Tell Me Everything Will Be Alright


Omg hey everyone. I know it's been a month that I haven't updated and I'm so sorry about it. I've just been having this huge writer's block for this story and life got a bit crazy. But, I promise I'll get something up by the end of the week. I love you all and thank you for sticking around and reading. <3 <3

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Update : Jesus, I'm so sorry Guys. So here is the thing : I had started writing for the next chapter and my computer decided to reset, so i didn't have time to save what i already had. So, I'm stuck restarting it all over when I had something like 1500 words and it sucks. I'll try to get something up soon, but I don't know why. People who write will know how I'm feeling right now. Sorry for the wait, I really feel like shit for making you all wait /: