Tell Me Everything Will Be Alright

Come A Little Bit Closer

*** Kellin’s POV ***

The sun shone bright on Vic and I’s naked bodies as I now stood under him and he on top. Now, I had had sex in the past, obviously. But this, this was something else. I had never felt something like that before. The experience was something else totally. Unknown and, quite frankly, thrilling. And the way it felt… I looked in Vic’s eyes from time to time when he would give me a chance to come back to some form of sanity. And every time, I could simply not believe who was staring back at me. I reached up, a hand behind Vic’s head and pulled him down to kiss me once again, to which he picked up his pace. I broke the kiss and threw my head back, biting my lip to keep from yelping in pleasure. “V-Vic fuck!”

Vic started thrusting harder, but a second later, he repositioned himself and slid his hand from my sides to grab my length in his hand and started stroking up and down. It wasn’t long until I reached the same level he was at. We looked in each other’s eyes and he leaned down, kissing me as we came to a synchronized climax, moaning in one another’s mouth which muffled it greatly. After a couple of last thrusts, Vic simply stood motionlessly on top of me, kissing me as we both smiled contently.

I could have stayed this way forever, but there were risks. He looked at me and pulled out, to which I pouted, surprising even myself. I felt…empty. Like it had felt the right thing to stay this way with Vic inside me. I sat up and looked at him get dressed for a second before doing so myself after pulling a couple tissues out of my jeans’ back pockets and handing Vic some as well. He then sat down in front of me, waiting for me to get dressed.

My eyes widened as my mind had just finished truly assimilating the information of what had just happened and I blushed, looking down. Vic looked at me with his head tilted to the side. “What’s that face for?” he asked me in his sexy Mexican voice, which made me blush even more. I looked down at him as I put my shirt back on. “Well we just… in the forest…” I was out of words to describe what I felt inside.

It’s when I sat down though. As I hit the ground, momentarily forgetting what I should never have, I winced and lifted myself up to reposition myself to sit on my legs, which was much more comfortable. “Yeah” was the only word coming out of Vic’s mouth as he looked at the grass, fiddling with his hands. I set one of mine on his and he looked up at me as I smiled.

“You think I regret what just happened Victor? If you do, then you are so wrong.” I saw a smile form on his lips and I continued. “This was the best moment I’ve spent in so long and will surely never in the world regret or forget it, do you understand?” He chewed on his lip for a moment, his eyes locked in mine and then leaned in for a kiss. It somehow held so much feeling to it; it was the most passionate one he had given me yet. I set my hand from his hands to his cheek and pulled him closer a bit. This could not get any better. I was here, in a beautiful forest, with Victor Fuentes, kissing him. And we had just made love. I really did not see how it could get any better.

“I love you Kellin. I have for so long, but I was so afraid to let you know.” he said as he broke the kiss and sat on his legs like I was. Our lips were an inch apart. Correction, now it was. I smiled at him and kissed his nose, blushing once again. How could he be so adorable and have that much effect on me. I leaned in so our nose touched and spoke in response, my eyes locked on his lips.

“Victor, I love you too. I know I’m with Katelynne and I shouldn’t, but I know I do. It just feels so right when I’m with you.” I lifted my eyes from his lips to look in his eyes and saw a tear forming at the corner of his left one. I reached and wiped the tear away. I then kissed him and he started crying. “What’s wrong?” I asked too early before looking at him and realizing he was smiling in the tears.

“Kells, I just can’t believe you actually just said that. I mean c’mon, you’re Kellin Fucking Quinn. The guy every teenage girls dream about at night and probably masturbate too. How would you ever pick me?” he rambled, not even looking at me, but at a torn in his jeans. I slipped a finger under his chin and lifted his head up to lock our eyes.

“Because you’re Victor Fucking Fuentes. The sweet, adorable Pierce the Veil singer thousands of girls would dream to kiss and call theirs. How could I ever not pick you?” I said with a smile. “And the guy I just gave the remaining of my virginity to.” And with that, his lips crushed hard on mine, his hands, both, flying to each of my cheeks to cup my face. I moaned a bit in the kiss and put my hands on his hips, scooting him closer. “I love you Vic.”

* * * * *

*** Vic’s POV ***

Kellin and I eventually had to leave our little piece of heaven since we were leaving Albany at 1:30 to go to New York. Tonight was a big show and we couldn’t afford being late. The big apple was waiting for us. I was stoked to be back in New York. We got lucky and had to traffic at all on the way there so we arrived at 4:02 at the venue. I looked out the window to see a shit ton of fans already in line. It was the thing I loved the most. Seeing our dedicated fans. It warmed up my heart and put a smile on my face.

We did the usual warming up and sound checks and then went back stage. I sat on a couch and pulled out my phone, going on Twitter and other social thingys until I got an unexpected text. Kellin I opened it and smiled to myself at the sweet little words.

From Kellin : Vic, meet me in the room at the end of your corridor. I have to see you. xoxo
To Kellin : I’ll be there in a minute <3

I put my phone away and looked at the guys. Jaime and Mike were on their phone. Tony was practicing a bit and fucking around with his guitar. I got up and simply told them I’d be back soon, to which they nodded, not looking up. I headed toward the room, passing Jesse on the way there. He smiled at me and I nodded, not stopping either of us. I looked around to make sure no one was there when I knocked on the door. I had time to knock only twice before a hand grabbed my shirt and yanked me in the room. It was dark and I couldn’t see anything at all.

Lips soon met mine and I moved mine with them, pushing the form holding me against the wall, grinding our hips together. I heard Kellin’s distinct moans and smiled against his lips. I took his hands in mine and pinned his hands over his head, kissing down to his neck, being careful not to leave marks. “Ah fuck Vic. Jesus Christ” he said, grinding his hips forward to mine and I had to restrain myself not to bite his neck right there. I went back to his lips and let go of his hands which were soon all over me as I put mine over his hips.

We eventually pulled away and my eyes had had time to adjust to the darkness and I could now see Kellin’s face inches away from mine, smiling. “You know we shouldn’t be doing this uh?” I asked, out of breath and he laughed lightly. I loved that laugh. It was so sincere and beautiful. “ I mean what if someone walks in on us like this. Good bye secret Kellin.” He pulled me closer and kissed my chin.

“I know, but I just can’t take us being apart.” His voice sounded sad and a bit tortured. “And having to not look at you the way I want to when we’re with anyone else. It kills me Vicky.” Vicky? Oh God that’s adorable.

I smiled lightly and tilted my head slightly as his kissed trailed to my neck. “It kills me too Kellin, but we have to…” I gasped as he licked from my neck to the back of my ear, pushing my hips to his. “K-K-Kells s-s-stop. Or I’ll just…”

“Or you’ll what?” he said in the sexiest voice I ever heard him use. It sent shudders down my spine and I soon felt his hand slide down the front of my body and grab a hold of my crotch. I growled and pushed my hands down, immediately and swifter than ever unbuttoned his pants. I felt him smile against my skin. I pushed his pants and boxers down and took him in my hand, pumping slow to tease him. He gasped himself now and threw his head against the wall.

“I’m warning you now Quinn, you don’t want to fuck around with me. I’ll make you pay tonight, believe me.” I played all for all and started kissing down his body, running my hands down over my head at the same time. I heard him mumble something and his head hit the wall once again. When I reached down to his dick, I only slid my tongue from base to top and got back up, kissing his lips once. “That’s for wanting to be a tease.” I winked at him and pulled his pants back on. I heard him whine and knew he was royally turned on. Now let’s see how tonight turns out

“Oh c’mon Vic. Really? You’re really going to be that mean to me?” He pouted at me, batting his eye lashes. Oh fuck was he adorable when he did that. But I had to resist and I simply nodded at him, smiling. “You think I’ll be the one paying tonight?” I nodded once more and pulled away while he laughed silently. “I don’t think so, but we’ll see.”

He pulled away from the wall and took me in his arms, sighing as I did, wrapping my arms around him. I just felt so right in his arms. We didn’t even need to try, we just were. “I love you so much. And, I have an idea for tonight to drive the fans nuts.” I felt him move and he looked up at me with interested eyes. “But I’m not telling you, I want it to be a surprise to you too.” I pecked his lips. “We should go, though. I’ll go out first, and knock when you can come out.” And I left the room to try to cut it there and not have us make out once more like I felt we would.

There was no one in the hall and I knocked for Kellin to come out with me. We walked to his dressing room together. We kissed very briefly after checking the way was clear and he went in following a check-up of hints of what just happened on one another. I walked to my room and just hung in there until it was time to go on stage, my plan ready to be put into action. I couldn’t wait for everyone’s reaction.
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I'm sorry it takes so long for me to update. But I know where I'm going with this, so it'll be easier to update. Love you all <3