Sequel: Little Things
Status: the first Zayn story ever! :O

Kiss You

the hush-hush girlfriend;

Azealia’s body jerked up when the loud knock, or a bang, echoed in her flat. She stood up lazily and made her way to the door and opened them in a swift move.

“Hey there, ready to go?” a particular raven-haired boy with a countless amount of tattoos smiled in her direction, revealing his diamond white teeth.

“Yeah,” Azealia nodded, not showing any emotion and grabbed her purse from the sofa, shutting the door behind her.

Zayn and Azealia knew each other for a couple of years. Azealia was thankful that her Chemistry teacher paired her up with this Malik lad. Not only she got a great mark from the project, but the two of them became amazing friends.

When Zayn decided to try to make his dream come true and entered X Factor, Azealia supported him with every single bone, every single apparatus, she cheered for him with each and every cell in her body. He ended up not winning the competition, but he turned out to be a worldwide rock star along with a band of his named One Direction.

The problem is that when you have a star, especially a male star in a boy band, there is not a magazine that would not judge and make comments about his love life. Azealia had no clue how the things happened between her and Zayn, but suddenly, they ended up dating. Secretly.

The pair was walking next to each other, passing the stadium, when Zayn broke the silence between them.

“How was your day?” he asked her and tried to sound nonchalant, though he thought he sounded more awkward than casual.

The dark-haired girl shot him a glare and wiggled her shoulders together with her head, not knowing if the boy was actually rather serious.

“Fine,” she stopped walking and sat down on a bench, tangling her legs so she was sitting Indian-style. Zayn turned around and sat his butt next to her and played with his fingers and made them crack. He was nervous about the topic he wanted to discuss with her. The two of them were dating behind everybody's back for months and he was sick of keeping it secret; he knew that the beautiful girl sitting next to him, shooting death glares in every direction was feeling the same way; that was the reason why she wasn’t talking to him.

“Look, Az, I k-“

“I can’t handle this anymore,” she interrupted him, not caring the fact she cut him short was impolite. “Are you freaking ashamed of me that we gotta date each other clandestinely or what?” she turned to face him and looked in his eyes for the first time this month.

“No!” Zayn shrieked, shocked that the girl thought he could be embarrassing himself with dating somebody like her. On a second thought, he couldn’t blame her; after all, everything looked like he truly felt ashamed of Azealia.
Zayn brought the girl closer to his body and wrapped his arms around her small waist and lifted her chin up, looking in her chocolate brown eyes filled with tears of anger and hurt.

“Lia, there’s absolutely no way I feel ashamed of you, you’re the most beautiful girl walking,” he smiled reassuringly at his girlfriend, but obviously failed when a frustrated sigh combined with a sob escaped the girl’s lips.

“No, let me continue,” he poked her in the side. “I loved you for so long and I still love you and I will love you, but I knew what the fans are like. You know well what the fans did to Danielle and Liam and I wanted to avoid the same scenario in our relationship. I didn’t want to let the fans bully you and send you nasty things on the internet, that’s the reason of my decision.”

Azealia couldn’t help but smiled. Frankly, she didn’t think that Zayn would like to protect her. The feeling that he wanted her to be happy all the time and not to worry about what the One Direction’s fans would think and this and that warmed her heart. She was truthfully touched.

“I can take care of myself,” she whispered huskily wiping the tears that somehow fled from the safety of her eyes away.

“I know you can,” he squeezed her arms and intertwined his fingers with hers. “But I didn’t want you to feel bad, thanks to the fans.”

Azealia looked away when suddenly she didn’t felt the sweet warmth of Zayn's body embracing her. She cocked her head to the side and saw him already standing on the pavement with a expecting look on his face that matched the smirk that curled his lips unto a beautiful crooked line.

“So what are you waiting for? It’s about the right time to introduce you to lads,” he shrugged his shoulder and his smirked grew bigger when he saw Azealia’s reaction – her eyes were practically falling out of her skull.


“You heard me, you’re super-officially my one and only girlfriend,” he lifted her bridal style and leant closer to her face, closing the space between hem with a delightful kiss.

“Come on Lia, the boys will surely drool and faint when the will see you,” Zayn laughed when he pulled away from Azealia and let her feet meet the ground, with her laughing as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, this ended up being much more easily written than I thought! Needless to say that I wanted to post this in the evening, not at 4pm. But yeah, here it is.

And I just love the name I picked out for Zayn's girlfriend.

Next stop is Little Things! See you there (;

I hope that, you girls (and maybe boys, I dunno lol), that you like this. Because I do.

Chrissy xo