Status: I will updated when I can the more comments the more likely i'll update :)

As The Line Begins To Blur

Live In A Dream

Finally my brain kicked in, pushing the guy away from my face I gasped for air. 'What was that for?' I questioned, never in my life had this happened before I'd been in some really weird situations but never kissed by a stranger. 'Hi I'm James' the stranger offered a hand to shake which I ignored. 'So what you doing on this flight?' oh so two seconds ago he was kissing me and now we could do the pleasantries, 'flying to my new school' I guess we could have a normal conversation if I overlooked his previous actions. 'Vendetta? Me too' so we were going to the same place, at least I'd know someone even if they were a little strange. Our conversation continued for at least the next hour into the flight abruptly ended when I began to yawn. 'I'm gonna take a nap' I stated before reclining my chair, putting in my headphones and closing my eyes. 
Opening my eyes we were in a similar patch of cloud, I had only manage to get forty five minutes sleep but for some reason I felt refreshed. Turning to my right James was fast asleep beside me, music blaring out of the headphones that had fallen from his ears, Chidos at least this boy had a decent music taste. Looking around me everyone was asleep, no one was awake not even the air hostess I realised as my eyes noticed her collapsed on the floor, something wasn't right. Cautiously I got up from the seat sliding past James in his chair until I reached the hostess in the aisle, quickly checking her pulse 'thank god' I sighed loudly as my fingers felt the beating of her heart. Why was everyone asleep? The pilot must be awake the plane was still to my knowledge flying straight and to California at the correct altitude, yes looking out the window the ground wasn't fast approaching we were safe. Banging in the door whilst using the pilot call button I tried my hardest to get his attention, why was no one responding to me? Running back to James I needed help, I shook him harshly but still he didn't wake. Realising I was going to have to take drastic measures to wake him I planted my lips to his flicking my tongue gently over his lips, it wasn't working well I thought it wasn't until his tongue moved against mine and his hand snaked around to the back of my head. 'I knew you'd come round darling' he chuckled I punched him playfully before explaining the situation, he stared eyes wide with shock at the people around us. 
I sighed loudly placing my face in my hands, what were we going to do? Looking up from my hands I saw it, everyone was normal again even the flight attendant who didn't even look like she'd been asleep. Oh God I'm going crazy. Settling back down into the chair James stared at me, at least he seemed to remember the odd event that had just happened. 

The journey was dragging on I was tired of being awake and having no room, never in my life had I wanted so much to get up and run around. Just as my eyes closed and my mind began to wonder the speaker system crackled into life and soft tune played aloud for all to hear. The song continued as I racked my brain to try to remember where I'd heard that song before but as it ticked in my mind the coincidence occurred. Final destination, those films where people see something happening change the event and death hunts them down, this better not be happening to me. Screams ripped through the air as the right engine dropped from the plane falling down through the layers of clouds, fuck this cant be real. I pulled my seatbelt together just in the nick of time, the current of air that seeped through the plane was intense as the side of the plane peeled open as easily as if it was an orange. I was going to die. Slipping my hand into James's at least we weren't going to die alone. I kept my eyes open as long as I could right till the very end as the shards of metal shredded through my flesh.
Gasping deeply I awoke from my sleep, that was a bad dream the sweat dripping down my face proved the fear and made me feel ill. James's face peered at me worried, the extent of my nightmare had been new to me in fact I almost never dreamt before. What was going on? Am I becoming crazy? 
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry took so long I've been having medical problems( typed left handed)
Title: yellocard- ten
That's for the comment :) I know where I'm going with this now
Holly x