Tell Me Everything Will Be Alright

The Sirens are Singing Their Song

** Kellin's POV **

“We are the shadows screaming take us now! We’d rather die than live to rust on the ground!”

The fans were screaming along with the both of us. I threw my mic on the stage and you could hear all the fan-girls squeal as I swept Vic over my shoulder and ran out to the backstage as he waved at the audience with a huge grin on his face. Another great show just ended and we both started laughing as I set him back on his feet. We hugged each other briefly and had to let go, even if I didn’t want to, because the others were coming our way for a little celebration, like every night.

Jaime brought a champagne bottle and we all cheered in solo cups as we didn’t have glasses with us. My eyes were locked on Vic as we cheered. He was grinning the smile that I simply could not resist. His hair, though damp from all the sweat he just pulled on stage minutes ago, were falling perfectly on his head, cupping his face to enhance every features of it. His perfect brown eyes crinkled as he laughed at Mike’s joke about his fall that night when he got back stage before we went on for King for a Day. His teeth uncovered that were usually hidden behind his lips. Those lips….the lips I had dreamed about so many times.

I tore my eyes away as I saw him look my way and brought them back to him as if I had just lay eyes on him and smiled brightly, at which he pulled his tongue. Ugh, if he knew my feelings when he does that. Everyone went their own way, leaving us alone again. All alone.

“You were great tonight Kells! Seriously, I’ve never heard the fans scream so loud.” he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, taking another sip of his cup. I could smell his intoxicating scent all around me and I tried to hide it when I breathed him in deeply. I wrapped my arm in response and looked at him, smiling. “Thanks Vic, but I didn’t do it all alone you know. You were fucking awesome as well, man.”

He laughed lightly and tapped my shoulder slightly. We looked away as we both took a sip and headed further in the backstage instead of the one leading to the tour busses. I shivered as a cold air brisk hit me and he looked at me, his head cocked slightly to the side, his brown eyes somewhat concerned, but chuckled. “Cold?” he asked and his tone of voice had me shiver once more under his arm. He took off his jacket and I pulled away. “Nah nah I’m fine Vic, keep your jacket on. I’ll be fine…” but by the time I was done speaking, his warm jacket was already wrapped around my shoulders.

“I’m steaming hot Kellin, don’t worry about me. Have it.” Oh, if you knew how fucking right you are Vic. Too bad you’re not into guys. Not that I am. Just you. I chuckled and looked at him, smiling lightly. “Thanks. Just remind me to give it back to you, eh? You know how bad of a memory I have”, I said pulling my tongue at him.

We eventually ended up in front of the back store where they kept all the props and shit. Our eyes locked and we both grinned, our minds connecting instantly. Vic pushed the door opened and we both shot inside like kids in a candy store. I picked up a very large green het and a white cape and popped in front of Vic, but he made me laugh before I could even say the punch line I had in mind. He was wearing super tight baby blue tights, red glasses and a blue shirt with “Want a piece?!” written on it. I almost fell to the ground laughing and he did the same. We ended laying side by side and our laughter ended slowly. I turned my head to look at me, but he already was turned facing me, with really weird eyes. I felt myself blush and I looked at the ceiling once again. I heard Vic stand sitting and looked up at him with big eyes. He pulled his knees to his chest and looked ahead, his chin on his knees.

I sat up with him and looked at him. “Hey, you okay Vic?” I had never seen him look so sad and it worried me a lot. He kept his eyes on the shelves ahead, but rested his head on my shoulder and sighed loudly. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder to try and comfort him, but he stiffened and shot up. I just stood there, confused and looked at him. “W-what did I do? What’s wrong? Vic…” He leaned against the shelves, looking at his feet, shaking his head and biting his lower lip. Stop doing that Vic, I just wanna bite it when you do.

I got up and walked to him, slowly though. “Vic, what’s wrong? Tell me, please?” I didn’t like him keeping stuff that bothered him from me, especially if it concerned me. “It’s…it’s nothing Kellin” he said with a very low and, somewhat, shy voice. I closed the remaining few feet between us and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tight. “Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong Vic?” I felt and heard him gulp and, I think I hallucinated that though, breathing me in. My heart was beating so fast from the closeness, I just hoped he didn’t notice it. We pulled away at the same time and, for some reason I could not fathom, I couldn’t hide my concern and feelings in this instant. I just felt it all pour through my eyes as I looked in his. “N-nothing” he mumbled, smiling faintly. I cupped his face with both my hands and sighed. What are you doing to me Vic? I shook my head lightly and looked down, taking my hands away from his face, but his hands were on mine faster than I thought they could move.

I brought my eyes back up to meet his perfect brown ones and saw a tear in the corner of his right one. I reached up with my free thumb and wiped it slowly. “Why are you crying? Please talk to me…” I almost begged him, feeling my lips form a light pout as I gazed at him. His eyes softened and locked on my lips and he mumbled very lightly, what I heard to be something like “Don’t do that God…”, shaking his head in a barely visible motion. He then took in a very deep breath and rested his forehead on mine as we were the same height, closing his eyes. That sent my heart into a suite of pirouettes and I gulped as I felt that my heart might just burst out of my throat it was beating so fast. He breathed out and smiled. “Nothing is wrong at all…” he whispered.

My eyes shot opened and I blinked a couple times. Wait….does he… does he mean? No, it can’t. It can’t be. My heart started beating even faster than it already was, if it was even possible. Vic then moved his head and I thought he was going to pull away, which had me pouting a bit. But simply placed his face in another angle and rested, not only his forehead against mine, but his nose touching my cold mine. I gasped lightly and he chuckled. “Your nose is so cold Kellin” and on that, he moved his hands to rest them on my cheeks and opened his eyes to stare in mine. His lips twitched in synchronisation with mine into a temporary smile before I looked down and locked my gaze on his lips.

He rubbed his nose on mine into a light eskimo kiss and my whole body shivered and was sent over the edge. I lost control of myself. I lightly shoved Vic in the shelves and pressed my lips to his. They were a thousand times hotter and better tasting than I ever could have imagined. His hands moved to the back of my head as our lips moved in unison. Mine trailed down his slender body, hungry to discover more and more as the kiss grew longer by the seconds. The kiss eventually broke as we both ran out of breath and were panting, looking in each other’s eyes, grinning like fools. But soon enough our lips met once again, and this time, a moan escaped the back his throat and I smirked in the kiss and pressed my hips to his, driving myself and him crazy as he grabbed my hands and switched position, now finding myself pinned against the shelves, my hands unable to move under his firm grip.

I moved my head and trailed kisses down to his neck. “Fuck Kellin if you knew how long I’ve dreamed and waited for this” he grunted, leaning his head back to uncover and bare his neck to me. I started biting gently at the skin there and I felt his shivers almost sent through my body. He moved a hand to free one of mine and grasped my chin, turning my head and locked our lips once again.

Our tongues now started playing cat and mouse with each other and my hands flew to wrap around his neck while his grabbed my hips and lifted me up, shoving me in the shelves as I wrapped my legs around his waist for support. I clutched at his shirt, pulling it up a little to bear some of his skin to my hands as he crept his hands under my shirt to explore all over mine.

But our little piece of heaven was soon to be broken by the sound of someone screaming our names, their voice echoing through the corridors. “KELLIN!? VICTOR?! GUYS WHERE ARE YOU?!?”
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Should I continue? Too long? Comments? ^__^