Status: Active!!

Releasing the Demons

Escaping Unharmed

I sat in my favorite chair with my shotgun in my lap as Eve was sleeping in the next room. She was completely exhausted after watching for Strays or at least that’s another name for what I call them. Usually a loner is no trouble but when you get a group or a pack, they’re harder to get rid of. I checked out the boarded window and the pack that was having the feeding frenzy was still going on. Maybe they found something else to munch on. I grabbed a few things to clean my weapons with and I sat down at the small desk of and took of my guns apart before cleaning every little aspect that made the weapons work. After they were cleaned to my standard, I put them back together.

Jake and Ruby started viciously growling and starring at the front door. I raised my hand and they went silent as I crept to the door and looked out the small peephole. A Stray was standing at the door as if it was trying to figure out what was in front of it. My dogs began to growl again and this time they were looking towards the window. I quietly made my way over to one of the cracked boards and seen the Pack that was feeding down the street was now in my front yard and heading for the house. I ran over to the bedroom and flung the door open letting it crash against the wall with a bang. Eve shot up from the bed with her gun pointed at me.

“Hey don’t use that on me now! We got a goddamn pack in the front yard! I’ve got to get upstairs and blow them fuckers away. If we can’t stop them then we have to leave.” I said and she got up from the bed and headed into the living room where the pack was now banging on the door. I grabbed the machine gun from behind the recliner and headed upstairs to one of the other rooms that faced the front of the house. I stood the machine gun on the window pane and pushed open the window and started firing. The dead were falling to eh ground fully dead this time but there was still more coming.

I shook my head and growled in frustration and ran back down to the living room where Eve was blasting anything that moved with the Benelli super black eagle II.

“There’s more coming this way Eve and we can’t stop them. The doors are re-enforced with steel so they won’t be breaking them down but the windows are vulnerable. We’re going to have to get out of here.” I said strapping the vests onto the dogs and putting the Machine gun in Jake’s vest. He was the stronger of the 2 and he could carry more than Ruby could.

“I’ll go down to the basement and grab some more ammo and guns.”

“I’ve already put some in the truck along with food, water, and clothing and some extra gas.” I said and both dogs and Eve followed me out to the garage which I had modified a tunnel to go underground and out to the dirt road behind the house. While Eve loaded the dogs into the backseat of the truck, I opened the large double doors to the tunnel and I ran back to the truck and hopped in as I heard the sound of glass breaking inside. I cranked the truck making it roar to life before speeding through the lit tunnel system. When I got close enough to the end I pushed the button on my visor and it raised the escape route to the tunnel. We escaped the house unharmed and I stopped only to look back as my home was filled with the Pack. It took me and Eve a long time to fix up that house for it to be over-run by the fucking dead. I sighed and pushed on the gas making the tires squeal and the rubber burn on the asphalt. I slowed down my speed as we got into the now ghost town where we went out to gather supplies.

“Where are we going?”

“I don’t know. Maybe we can find some more people along the way. Did you have some place in mind?” I asked glancing over at her as I drove. She shook her head no and I continued to drive hoping that somehow we would find someone who would want to join us. Besides, it would be better if the odds weren't stacked between the 2 of us.
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sorry about not updating sooner my fellow readers...there's been some personal issues going on and I'm delighted you've been so patient.