Status: I will updated when I can the more comments the more likely i'll update :)

As The Line Begins To Blur

Hoped for the Best and Let Go of the Rest

A seductive smirk spread across James’s face, ‘did you have a nice dream sweetheart? I liked the part when you kissed me’ Wait how did he know that had happened. The puzzled look spread across my face noticed be James who then offered his response, leaning in close his hot breath tickled my ear ‘I can read minds’, shit! Really, I was going to put this to the test in a funny way. Keeping my eyes locked on his I began to imagine a scene *I moved my hand onto his knee sliding gently up his thigh my other hand snaking around the back of his neck, pulling his lips to mine I slipped my tongue between his lips caressing his tongue with my own. My hand reached his crotch I began to stroke slowly, he squirmed under my touch.*
‘Stop, stop’ the sense of urgency in his voice made me chuckle, ‘I guess you can read minds’ I retorted snappily my eyes couldn’t help but notice the growing bulge in his tight skinny jeans. ‘You believe me?’ his eyes looked at me puzzled, this was the first time I’d observed the icy blue of his eyes they looked almost like the colours were moving, swirling and crashing like waves against rocks, they were beautiful. ‘Of course, why would you make it up?’ I whispered a smile on my face, there was trust between us I didn’t know why, we’d only known each other for a few hours.
Finally the end drew near; touch down on the black tarmac was rough as the metal surrounding us bounced. Fresh air in a strong gust hit my face as I exited the plane, the clear skies of California were just as I'd imagined. We worked our way through the customs and baggage collection point where were we supposed to go now?
Looking through the crowd I saw my name roughly scrawled on a large sheet of cardboard, so that was my driver.
Following the very tall man through the crowded airport was easy, it was quite funny this tall man with his full beard flecked with grey and tattered overcoat, it reminded me of Hagrid from the Harry potter series, what would happen next? Would he say that famous line 'you're a wizard Nala' the thought humoured me causing a giggle to escape from my lips which I'd pressed together to try to resist. Coming to a stop we'd be lead to a large black limo with tainted windows, this was getting mysterious. 'Get in' he grunted at us, that when I noticed them the dark red eyes as well as the slightly pointed ears, he must if notice I was staring and placed his chauffeur hat firmly over his tangled mess of dark hair, now he stood there his brown eyes staring at me. Wait his eyes were red a couple of seconds ago? Maybe I was just imagining things. With one of his large hands he reached to undo the lock opening the door to our new lives.
As I entered the limo I noticed two leather satchels in the middle if the floor, one was black and white the other a rather dull brown. Guessing these would be our new bags I launched myself forward lunging for the black and white one before James even got a look in, fine he would settle for the brown one. Now, what was in the bag? Pulling the drawstrings apart I found a welcome folder which contained a map, first week schedule and a list with clothing items on. No classes for the first week, yes! The clothing list had lots of items each with a number beside I assumed that was how many I that item we needed, I didn't have any of this stuff.
As we were unable to look out of the windows we had no idea where we were until we came to an abrupt stop and the door swung open flooding the small area with a vast amount of bright light. 'I guess we're here' James joked as he pushed out the door first; some parts of him reminded me of Tyler I knew we could be good friends.
As we were ushered through the large wooden doors, damn this place looked like Hogwarts. Following our guide which was actually quite easy through the thick crowds of bustling students wearing their 'smart' uniforms, as you could tell I wasn't a fan. James and I exchanged a look, we didn't have uniforms actually we had no idea there even was a uniform. As we made our way into a large room the guide attracted our attention 'you got your lists right!' we nodded in reply, it needed no words, there was something off about him. That's when I noticed the walls of the long room were covered in clothes, racks of shirts, blazers, trousers and skirts. As the penny dropped a smile formed on James's face, we'd have to get naked and try on our new clothes. Finding the clothes I liked wasn't hard and as I tried on the short skirt with a crisp white shirt that hugged my chest tightly James came to stand behind me in front the mirror. He stepped closer to me something digging in to the small of my back, shit this just got awkward. Did he have an erection? I clammed up unable to move, the conflict ion of emotions must has been visible because he began to laugh. Moving closer to me he pressed harder against my back taking delight in the squirm I couldn't hold back, only when he collapsed to the floor with laughter did I notice the coat hanger held firmly between his thighs. Dick!
James’s eyes had changed to their once swirling blue colour dulled to a boring brown, what the fuck was going on? Everyone’s bloody eyes kept changing colour, staring at my own face in the mirror my own brown eyes were still the same, story of my life.
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title- Yellowcard

sorry it took so long :)
dont be a silent reader :)