Tell Me Everything Will Be Alright

This Is A Wasteland, My Only Retreat

*** Vic's POV ***

“We’d rather die than live to rust on the ground!! SHIT!”

I raised my hands in the air to salute the frenzied crowd, knowing what would happen next. It still yet caught me by surprise when Kellin swung me over his shoulder and carried me to the side of the stage as I waved goodbye to the fans who you could now hear squealing and screaming “KELLIC!!”. I laughed with Kellin as he set me back to my feet. What an amazing show tonight! I thought to myself as Kells pulled me in his arms. I hugged him back, grinning to myself in the comfort of his arms, but it was very soon broken as the others came cheering.

Before I had even time to assimilate what was happening, lost in my own little world of fantasies, I had a glass of champagne in my hands and everyone cheered, so I just went with it, their happiness added to mine just made it stronger and I started laughing for no reason and talked a bit with Tony, but I soon looked over at Kellin and just stared for a second at his perfection. His black hair was twisting at the ends like waves of the ocean against the shore. And to add to the metaphor, his clear sea blue eyes were shinning bright. His smile was as dazzling as ever and it just mesmerized me every time I saw it. But he looked my way and broke my staring. He smiled wider at me and my heart melted. Act cool Vic, act cool. Don’t let it show… I pulled my tongue at him and he laughed. Oh God that laugh, it set me up so high, I felt like I just smoked a fucking blunt to myself. I felt a tap on my back and Jaime waved at me as did everyone else and I waved back. Except Kellin. We were alone. Me and Kellin.Oh GOD! Okay say something nice, but not too cheesy. And act cool. Always act cool.

“You were great tonight Kells! Seriously, I’ve never heard the fans scream so loud.” I exclaimed, wrapping an arm around his shoulder to test the territory and I just took a sip of my cup non challently. I then looked at him and, at the same time, I felt his arm wrapped around my shoulder like mine was around him. My heart leaped and I grinned at him as he smiled up at me and spoke with his angelic voice. “Thanks Vic, but I didn’t do it all alone you know. You were fucking awesome as well, man.” I chuckled and tapped his shoulder affectionately and looked ahead of me and brought the cup to my lips as I felt some sort of blush creep up on me. I started heading further backstage like I would every night if I was alone, not expecting Kellin to follow me, but he did.

We passed by an opened door and I felt Kellin shiver. Awe the poor baby! I looked at him and chuckled, not realizing my head was cocked to the side and I looked at him with a bit too much concern than I should. “Cold?” I asked and as a response he shivered once more. I took my arm from around him, took off my jacket in a flash and put it around his shoulders faster than he could say “Nah nah I’m fine Vic, keep your jacket on. I’ll be fine…”

I smiled at him and shook my head. “I’m steaming hot Kellin, don’t worry about me. Have it.” It was a Fuentes thing. I only carried that jacket around for the looks actually. I looked so much better on Kellin though. Everything did. He just made everything look so good. “Thanks. Just remind me to give it back to you, eh? You know how bad of a memory I have” he told me, pulling his tongue at me. I just wanted to lean in and… uhh yeah…

We stopped in front of the door that leads to the backstore and, being nosy as I am, I just couldn’t resist the urge to go in. I looked over at Kellin and we grinned at the same time, like we were on the same wavelength or something. I pushed the door opened and sprinted in, the door closing behind us automatically. My child in me had the mind to its own as I shot through the alleys and put on whatever I felt was laughable at and not guyish at all. I ended up in super tight baby blue tights, red glasses and a blue shirt with “Want a piece?!” written on it. I heard steps and a burst of laughter, turned around and saw Kellin, literally on the floor laughing his ass off, probably at my dressing up. But his was just as bad and I followed him to the ground, rolling around every time we would lay eyes on one another.

Eventually, we calmed down and just lay on the ground. I starred at Kellin as he looked at the ceiling. That boy was as perfect as it gets. And his smell was pure bliss; I could never get tired of him. He caught me in my drinking him in by turning his head to look at me. He looked away instantly and I felt so ashamed of being caught looking at him like that, I sat up straight, looking at the shelves ahead of us and let the fact that he would never want of me the way I want him drown me. He only saw me as a friend and nothing more. I could almost feel the tears start to form in the corner of my eyes when he spoke in a low voice as he sat up next to me. “Hey, you okay Vic?”

I sighed the sadness pouring through it and unconsciously rested my head on Kellin’s shoulder. I didn’t realize what I was doing until he wrapped an arm around me. I was caught unprepared for that and I stiffened and pushed him away, standing up and going to rest my back against the shelves. How could I ever have done that? I was only torturing myself by letting my feelings get me close to him and dream of senseless things. Never would I have the pleasure to feel his perfect lips against mine. His hair around my face as his arms would be wrapped around me, holding me tight.

He spoke and broke my thoughts, thankfully. “W-what did I do? What’s wrong? Vic…” I looked at my feet and shook my head, my habit of biting my lip kicking in in that moment, but I didn’t speak a word. I heard him get up and his footsteps coming closer, but slowly. My heart was racing as hopes built up in my head. “Vic, what’s wrong? Tell me, please?” and I could almost hear pleading in his voice. It did something to me that I did not expect. “It’s…it’s nothing Kellin” I said in a low voice.

Before I could look up at him and try my most convincing smile, his arms were around me and he was whispering in my ear softly. “Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong Vic?” Of course he could not have been doing it on purpose since I made it very hard for him to guess I have feelings for him, but having him with his arms around me without warning shocked me and I instinctively gasped. But then I took the opportunity that was rarely presented to me on such a beautiful silver platter and slowly breathed him in. This moment was perfect. But I had to stop. I pulled away at the same he did and looked in his eyes. I saw there the purest sea of concern and maybe even a dash of love, but most probably bro-love. Right? I smiled very faintly and mumbled under my breath “N-nothing” and I know it sounded very shy.

I felt his warm hands set on my cheeks, cupping it gently and my skin flushed deep red. What was happening right now? Was Kellin fucking Quinn somehow admitting me non-verbally that he had feelings for me? It couldn’t only be concern that had him act this way right now. My eyes locked with him, I saw him shake his head and look down, his grasp on my cheeks loosening and, without thinking, just acting, my hands flew over his, trapping them there.

My overflowing emotions came out as a tear formed in the corner of my right eye. I was just so happy right now, even if I wasn’t a 100% sure of what was happening. I saw his eyes lock with mine once again and felt his thumb wipe away the tear in the corner of my eye. “Why are you crying? Please talk to me…” he begged me this time and I could hear it clearly. I melted inside and looked down at his lips without restrain this time. I wanted them so bad right now, feel their obvious softness on my lips. I took a deep breath and moved my head, at first to go and meet my lips with his, but I restrained myself and simply rested my forehead to his and closed my eyes. I slowly breathed out in happiness and smiled to myself, whispering “Nothing is wrong at all…”

Moving under Kellin’s hands, I moved my head once more and closer, our nose now touching and I chuckled at the coldness of his little nose against mine. “Your nose is so cold Kellin” I said, letting myself act like I wanted, since he didn’t seem to pull back at the closeness and moved my hands to copy his and rested them on his cheeks. My eyes opened and locked with his, our lips twitching in a faint smile until he brought his eyes to my lips. I blinked and rubbed my nose on his gently in a light eskimo kiss since it was still cold against mine. I felt Kellin shiver and I swore I could have died as he pushed me and pressed his lips against mine. I gasped at the soft contact of our lips and my hands flew up to play in Kellin’s hair. I could not believe my Mexican fucking mind that it was actually happening until his hands started running all over my body, like hungry to see and feel more.

I felt my breath escape me and I pulled away reluctantly with him and looked at him, panting and grinning the same way he was. Our lips collided once again and that’s when it all hit in. Kellin goddamnedfucking Quinn was kissing me. He kissed me first, meaning he wanted me. He had something for me. That somehow turned me on so much I moaned and Kellin pressed his hips against mine moving like a tease and driving me so crazy. Something I didn’t know I had in me took over and I grabbed Kellin’s hands and pushed him against the shelves, pinning his hands to them.

I thought I had control, but he found a way to escape my lips and started kissing my neck, which sent my head spinning and my eyes to the back of my head. I spoke, or actually grunted as I bare my neck to his lips. “Fuck Kellin if you knew how long I’ve dreamed and waited for this” and he started biting at my skin, which was my weakest point. I shivered and couldn’t take our lips being apart anymore. My hand flew to his chin, turning his head so I could once more smash my lips to his, now adding our tongues to the game.

His hands wrapped around my neck and, as I was going slightly crazy in the not so common situation, mine went to set on his hips, gripping at them hard and lifting him up. I shoved him lightly in the shelves to keep him from sliding and he wrapped his legs around my waist for more support. His hands started pulling at my shirt while I slowly started sliding my hands hungrily under his shirt and moving up to his chest to discover more and more to him.

Like a needle to a balloon, someone shouted in the corridor, looking for me and Kellin. “KELLIN!? VICTOR?! GUYS WHERE ARE YOU?!?” We growled in synchronization as our lips left the comfort of the other’s and locked gaze. I turned my head, recognizing finally Mike’s voice, but never broke mine and Kells’ stare. “We’re in here, the backroom. Coming!”

Kellin leaned in and kissed my lips and we smiled as I set him back to his feet. In that instant, we laughed as we realised we were still dressed the same as before. I went back to my tank top and black skinnies, throwing my props in a corner, not really caring where. I saw Kellin head for the door and I instantly reached for his hand, pulling him in a tight hug. I looked in his eyes, in which he was looking too and kissed his nose gently. He moved and kissed my cheek, to which I blushed and let him go and walked out with him behind me. I guess we were both out of words to say anything at all

We walked to where the voice was coming from and I bro-hugged Mike, followed by Kellin and I looked at him, but he spoke first. “I’ll go back to the bus, the guys must wonder where the hell I’ve gone off to.” and chuckled. I nodded and hugged him tight, yet fast and started walking with Mike. I looked in back of me and I saw Kellin turn around as well, but with his full body instead of just his head. He made a heart with his fingers, followed by the motioning of texting.

I got in the bus five minutes after Mike went in, waiting for the text Kellin was supposed to send and no one seemed to notice the unusual plumpness of my lips. I headed straight for my bunk, kicking off my skinnies and laying down with my phone under my pillow. I set my head on it and almost instantly felt it vibrate. I pulled the curtains of my bunk and looked at my new text. Kellin.

Kellin : Vic, we need to talk… like really… think you can sneak out by, lets say, 2;30am and meet me by the lake?
Vic : Yeah sure. What’s up?
Kellin : You’ll see. See you later (: ♥ ♥

And so I left the bus at 2:20, heading for the little lake not so far from where the buses where parked. Against the moon’s low glow, I saw a slender figure looking at the lake with its back to me, his hair flowing perfectly with the wind and his hands stuffed in his pockets. Kellin in all his beauty.
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Sorry for the wait, but here it is people <3 Tell me what you think and thanks for the subs and comms C: