date.” I said, “You’re a sexist pig, Horan.”

“I like it when you use my last name.” He winked, “It makes me feel like James Bond.”

A different waiter came to take our order and pour our wine.

“To new beginnings.” Niall raised his glass.

“To go fuck yourself.” I raised mine and he snorted again.

“Touché.” He nodded, taking a sip, watching me with those bright, playful eyes. As I gulped down my poison, I swore they were laughing at me, warning me that no matter how hard I resisted, they would win.

And the sickest part was I wanted them to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, it's been awhile...
Sorry about that. I figured since this contest ends today, I should start cranking out chapters. Expect more later. But, I generally say that and never update. Awkward.
We'll see what happens.
Feedback is lovely! (:
Hope you all had a good Christmas. I found Gossip Girl on Netflix and haven't really done much else but start a GG/1D fanfic: Scandal Squad. Check it out? It'd be swell if you did (: