Status: I will updated when I can the more comments the more likely i'll update :)

As The Line Begins To Blur

Who We Are Isn't How We Live

Pushing the door open two double beds came into view, this room is huge! One of the double beds was made and had a suitcase throw on top of it, I guess I had a roommate; I'd never had a roommate before this would be a new experience. My suitcase sat at the foot if what I assumed was my bed, grabbing the sheets I hurriedly made my bed. Finally I was finished the black sheets contrasted with my roommate’s crisp white ones, were we going to be completely different. As I inspected the rest of the room dancing around with my iPod headphones in humming loudly, we had an ensuite filled with a large white bath tub as well as a shower; the cleanliness of my surroundings dazzled me temporarily blinding me. Walking back into the room I bumped into a stranger, ripping my headphones out I wondered who she was. 'Hi I'm Casey, oh you're a human' she drew me into a hug breathing in deeply, 'yeah I'm human aren't you? Oh and I'm Nala'
Silence descended.
'Well this got awkward quickly' my mind forgot to filter my mouth, she chuckled lightly, good I hadn't embarrassed myself that badly. 'So what do you do for fun here?' I changed the subject, boredom finally taking over.
'There’s a ball...a ball...this weekend' I stumbled over my words, overcome by the lengths of poshness, wait is poshness even a word! See this is how shocked I was I was making my own vocabulary.
'Everyone dresses as themselves...I mean...smartly' now it was Casey who had stumbled, I was beginning to get a strange feeling about this place. 'I don't have a ball gown' Casey stared at me puzzled 'how can you not have a ball gown'. I mumbled to myself about her being 'one of them girls', her ears pricked up and as she began to laugh I wondered had she heard me. Was it even possible for her to hear me, I'd barely been able to recognise the words myself.
'We have a dress shop on campus, I'll take you. They can be very expensive though, but so damn gorgeous.' Okay we had a plan, now what sought of dress did I want.
As we fought through the ruffles and sequins to find a dress that we thought would look good, my eyes finally settling on a red and black lace gown. It was beautiful. They only had one size, mine. As I slipped the dress up the length if my body so glad that I'd shaven and worn my strapless black underwear. The fabric clung tightly to my skin as Casey tied the top half up, 'you'll have to take your bra off, the strap is showing' 'okay' I wasn't afraid of getting my kit off in front Of a stranger. Finally we examine the dress in the full length mirror, the way the underlay of red fabric clung to my chest, hips and bum whilst the decorative black lace skimmed down the full length of my figure, damn I looked hot if I could say so myself. Grabbing a pair of black stiletto heels from the nearby shelf and with slight difficulty placed them on my feet, what was missing? 'I got it, wear your hair up and put these in it' in her hand were a set of diamond hair clips, six smaller petal shaped diamonds surrounded the larger central diamond. They were breath taking. 'Perfect' we'd done it; she'd been the only female I'd ever been shopping with. As I carefully took the dress of she boxed the shoes and got ready to move to the checkout. The price on the till rocketed as the cashier scanned in all the items, 'who knew my parents would come in handy' I chuckled biting, the end of my bottomless card.
A piercing bell filled the air, 'time for food, lets head to the cafeteria' I didn't want to be in a crowd right now 'is there anywhere quieter we can go?' 'Of course but you have to pay' her reply was instant almost as if she didn't want to be there either. The little cafe we'd chosen was small and Quaint, little tea pots decorated the pale pink walls. The tables were empty and as soon as we'd sat down a small women appeared offerings us menus. Whilst we decided what we would like Casey began to chat, she was finally letting her guard down. 'I don't eat meat... I can't bare hurting the poor creatures...anything bad makes me sick' this school was staring to get weirder and weirder, was I the only normal one here? I ordered a strong coffee, my arms were beginning to shake from the caffeine withdrawal, I was such an addict, Casey ordered a water and a salad. 'Why so healthy?' I questioned, most teenagers would do anything to avoid being healthy.
Returning to the dorm we planned the rest of our week, no lessons thank god. Pulling my pyjamas out of the top of my biggest suitcase and my toothbrush and paste from my carry on I dove into the bathroom to get ready. During the rush to become friends with my new roomie I had forgotten about James, I hoped he'd had luck like mine and got a nice roommate. Thinking about James reminded me if his confession on the plane, he could read thoughts, if I thought hard enough at him could he hear me even being far away, this was a theory I had to test. Climbing in between the sheets of my new bed, it was surprisingly comfy; I tried to test my idea.
*James...James...can you hear me...its Nala...from the plane. How’s it going?*
I let my mind go blank just in case if a reply. No reply, I guess it doesn't work that way. Finally I decided to jump ship in a sense and abandon my theory, lying down trying to find a comfortable position, why was this so difficult?
*Nala is that you. I've never been able to so this before, this is so weird. I have a weird roommate, really secretive and suspicious. Will you be my date to this ball thingy on Saturday? I figure its okay cause I’ll be the only boy you'll really know.* And as he uttered his final words I could feel the smile on his lips and my body slip into unconscious slumber.
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title: In the end- Black Veil Brides
Holly xx
please dont be a silent reader.
*big hints revealed in this*