Status: Active!!

Releasing the Demons

Dinner And A Show

I heard the door shut to our room and Jake and Ruby came into the bedroom with me and laid down at the foot of the bed. I was so tired when I was outside but now...I don't know I just can't seem to let sleep take me. I laid there and thought about what Eve might have been dreaming about. She said it was a sick dream but hell that could be anything. Ruby whined as she came around the bed and faced me wagging her tail.
"What is it girl?" I said and she whined again before nudging my hand with her head.
"I know you're hungry. Eve will be back in a minute to feed you guys." I said and at the word feed Jake jumped up on the bed wagging his tail and acting like a pup.
"Down Jake." I said snapping my fingers and he quickly got down but it wasn't for long. I sighed in frustration waiting for Eve to get back so they would quit bothering me but it seemed like forever until I finally heard the door open and then close back. I got up from the bed and they followed right behind me and almost trampled Eve as she sat their food and water down.
"Thank God you're back. They were about to drive me nuts." I said laughing as I ran a hand through my black hair.
"I figured they would. I was just telling that to Zacky."
"Why was Zacky with you?" I asked as I grabbed my shot gun and sat down on the couch.
"Matt had him go with me since he has a key to work the elevator with and they work on a buddy system."
"I thought that that Brian dude fixed the power so the elevator was operational." I said confused as Eve picked up the empty dog food bowls.
"It is but he said he didn't want to underestimate the Zombies."
"Those fucks can't even open a fucking door. How in the hell are they going to know how to work an elevator?" I said/asked her as I rolled my eyes.
"I don't know Lay. Oh before I forget, Zacky said that Matt has this big dinner every night in his room if we want to go and get something to eat. Are you up for it?"
"You know I don't trust them." I said as Ruby and Jake came over to me and I petted their heads before they laid down at my feet.
"I know but you're never going to know if you trust them unless you try and be nice. So can we please go?" Eve looked at me with the same eyes as my dog's do when they want to do something really bad and I couldn't help but cave in.
"Alright we'll go. Just don't give me that face again. I get that enough with these two." I said laughing as I pointed down towards my dogs. Eve smiled and shook her head at my stupid attempt at a joke as she grabbed her shotgun. I made sure my dogs were fitted with their packs and I grabbed my shotgun plus the sniper rifle I always use before we left our room.
"Uh Eve." I said and she looked at me.
"Which one is Matt's?"
"Right up here ladies." a voice said scaring me half to death. I looked back and seen it was the Berry brothers.
"That's a damn good way to get shot." I said breathing a sigh through my nose as they led us down the hall.
"Please be nice." Eve said and I gave her my look for I'm-Always-Nice but she rolled her eyes. One of the Berry brothers knocked on the door and seconds later we were greeted by Matt to come in. Jake and Ruby sniffed the air and almost knocked me down as they ran inside.
"Doggies!" a young boy who looked about 8 years old said as he spotted Jake and Ruby.

"Daddy, can I pet them?"

"Is that alright with you?" Matt asked looking straight at me.

"Sure. They're friendly." I nodded and watched the boy come over and Ruby smelled his hand before jumping on him and licking his face. Jake soon joined Ruby in the lick fight. I snapped my fingers afraid they might hurt him and they both stopped and sat down.

"Well trained."

"They know when I mean business." I said and I watched the little boy pet them happily as my dogs wagged their tails.

"They know if they don't mind Layla that they will be in some serious trouble." I nodded my head as Matt continued cooking something that smelled really good and in turn made my stomach growl with hunger. I guess I was hungrier than I actually thought. Eve fit right in with these group of men but I was getting glares from the other kids that were in the room. I mean all except for the little boy of Matt's and another girl who looked to be 10.

There were 2 sets of twins; one set were boys and the other was girls and both of them looked to be teenagers so I paid them no mind. Once the food was done, I sat beside Eve and enjoyed the meal he had cooked. For someone to be a man, he sure can cook some really good food. When I finished, I took Eve's and my plate to the trash and decided to have an after dinner cigarette. I walked out onto the open balcony door and pulled my smokes from my pocket and took a cigarette from the pack. I felt around in my pockets for a light but I guess I had left it in our room.

"Need a light?" I looked back and seen a very tall man who Matt had introduced as Jimmy. He was very attractive with his back hair and bright blue eyes. You would have thought in the real world that his eyes were fake.

"Yeah thanks." I said and he lit my cigarette and then his. I blew the smoke out of lungs and enjoyed the pleasant breeze from the night air.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"I haven't been to sleep actually. I stayed up all night to let Eve sleep." I said taking another puff of my cigarette.

"I know how that goes. When I can't sleep sometimes I stay out on the balcony and just watch to make sure there aren't any of those things roaming about."

"I don't usually stay up like that. We take shifts throughout the night when...when we were at our other place." I said sadly. I can remember it just like it was just merely minutes ago that my mother's house was overrun by those fucks.

"I'm sorry if I upset you."

"I'm not upset. I'm just remembering." I said waving his apology off. I flicked my cigarette over the railing and spotted 4 of those fucks just walking around aimlessly. I pulled my sniper rifle from my back.

"What are you doing?"

"Killing." I said simply as I aimed for the head of my first victim. I squeezed the trigger and all you could hear was the faint squeak of the bullet leaving the chamber. I watched the blood splatter out of the zombie's skull and I aimed for the next. They all dropped to the pavement like flies and Jimmy just stared at me.

"What?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Nothing. It's sweet that in this day and age I can still get a show with my dinner." I laughed and shook my head at him as I took a seat on one of the chairs. Jimmy is pretty cool and attractive as all hell with his labret piercing and the tons of tattoos that adorn his arms and neck but I still don't know if I should trust him and this group or not.
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comments are always always always welcomed :)