Remember Me

Remember Me

Mikey's P.O.V.

I never thought this day would come.
I remember talking to him about it.
He said we needed to plan what would happen if one of us were to die but I told him there was years before we would need to worry about that.
Even when he disappeared I refused to think the worst so it came as such a shock when the police came to our home to tell me he was dead.

I don't want to remember it, shaking as I remember collapsing to the floor crying hysterically.
Remember begging, demanding to see him one last time but they refused, said his body was so messed up that no one could see it.
But there he is, less than a meter away, in a box.
I can't stop myself from reaching out and touching it, trying to remember all the good times.
That's what funerals are for.
That's what Frank would have wanted

I remember the first time we met; it was at the library, we were both looking for the same book.
When we turned to look at each other there was an instant connection but we were both too shy to do anything about it.
It seemed like from then on we were always at the same place until eventually he built up the courage to talk to me.

I remember our first date.
He took me to a festival where we danced for hours and sang along to all the songs.
Then, whilst he was walking me home he pulled me close and kissed me.
It was the best day of my life and the start of everything.
Everything that is now gone.

The tears are flowing down my face now, soaking my shirt.
I watch the coffin vanish under shovels of soil, unable to bare the thought of never seeing his face again. I'm not sure I can carry on without him.

I try to remember again, going back to a party Frank's friends Ray had.
I was not having any fun at all so Frank offered to take me home even though I knew he wanted to stay.
When I asked him why he had left with me I remember him taking my hand in his and saying "Because I love you."
That was the first time he told me he loved me.

"I do love you..."

I snap back to the present, I'm sure I just heard...

"I love you..." Frank's voice comes rising out from the earth.
I know it's all in my head but as I kneel down at the side of the grave I don't care.
I don't want it to stop.
I can't stop myself from sobbing his name as I run my hand across the soil

"Oh Frank. Frankie. I love you."

And echoing out of the grave once more to say goodbye for the last time his voice comes.

"I love you Mikey."
♠ ♠ ♠
Starting to realise that all my stories are a bit morbid, haha. Well this is just a little one-shot that I wrote in my free time especially for you lovely people <3
~DemolitionAngels xx