
One of One

Emmah let out a long sigh as she looked at the torrential downpour outside. She had a good ten blocks back to her hotel and there way in Hell she was walking in this weather. She ran one of her hands through her dark hair before running into the rain, quickly trying to hail a cab before she got too soaked. It took a good four minutes before one finally stopped in front of the restaurant she’d gotten dinner at. She quickly ran over and jumped in only to bump into someone. She looked over to see the back of a man’s head as he shut his door. He turned; having felt his shoulder hit something, and was surprised to see a stunning young woman beside him.

Emmah’s heart almost stopped. He had the same eyes, shaved head, nose, plump lips, even the same birthmark. She realized the handsome young man was Liam Payne. She wanted to fan girl out and squeal, but she kept her cool, smiling calmly at him when her insides were exploding into a fireworks show. He smiled at her and she all but melted. “I’m sorry, I can take another one.” He offered.

“Oh it’s fine, we can share.” She insisted, not believing this could possibly be real.

“Are you sure?” God his accent was even more perfect in real life. She had to make a mental note not to swoon as she smiled back at him.

“Yeah, besides, I don’t want to send you back out into the rain.” He chuckled.

“Thanks for that.” He bit his lip before extending his hand. “I’m Liam.”

“Emmah.” She said, shaking his hand. The cab driver coughing loudly broke off their intense staring contest.

“Where are you two going?” He asked.

“Well I’m going to my flat.” Liam said before turning to Emmah. “And you?” She quickly named her hotel and the cab driver said Liam’s flat was closer, so they’d head there first. As the car started moving both buckled up before smiling again.

Liam couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Her brown eyes were positively hypnotic and he found it hard to see anything else. He felt the same butterflies he’d gotten when he’d first met Danielle and swallowed nervously.

“So.” He said, going to run his hand through his hair before remembering that it was gone. He settled for scratching the back of his head. “Where are you from? You don’t sound British.”

“I’m an American.” She said, unable to break away from his eyes. “I’m just visiting for Christmas.”

“I bet you were expecting snow.” He chuckled. “Welcome to Christmas in London.” She laughed along with him before lapsing back into a comfortable silence. The only sounds the windshield wipers squeaking, the pounding rain outside, and the cab drivers quiet radio.

“So, you’re Liam Payne, from One Direction aren’t you?” Emmah asked, unable to restrain her curiosity any longer. He smiled.

“Yeah.” He answered. “That’s me.” He looked over at her and couldn’t help but smile. “Are you a fan of mine?” She shrugged, trying to stay cool.

“You could say that.” She said, tucking a piece of her damp hair behind her ear. Liam swallowed nervously.

“Listen, um, I have to go to this benefit dinner thing tonight and I don’t have a date. I don’t suppose you have plans?” She blushed.

“No.” She said a little too quickly. Liam simply smiled again.

“Well, would you like to be my date?” She smiled, regaining her cool.

“I’d like that.”

“Excellent.” He cooed. He turned to the cab driver again, giving him new directions. Emmah furrowed her eyebrows together.

“Where are we going?”

“Well you see, it’s black tie, so a dress is in order.” He said, smiling at her again.

“Liam, you don’t have to-”

“No, but I want to.” He said simply. She blushed again, looking at the ground. As they headed towards the new location they got to talking, telling each other everything about themselves. There was a certain something in the cab and both of them noticed it. It was like a sort of electricity as they finally pulled up to the mall.

Liam led her into an expensive looking store that Emmah normally wouldn’t go in except maybe for a prom dress or something. She picked out several, stunning dresses and headed towards the dressing room. As she was trying them on Liam quickly pulled out his phone.

“What is it mate?” Niall asked, answering on the second ring.

“You’ll never believe what just happened to me.” He gushed. “I met the most amazing girl, she’s an American and…” He stopped, not knowing how to describe the floating feeling in his stomach to the blonde Irishman. “I can’t even describe it Niall, it’s magical.”

“Right, have you been drinking?”

“No.” He said.

“Because you know how you get when you drink.”

“I haven’t been drinking.” He insisted. Niall was quiet for a moment before he spoke.

“I thought you said no girls for a while? I mean Christ, Danielle broke your heart.” Liam sighed, Niall just didn’t understand, that was all. He’d never felt like this with anything except food.

“I’m bringing her tonight.” Liam said, licking his lips while waiting for his friend’s response. Niall sighed.


“You’ll see when you see her.” Liam promised.

Niall just sat on his bed, not believing what he was hearing. Liam had been destroyed a few weeks ago, sworn off women for at least two months except for rebound shags, and here he was saying someone was magical? Niall bit his lip. If this girl could make Liam forget his current detest for women, then she was alright in his book. A small smile formed on the handsome Irish boy’s face.

“Hey Liam?”


“I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Liam?” He heard Emmah’s voice and quickly hung up and looked over. His jaw almost hit the floor as he saw her in a black mermaid dress with a sweetheart neckline and rhinestone details. It hugged her curves perfectly and Liam couldn’t stop staring.

She blushed, looking at the ground again as he gawked at her. He saw this and walked over, tilting her head up gently. “Hey, there’s no need to blush, you’re beautiful.” This only caused her to blush more before he gave her a small kiss on the cheek.


“Yeah?” She smiled, giving him a large hug.

“I’m glad we shared that cab.” He smiled, hugging her back.

“Me too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
DOH c:
This is for the amazing and wonderful Emmah
I hope you liked it