Status: Active!!

Releasing the Demons

One Life Saved and Another Tragically Ended

"Come Jake. You stay here with Eve Ruby." I said grabbing my weapons after I had strapped the pack onto Jake's back. I left our hotel room and went over to Matt's and entered without knocking. All the guys were gathering up their weapons and making sure they had enough ammunition. Matt was over with Brian and I looked like they were in a heated discussion.

"Brian you need to be here with your daughter. She's scared out of her mind and I know she doesn't want you leaving." Matt said strapping his high powered rifle over his shoulder.

"I'm not leaving you guys short handed."

"They won't be short handed. I'll be there to get everything we need and the medicine for your daughter. Eve told me what to look out for in the truck and I'll have Jake here to watch our backs." I said butting into the conversation. Brian had a look of defeat and knowing what the right thing was to do on his face.

"You both are right."

"Go on Brian. Eve is in there with her right now making sure she's alright for now and as soon as we get back I'll hurry up here and give her the meds." I said and he nodded and said his goodbyes to his friends and me before leaving Matt's room.

"Alright guys, we don't have time to screw around so let's get out of here." I said walking out the door with my weapons in hand and Jake by my side. The guys met me in the elevator and we went down to the lobby and straight out of the building. I pulled open the passenger side and Jake jumped into the back as Zacky was riding with me apparently.

Matt led the convoy of cars out of the city and out into the desert. My mind was completely set on getting the drugs needed for Brian's poor daughter and then high tailing it out of there as fast as we could. With the speeds we were going, we made it to the big rig in half the time. I cut the engine of the jeep and we piled out. I immediately went to the truck and hopped into the back. I pushed box after box towards the end so the guys could load them up as I looked for what Eve told me about the penicillin. I found a box marked medical supplies and I ripped the tape off finding several small boxes of penicillin and needles.

"I found the medicine guys!" I yelled from inside the truck. I picked up the box and took it to Zacky and he placed into my jeep. I was about to go back into the truck to retrieve more medical boxes when a loud cry filled my ears. I looked over and seen on of those dead fuckers crawling on the ground had taken a huge bite out of Jake's leg. I boiled with anger and spun my shotgun around from my back and shot the fucker right in the head. I went over and bend down next to Jake as he whimpered and whined.

"It's alright boy...I'll fix you up once we get back home." I said as I could feel overwhelming sadness start rising up in my chest. I picked him up and took him over to the four wheeler that wasn't too far away from the truck and placed him on the back seat. I went over to my jeep and grabbed some straps and I made sure to strap Jake down so he wouldn't fall off.

"Leave him Layla...He's been bitten by one of them."

"I'm not leaving him Matt." I said glaring daggers into his soul for even saying that to me. He raised his pistol and I stood in front of Jake's heavily breathing body.

"Get out of the way! He needs to be put down."

"Fuck you! If anyone puts him down it's going to be me. Zacky bring me the box of penicillin and needles." I said and Matt looked over at him as he brought me what I had asked for. I got on the four wheeler with the box in my lap.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm getting this medicine to Brian's daughter. The sooner I do the sooner she's treated and feeling better. Zacky will drive my jeep back." I said cranking the awesome sounding vehicle. Matt's face held disapproval but I revved up the motor and went on with him yelling after me. I wasn't about to stop and hear his bitching. I needed to get this medicine back to Eve and most of all I needed to have her try and save the life of Brian's daughter and my Jake.


I got back to the hotel right before dusk and I hopped off the vehicle. I set the box on my seat and unstrapped Jake before throwing him over my shoulder and grabbing the box. It was weird that I could pick up such a large dog with full pack on him but I guess it's just my adrenaline kicking in. I went inside and straight to the elevator. I hit the button to our floor and when the elevator dinged letting me know it was my floor, I walked quickly over to Brian's room. I opened the door without hesitation and both Eve and Brian looked over at me.

"Here's the medicine and needles but Jake's been attacked." I said almost out of breath. Brian got up from his seat and helped me put Jake on the floor. Eve went ahead and gave Brian's little girl a dose of penicillin and she came over to us as I petted Jake's fur just to keep him calm. Ruby got up and started growling at Jake. She knew what was happening to him.

"How did he get bit?"

"One of those motherfuckers snuck up on him and just got him before he had any time to react." I explained and Ruby continued to growl.

"Hush Ruby!" Eve looked at Jake's wound and it was already starting to turn black and smelled awful.

"There's nothing I can do for him Layla...I'm sorry to say this but it's best if you just take him outside and put him out of his misery. Don't let him suffer like this." I looked at her evilly and I began surging with anger.

"You have to do something Eve!! You can't just let him be like this! Do something! Do anything!" I said almost yelling at the top of my lungs. The tears I was holding in came flowing out and I laid my head on Jake's stomach as he panted. I felt 2 pairs of hands on my back and they rubbed in small circles in a comforting way. I couldn't kill one of my babies...I just couldn't do it.


I sat with Jake in my hotel room and he hadn't woke up for several hours and he was losing his fur. He was starting to look like one of the dead. I knew Eve was right. I needed to end his pain and suffering. On a good note, Brian's daughter was responding to the medication and her fever had broken. It would still be a few days before she would be 100 percent but at least she's alive. I sighed and grabbed my weapon and strapped it to my back. There was no way Jake was going to recover from this. I picked him up in my arms and he uttered a quiet whimper of pain. I exited the room as Eve was coming out of Brian's and I looked at her with no emotion. I walked away not saying a word and I went to the elevator. I got on and saw Eve stopping Jimmy from coming. The doors closed and the elevator went down to the lobby. I walked to the doors and went outside and the sun was just beginning to rise over the mountains.

I took Jake around behind the building where I could dig a grave in the soft dirt that covered the ground. I laid him down on the ground and pulled my handgun from its holster. Jake's eyes opened slowly and he looked up at me. His eyes were pleading with me to end it all for him. He whimpered as if to tell me to end the pain he was experiencing.

"I'm sorry Jake. Be in peace and thank you for protecting Eve and I all these years." I said and I raised the gun and pulled the trigger. His brain matter covered the ground beside his head and I fell to my knees and cursed the Lord above. Why did he have to bring this fucking plague to the world and for it to take the life of one of my companions? As I dug up the ground with my bare hands, I cried harder than I had in a very long time. I raised him from a puppy and his life has ended way before it needed to.
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Well this is a really sad chapter...but comment.