Status: I will updated when I can the more comments the more likely i'll update :)

As The Line Begins To Blur

I Viewed The Last Scene

Detention dragged on, thirty minutes left and school hadn't even started yet, morning detentions sucked! It was Friday, the student leaving should already know and be ready to go, the 'lucky' sod would be announced during the morning announcements in the assembly. Finally the remaining minutes ticked away and I could leave, nine detentions this week my new all time best. Entering the great hall was different this year; there was no one celebrating, no cluster of distressed friends unable to cope with losing one of their group. Scanning the crowd I saw him, Tyler my best friend and mop of shocking blonde hair skulking on the left hand side with our group of misfits. I pushed my way through the crowd to get to them, we loved taking the piss of the winner, little did I know.
The volume in the room suddenly decreased the only sounds left were our little whispers and the odd spluttery cough, silence irritated me. The clicking of heels stopped as the head took her place at the front, adjusting the microphone with a smug grin on her face, why was she so happy? Who had one? 'Welcome... Lovely morning...' Damn she was boring; I couldn't pay attention to her chatting pleasantries. 'Nala Stevens' wait was that my name? Hundreds of eyes sought me with such determination, what had I done wrong this time? 'You won' Tyler whispered into my ear, knowing that I couldn't pay attention to the head as she droned on. I'd done what, I couldn't have won I was stupid in the exam and why didn't I already know. Had my parents received the letter and not told me, sometimes I could fucking kill them.
Thank god that was over, the mass of people pushed aimlessly trying to escape the confinement of the hall while I just waited patiently there was no way I was fighting the stampede. Walking slowly out I didn't plan on going to any lessons today I just needed to get high, that wasn't going to happen either. A repetitive tap on my shoulder attracted my attention, the head what could she want she'd already got rid of me. 'My office NOW!' Jeez someone was in a mood; I hugged Tyler as a sorry and a see you later sneakily dropping my weed into his jacket pocket, as I definitely didn't want to be caught with that.
As the head took her seat on the other side of the office I perched in my usual spot on the brown leather sofa, this thing was comfy and perfectly moulded to my ass. ‘Congratulations’ she said mockingly, she knew my parents had known about this and realised by my facial expression that they hadn’t let me know, I hated the smug look on her face as she revelled in the entertainment of my distress until I had regained composure. ‘How did I win? I didn’t even answer the questions properly’ puzzled by the situation that had arisen. ‘I don’t know maybe they like you, I don’t know why they would’ my mind drifted off as she continued to explain pointless things to me about my records being cleared, a fresh start and other random pointless crap.
The door was unlocked, shit I hadn't left it open who was in my house? The familiar voices of my parents drifted through the air, they were home so they did know about the scholarship. Joining them in the main lounge they were sat surrounded by many cardboard boxes, oh yeah I had to pack. 'We packed for you so you could leave right away' they were trying to get rid of me, mother fuckers. 'I haven't said bye or even accepted yet' I wasn't going down easily 'we accepted for you' those words felt like a knife through my chest, they really didn't care about me as a person at all. 'Fine' I caved there was no way I'd have won, I had goodbyes to say no time to sit and argue.
'Answer the damn phone' shouting at the ringing mobile relieved some anger but proves my distress and need for Tyler. Finally he picked up I hurriedly explained the situation and that I had thirty minutes before I had to leave for Vendetta. It want long till I was in Tyler's arms and only then could I breakdown I didn't want to leave and ad the tears rolled down my cheeks he rocked me gently, if only he wasn't gay he'd have made such a good boyfriend.
They were calling me over the speaker system, my flight was boarding. Oh yeah did I forget to mention my new school wasn't even in this country, Vendetta academy was in sunny California. My parents had come to the airport with me they were going to Africa to do some medical help somewhere in a godforsaken village. Walking down the aisle trying to find my seat which was if course first class, there would've been no way I'd have sat through a nine hour flight without the luxury of leg room and champagne. As an eighteen year old I was going to make the best if the free alcohol, especially I'd I was going to lose the ability to buy and consume alcohol once we touched down. I had travelled before not usually alone but I was ready for the take off strapping down my seat belt, when we'd started I could get my laptop down and soft through the welcome package email they'd sent me and find out how I was suppose to get there. 'Your exits are here, here and here' geez this would be the easiest job in the world point at doors and telling people what to do and that's not considering the fact you're flying to exotic destinations every day. I crossed my legs and shuffle in the seat till comfortable, the seats around me were filling up too all except the one next to me,’ yes’ I would have more room. As they began to prepare for takeoff making sure everybody was strapped in correctly a boy with straighten black hair came slowly up the aisle till he was level with me, grinning like a Cheshire cat he took the seat next to me. My attention returned back to my iPod, music was an important part of my life and my mood instantly increases as Yashin blared through my headphones, I couldn’t help but hum the words as the song continued ‘stand up and make yourself count’. Lost in the song I continued to sing louder than I thought until the tapping on my shoulder was too much to ignore, ‘WHAT?’ I yelled, maybe a little too loudly into the guys face beside me. Before I could apologise to him his lips crashed into mine, as his tongue sought mine I couldn’t respond shock had left unable to think or move.
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Title: Years: Days: Months- Union Set Sound
Holly x
Dont be a silent reader (makes me paranoid you dont like it)