Status: active

My Life in Fragments

This is heavily influenced by the TV series “My So-Called Life,” so any lines (or other similarities) that you notice were ripped directly from the show.

But this fic doesn’t strictly follow the storyline of MSCL, there are several things that I've altered and reworked. There’s no need to see the show to read this fic but if you haven’t, you should watch it anyway because it’s freaking brilliant. But if you have seen the show, I think you'll enjoy this fic as I tried my best to write it in a similar vein.

WARNINGS: Angsty teenage melodrama, detailed description of a piercing procedure (so if you don’t like needles, you should skip that bit), sex sex sex, underage smoking/drinking/drugs, whining crying moping, overdramatics, lots of swearing, bisexuality, pining, parental neglect, spousal cheating and mentions of alcoholism. (These might change as the story progresses).

PAIRINGS: Frank/Gerard, Frank/OMC, a tiny bit of Frank/OFC, Lindsey/Gerard and some others.

Disclaimer: My-So Called Life belongs to Winnie Holzman and other affiliates. My Chemical Romance and its members belong to themselves. This is all fake fake fake.