Status: I will updated when I can the more comments the more likely i'll update :)

As The Line Begins To Blur

Don't Close Your Eyes, Keep Your Eyes On Me

Saturday finally rolled in, we woke early ok well not exactly early it was roughly eleven in the morning. I jumped into the shower letting the warm water flow over my body, as I lathered the shampoo into my hair I closed my eyes to prevent them stinging and thought about my life. This school wasn't so bad; then again we hadn't actually done any lessons yet. Returning from my thoughts into reality I prepared my body for the ball. Painting my nails in alternating red a black glitter and attaching little bows to every nail, damn they looked cute. What! I can like cute little bows.

I'd accepted James offer to escort me to the ball and during the following few days we'd found Casey a date too. We still had thirty minutes before the boys arrived and took us to the dance but we were nearly ready, there shouldn't have been any problem being punctual. Friends help each other and that's what we did, I'd straightened Casey's usually curly hair, it'd taken a while but it was finally done. My hair was left in its natural ringlets, the feeling was strange to me, everyday for the last few years I'd straightened it, pulling the bulk back into a messy bun I pinned it with the sparkly clips we'd bought, leaving strands of curls falling gently around my face.

We stood opposite each other each finally ready, we were such a contrast of each other. My long dark gown flattered my body similarly to Casey's short white cocktail dress; we both looked brilliant however there was one difference, a large pair of dazzling white wings had sprouted from her back. I stood staring, why did she have wings and where the fuck had they come from. Casey must have seen the confusion on my face and giggled as she flapped the wings, why can they fucking move?

A soft knock broke me from my confusion, the boys had arrived. James looked quite nice in a sharp black suit, he was actually quite attractive in his little black bow tie, his eyes were now back to their swirling blue. Casey's date, Benji looked equally as smart however he matched her perfectly. His crisp white suit hung of his large shoulders and contrasted perfectly with his tanned skin. They matched in more ways than one, wings, Benji had a larger set of white wings extended out from his shoulder blades. Both James and I had the same thought, why did they have wings?

James kissed the back of my hand, pulled me into a hug and dragged me out the door. The ball was in the large hall and the large wooden door swung open revealing the large numbers of students who attended vendetta. It was weird, being in a room with so many strangers. The mask was beginning to itch my nose; yeah I forgot to mention the fact we had to wear masks. James dragged me forcefully to the dance floor and pulled me tightly into his arms as we swayed to the time of the music. This was not what I'd expected at all, music with quite a rocky beat to it playing loudly as couples danced together on large floor surrounded by groups of other smartly dressed students. One thing that caught my eye was the separation and distinction between many groups of students, similar to my friend there were individuals with large white wings, others had roughed up hair and thick side burns. I shuddered as I made eye contact with one of these hairier students; he smiled baring his full set of brilliant white teeth in my direction, what was happening? In the other direction was what I called the 'Goths and emo's' back at home I'd have fit into this category but here I couldn't even scratch the surface, there pale skin and delicate steam punk dresses and suits, they looked stunning.

Wrapping my arms around James' waist I pressed my body against his so we could dance to one of my favourite bands, my chemical romance, the song ghost of you echoed in the background as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment.

A pair of hands snuck around my body, pulling me away from the comfort of James' touch and into the arms of Mr hairy hunk. 'I wouldn't try that sweetheart' he whispered seductively in to my ear as I tried to pull away from him, geez this guy was strong. I could feel the muscles in his stomach, a full six pack, through the thin material of his shirt, his warmth radiating to my cooler body. Giving in I snaked my arms around his waist as he lead me firmly around the dance floor in the direction of his friends. 'The names Stevie and yours is what sweetheart?' 'Nala' I whispered into his ear gently biting the lobe as I did, two could play at this game. The lust in him ignited instantly as I uttered those words, pressing his body against mine he swayed us like we were one person while chuckling lightly.

Tyler had always said I was flirt and in truth I was, never let it be said I couldn't handle myself around the male species. At my old school I'd been thought of as a whore, in fact I had been a virgin until seventeen. Rumours could definitely be fake! Luckily I couldn't give a shit what they thought of me, stupid stuck up bitches.

'What are you? You smell heavenly' his eyes were closed as he breathed in deeply, 'is it so weird to be a normal human around here?' I replied why did everyone keep questioning me? What the fuck, don't I just smell normal or like my new perfume, I didn't even like it this much but everyone seems to be pointing it out.

'You're not normal sweetheart, and that's a complement'
♠ ♠ ♠
Is the spacing okay?
There's gonna be a tiny time lapse in the next one, I have a cool idea!
Thanks for the comments :)
title- SWS- The Bomb Dot Com V2.0