Status: updating slowly!

The Dancer

how can i make history with your choreography?
take your hands off me, take your hands off me

Dakota Fleming and her sister Gemma are two of the best con-artists of their time. They pick their prey from the numerous admirers they have at the club they work at. They make hundreds each night, and not a single male, sometimes female, has a clue. She and her sister and mother live the life only some people dream about living: nice cars, nice clothes, nice everything. Unfortunately, Dakota hates it all. All of it. Every single piece of her life... except dancing. She teaches a class on weeknights to teenagers and children who want to learn hip-hop. She wants to make a career out of it, but her mother and sister keep pulling her back. When an offer comes along to dance for a band, Gemma pushes Dakota to take it. They never saw him coming.

The first time Brian Haner, Jr. sees Dakota, his mind can think of nothing else. She rebuffs him every chance she can, yet he still can't get her off his mind. He just wants one taste and he'll be satisfied, right? Wrong. When he finally gets a taste of the wild, dancing vixen, he will stop at nothing to make her his.

As problems arise for Dakota, her loyalties are tested in a way she wasn't prepared for. Now, she must choose between her family and the man who's quickly turning all of her misconceptions about men upside down.

[ the girl | the guy | the sister ]

I wanna dance without you
for once just let me lose myself;;

disclaimer: i do not own Avenged Sevenfold or anyone famous/any song in this story. All of the OC's and plot belong to me. Banner was made by Norman Reedus who is so freaking talented.

©sup.jessay 2012