Status: I will updated when I can the more comments the more likely i'll update :)

As The Line Begins To Blur

Don't Fear The Reaper

Sitting in the shadows was a young man, hiding his face behind long dark hair and staring out onto the large open land beyond us. The world beyond the window was a dry and barren wasteland, living here would terrible, alone trapped in a dying world. As his sad eyes cast their judgement over me a small smile fell across his pale face 'my daughter you are beautiful'.

I couldn't stop them, the salty tear that brimmed over and danced rivers down my cheeks before crashing onto the dusty floor. The feeling if love that in my life had eluded me filled my aching heart as my parents held me tightly, like they never wanted to let go.

We spent the day together, or what I assume to be day, the sun never sets in purgatory it's just there the whole time hanging in the sky. I didn't want to seem ungrateful but I couldn't take it here any longer, I'm not saying it wasn't great to see my parents for the first time but I just wanted to be alive, never had I imagined myself saying that before. 'There might be a way back but I want to tell you something first' it was as if he could read my mind 'I would love to go back tell me anything' I couldn't control the excitement in my voice.

'Well it began the day I was born really, the way they raised me in a family of pure demons I was expected to be like them evil, dangerous and loyal to Lucifer. I had other ideas obviously, at first it was just childish rebellion but that was until I met her, your mother. She was the most beautiful person I had ever seen, flowing blonde hair and blue eyes, the dazzling smile on her face blinded me. That was the moment that changed my life, true love could really exist and from the moment our lips connected we’ve been head over heels. It was not without problems, our love was forbidden by both sides but none confronted us not until you were born. Luckily we managed to get you into the support system and you were adopted by some family for protection before we were banished to purgatory.’

I couldn’t remember my real life; the new start with Stevie, James and Casey was clouded by the joy of finally meeting my parents. Then it crackled into life, the little element within my head that James could contact, oh I'd forgotten he could do that. 'Nala...Nala can you hear me, please wake up, please you're really scaring us now' his voice crackled under the pressure, this was really taking it out if him.

The contact broke leaving me with yet another feeling of emptiness, I was destroying their lives they should e out living life instead they're sat in a dark creepy hospital watching my unresponsive body. Depression flooded my system, I had refused to let it control me but the darkness was taking over.

Panic consumed their behaviour, they'd come looking for me something bad must have happened or was just about to. 'Mum... Dad what is it?' A lone tear slid down her beautiful cheek, 'they've realised you're here and now they'll come for you, your safety is compromised.'

Leaving the sheltered building we entered the large surrounding field, the wind whipping around the slowly dying trees almost causing them to collapse onto the over baked ground.

It didn’t seem real, the slow motion joining of two giant staircases to the level plane that was our purgatory. As the beautiful white light shone around the descending staircase the strong figure of a woman stood poised at the point of landing, her long dark hair contrasted starkly with the white surrounding of the heavenly twin.
I don't know why I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't the scene revealing itself in front of me. Instead of the over used stereotypical devil image Lucifer was a young man, I'd hate to admit it but a very attractive man as well, fuck this could only go bad. I am only human, why do we have the desire for things we can't have?
Lucifer stood ready for the forth coming conflict, surrounded by his many followers, blinded by loyalty to the destruction and death heading their way.
Have you ever felt like someone knew what you were thinking? I have and at this moment Lucifer’s face contorted into a smirk as his glistening eyes bore into mine. Fuck, mustn't think about him that way.
Fifty shades of grey, do you remember than shitty book? I was having an Anastasia moment, crushing on my own unattainable, powerful man, of course I'm using the term man vary loosely.

The battle was beginning and as both sides clashed spectacularly, it wasn’t like any war I’d ever seen. Under a flurry of wings feathers fell, throats were cut and blood was spilt. It was over in a matter of minutes, a great number of martyrs fell from each side as the surprisingly vicious angels harmonized with their evil counterparts.

A single hand placed itself elegantly on my shoulder, its pale flesh looking as fragile as paper and as the arm began to materialise revealing the damned creature in front of me. His sunken yellow eyes showed sorrow, the years had taken the best of him leaving him weak but yet strong enough for silence to fall on the battlefield. 'You're being returned' his lips brushed my ear as the hoarse words trickled from his tongue. Who was this stranger? I was puzzled until I remember back to my lessons on mythical creatures REAPERS, that's what he was, a person who controlled when people died or when they returned in my case.

'You’ve learnt enough child, now you need to prepare for the coming war, this was only the tip of the iceberg' gesturing to the many dead decaying bodies littered around us. 'I will see you again sometime soon' as he uttered his final words his surprisingly soft lips connected to my forward sending me spiralling into darkness, or wait was it light.
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Blue oystercult- Dont Fear the Reaper
Sorry it took so long, ive started a new story too...
