All I need for Christmas is you

Christmas Eve

Gerard looked in the mirror. He had on his usual eyeliner, and was wearing a pair of tight black pants, converse, and a Rocky Horror Picture Show t-shirt.

He looked like he had, all those years ago when his band started. It was like it was yesterday, they were just a bunch of Jersey boys with a dream. Who knew this would be where it would end up? Though that was long ago, he still remembered the boy with bleached hair who was a faithful fan.

Frank Iero.

He followed My Chemical Romance to every gig, played their CD, even though he was in another band. The thought brought a smile to gerard's face.

Lately, he'd forgotten all about what the band was, and what it meant. Saving lives...that's why they were there.

My Chemical Romance sure as hell saved Gerard's life. And now, it was all going to his head. Quickly, he snapped out of his daze when his brother knocked on the door.

It was Christmas Eve, and it was the moment of truth. He had a bunch of friends and who-knows-what else gathered in his living room, having a party.

"Come out and enjoy the party. We get to find out if we made number one soon, Gee." He smiled and walked back out. Gerard smiled to himself and walked out.

"The party can start now!" He threw his arms in the air and was greeted with cheers and hugs all over. Grabbing a beer, (he could indulge every now and then) he stood up on the table and called for everyone to quiet down.

"No matter what happens, I just want it to be clear that we are still the baddest, fiercest, most insane band that has ever lived." Everyone cheered to that, and he chugged his beer.

About ten minutes later, the phone rang. Everyone got quiet as Gerard answered the phone.

"hello? Oh yes...." It was the record label. As he talked on the phone, he looked out into the sea of people to see a familiar face. Frank. He was alone, even though he was in the crowd Gerard could tell. His friend was holding a beer, and he was just watching Gerard.

"We made number one!? FUCK YEAH!"

"What are you going to do now, Gerard?" The other end asked. He smirked and looked around.

"I assume I am going to be invited to a party at Justin Bieber's, and I am going to drink myself silly. See you tomorrow, I'll get my birthday suit ready." The crowd cheered and he hung up. When he looked for Frank, he friend was gone. Confused, but not exactly brought down from the adrenaline rush, he answered the phone again.

"Why, it's Bieber himself. Of course I will come to a party!" He laughed and jumped off the table. "I need to get my finest suits ready." With a grin, he walked into his bedroom and changed into a white dress shirt, black pants, a black tie and a black vest.

"Looking good." Mikey said, leaning against the doorway. Gerard looked at his brother's reflection and raised an eyebrow.


"Justin Bieber worthy...." He said then left. Gerard stood there for a moment, confused.

He'd truly become what he said he wouldn't be. A diva. And not in a charming way, in a shit way.

"Fuck..." The dark haired italian boy he'd come to love appeared in his mind. He'd hurt him, that's what that look was. Hurt. ANger. Pain.

"I have to make this right." He ran out the door, past the crowd, and got into his car. turning it on, he quickly pulling out of the driveway and sped toward Frank's house.

Once he got there, he parked and got out. Knowing where the spare key was, he let himself inside. The TV was on, and a familiar song was playing. It was The World Is Ugly.

Gerard walked in the direction of the music and leaned against the doorway of Frank's entertainment room. Just like he'd hoped, his friend was sitting there completely unaware of Gee's presence.

Frank jumped and looked up. "You scared the shit out of me....Aren't you supposed to be at Justin Bieber's?" He rolled his eyes.

"I've been shitty to you. To all of you guys. I let it go to my head...."

"No shit." His friend crossed his arms and looked away.

"Shut up and listen."


"This time of're supposed to be with the ones" Gerard started, unsure of what he was going to say. " I was getting ready....I realize what was missing. You." He sighed. "I guess...what I mean is....the love of my life, is you, Frank. It's always...been you."

Frank's face was blank. Gerard was scared, until Frank slowly started to grin. "You fucking asshole!" He got up and punched Gerard in the arm. "It took you this fucking long to tell me?"

Laughing, Gerard grabbed Frank around the waist and kissed him deeply.

Frank kissed back, then pulled away after a few moments. "Mother fucker..."

"Forgive me?" Gerard pouted.

Rolling his eyes playfully, Frank nodded. "It is Christmas, after all."

The two just held each other, and no words were spoken. After all those years of pent of feelings, enough was said.

"I wrote that song for you...." Gerard mumbled, after a few minutes. "The World is Ugly."

"I know....why do you think I saved it for so long?"

"You truly are beautiful to me..." He kissed the boy's forehead.

"I was always thinking of you." Frank sighed and rested his head on Gee's chest.

"We got it right, babe. We got it right." They smiled and kissed.

Turns out, all they really needed was each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this is the end. It was a short story, but I really wanted this to be the ending. I hope you like it, if not I'm sorry. I have another story planned, that's a bit of a twist. One hint: Phantom of the Opera.
