Status: I will updated when I can the more comments the more likely i'll update :)

As The Line Begins To Blur

I Believe In Nothing Not But The Truth In Who We Are

It was that time again, the scholarship to the notorious vendetta academy boarding school could be ‘won’ by any student sitting the exam. There was no point caring about this exam only one person could get in and it would never be me, my personal record saw to that. Vendetta academy looked spectacular in the brochure, no one had ever been allowed close until they had accepted their scholarship. A large renovated castle sat in amongst its massive grounds, acres of wooded areas surrounding the open courtyard with the marble water fountain in the very centre, pretty much a posh school in my opinion.
It wasn’t worth thinking about it, I might as well forget it, there was no way in hell I was getting in my school record was its own draw in the head’s office. Not going to lie I was the rebellious type, defying the parents that were never there or even in this country half the time. Fitting in is easy, I’m not exactly the queen bee strutting around in orange face paint and designer clothes but more of a goddess of the rejects, my long curly hair with its multitude of colours (it was only a small addiction) and ripped skinny jeans. I loved being my own person, an individual away from the mob scene of societies ‘beautiful’ scene, life was good within my little world my group of mostly male friends, I found them easier less bitchiness and back stabbing.
The grass underfoot was damp as I walked through the field and the middle of the jocks football game to reach our usual spot against the old stone wall of our school complex, the guys were already there and lit up, oh how I need my high today I was feeling the crash of yesterdays drinking exploits. Stealing the joint from my best friend’s lips I took a deep drag, I wasn’t big on smoking but it’s quite good for forcing a hangover away. ‘Geez get your own Nal’ he exclaimed to me, I wasn’t bothered by his protest. That was my name Nal well Nala, yes my parents had a bit of an obsession with The Lion King as it was released just before my birthday at least they didn’t take it too far imagine if they had called me Rafiki. That would’ve been hell.
Well at least they had bothered to care if only for a while my mum returned to work about 3 months after having me, this time delay only because she wanted to lose the baby weight she’d built up while carrying me. Since then I had been with my nanny, a live in babysitter who did all the roles my mother should’ve done. They had bought me anything I had wanted so I guess yes I was a spoilt brat but the endless supply of shit didn’t make up for the bonds not formed. At least my nanny had remained constant until earlier this year when she’d become seriously ill, terminal cancer eventually got the best of her I didn’t realise emotions were a part of me until that day and the funeral, at least my parents had done the decent thing and taken half a day off from their constant business to attend. Just because they were doctors they believed it was an apt excuse for leaving me, it wasn’t even doctors got breaks they just didn’t use them I guess I wasn’t good enough for them, since then I had been alone. On the other hand it wasn’t all bad I had a huge house to myself and a bank account with enough money to waste on pointless things.
Back to this exam, it was during my final lesson which I didn’t appreciate taking the place of my usual lesson Art, I loved letting my imagination run free but would have to restrain myself now what a waste of my precious time. Taking the test on the Monday meant that by Friday one ‘lucky’ student would be leaving this dreadful place for bigger and better things. It’s not like I was stupid. No in fact I was the most intelligent person in this damn school my IQ scores rocketed of the chart last time they tested them, it was just such a shame to my parents when I decided not to use it to its ‘proper’ appropriate use.
Shit it was starting, intentionally I opened my can of diet coke just as silence descended upon the room, I loved the glares people shot me and just sat internally laughing at every sad individual pouring their effort into this stupid test, they weren’t going anywhere. I might as well make the most of this so filled in the front page, any student who didn’t take part got suspended I could deal with that hassle I already had four detentions this week. What was everyone panicking over at a quick glance the questions seemed really easy most were multiple choice, now to have fun with my answers. As a test to show all your skills it had many sections, English, math and science as well as a personal section to pretty much sell yourself. Find x well that was easy ‘look its right there’ I scribbled an arrow pointing to the individual letter; I was going to make the examiner laugh. After drafting an intelligent but somewhat comedic answer for every question it was time for the personal section, what was with these questions? Have you ever smoked/inhaled drugs or consumed alcohol? Well the honest answer was yes so that’s what I put, the final question ‘Describe yourself in 50 words or less?’ What did they think we were primary school children not teenagers in a private school? I knew how to answer the final question mockingly; using pictures no words what so ever. I drew a very detailed diagram showing how I interpreted my face and its petite features, getting out my oil pastels to add splashes of much needed colour I had time everyone else was still attempting to answer the earlier questions, morons.
Hands scribbled the dribble others were trying to include in their test as the clock ticked closer and closer to the end time, ’10 seconds remaining’ the male voice boomed from the front of the hall, Mr Johns stood impatiently tapping his foot at the furthest point away from me, to say we didn’t get on was an understatement. To be honest I hadn’t actually done anything wrong it was him who was in the murky water, blaming me to keep his name and reputation squeaky clean. He had once been my physical education teacher basically exercise and walked into the girls changing room without knocking so I wasn’t exactly decent, his eyes lingering a little too long on my body. I had been the only one in there at that time, I wouldn’t have said anything in fact I still hadn’t even though he’d had me removed from his group and the subject all together so I was kind of thankful. ‘Times up’ and the room filled with sighs as most people thought of better things they could’ve included, I don’t know what they assume is so important about their pathetic lives that they felt the need to share ‘keep your shitty lives to yourself’ I muttered quietly not quietly enough as Mr Johns who was passing at the time shot me look of disgust. ‘Well fuck you too’ this said loud enough for him and only him to hear, life’s a bitch.
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Title: 100 suns-> 30 seconds to mars
Just say if you want the chapters to be longer
Holly x
oh and enjoy.