All I need for Christmas is you

1 week until Christmas

Time passed by slowly, especially for Gerard. After his stunt with One Direction, calls rolled in and My Chemical Romance got more attention than ever. It was like Billie Joe Armstrong's stunt.

The thought made Gerard laugh as he sat in his large home, a cigarette and diet coke in hand.

"I believe Gerard Way's promise still stands. Help get his song to number one, I know I sure want to see him perform naked." The woman on the television laughed. He was watching E!, one of his least favorite networks but they were promoting his band, so what could he do?

His phone rang, and he answered it. "Hey man, it's Frank."

"Of course it is. I have caller ID, babe." He chuckled and looked at his fingernails, recently painted black.

"Right...well there's a party tonight, early Christmas thing for the recording studio. You wanna go?"

Gerard thought about it then shrugged. "Why the fuck not?"

"Be ready by five." Gerard looked at the time, it was 4:05.

"Right. Will do. See you then." Frank let out a laughed.

"See you then, Gee." He hung up then so did Gerard.

Getting up, he walked to his large closet and looked for something to wear. He settled on a white, short-sleeved dress shirt, black skinny jeans, a black vest and a black tie. He was beginning to get back to his old self, the black-haired tie-wearing Gerard.

He got dressed then fixed his hair, which of course was dyed black once again.

It finally came to 5 o'clock and he heard a honk outside. Quickly, he put on a pair of black converse then ran outside.

"Thank god. I was hoping you wouldn't have me waiting a God damn hour." Frank smirked as Gerard got in.

"Oh calm down. I need a good party, like old times."

"You've been to all sorts of parties lately. It's going to be even more so once our song hits number one." His bright tone was layered over a tone of something else he couldn't quite distinguish. Deciding to let it be, he nodded.

"I know. It feels good to be back."

"We never went anywhere." Frank looked over at Gerard and laughed as he drove to the studio. Gerard shook his head and laughed, waiting for them to pull up.

Thankfully, in L.A. it was warm. The band was in town since they were recording the last bits of their new album. "Here we are." Frank announced as they pulled into the familiar parking lot.

"Right. Looks like a blast." He recognized Mikey's car, Ray's, and their drummer's whose name he hadn't bothered to remember, seeing as he'd probably be kicked out or quit soon anyway.

They walked inside, and the party was already started. The guys welcomed him with a hug and he hugged back before heading toward the refreshments.

Frank followed, shaking his head. "This music blows." He grabbed a beer, looking at Gerard who was grabbing a coke.

"Hell yeah, it does." He sighed and lit a cigarette. "I digress."

"As do I. Alcohol." Frank smirked and held up his beer.

"I'll be having this tonight, sir." Gerard held up his coke and chuckled.

The night went on as most parties do, Gerard danced with various guys and girls, but by the end of the night Frank was drunk and was all over him.

Not that Gerard minded. They danced together, then Frank pulled Gerard outside.

"What are you doing, Frank?" Gerard laughed, looking at him.

"I wanna tell you somethin', Gee." He smirked, clearly wasted out of his mind.

"You're drunk." Gerard laughed again.

"Pft. No shit sherlock. But this, this is important. I wanted to tell you...."

Gerard raised his eyebrow.

"That I love you." He then leaned in and kissed Gerard, hard. Confused, but enjoying it, he kissed back.

Unable to hold back, gerard dropped his can of coke, getting it everywhere, and pulled Frank closer. Their tongues began to move together.

"Hey guys we were wonder-..." Mikey walked out, stopping in his tracks when he saw what was going on. "I don't know what's weirder...that it's happening or that I'm surprised." He crossed his arms.

Gerard pulled away and Frank laughed before puking all over the ground, narrowly missing Gerard's shoes.

"How romantic." Commented Mikey.

"Come on, Frank. Let me take you home." He led Frankie to his car, as Frank wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"at least it wasn't your shoes." Frankie giggled as Gerard lay him in the passenger seat.

"Right." He pulled out of the parking lot then drove to his house. "Just don't puke in this car. It's your fucking ride, not mine."

Frank didn't reply. Gerard looked over and realized he fell asleep. Shaking his head, he pulled into his driveway and got out. He went around and picked Frank up, he didn't weigh much and was quite small, and with some difficulty he set his friend on the couch.

"Goodnight, Frank." Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to the boy's forehead then walked upstairs to his own room and lay on the bed, falling asleep without even changing his clothes.