Status: I will updated when I can the more comments the more likely i'll update :)

As The Line Begins To Blur

Come On, Bury Me Alone In The Light

The bone jutted out through the skin of my elbow, this was the most painful thing ever. The unusual thing about this was that my injuries usually healed really quickly, what was so different this time. Stevie carried me towards the hospital ward I was rigid in his arms braving the severe pain signals being sent to my unsuspecting brain. When we finally reached the nurse I was on the brink of crying, one look at my arm and she was too. 'Never in all my years of being here have I seen something this bad, and I have seen some real scraps' she mumbled hurriedly. There was nothing she could do.

Stevie left me; he actually left me, abandoned with my fucking bone sticking out. Where the fuck had he gone?

Returning roughly ten minutes later he had our art teacher in tow, Mr Peters. How was he supposed to help? 'She needs to go to a proper hospital' the nurse rambled on. I know it's bad but would everyone be a little supportive and let me pretend I was fine.

I was bundled in to the back of the small car with Stevie beside me, the windows weren't blacked out I could finally know where we were. Stevie and Mr Peters were having a casual chat, really at this time guys, they were being ridiculously inappropriate. Zoning in on their conversation 'how was last night, you know with the big dogs' 'better than it should have, I'd say a total of one hundred' 'fuck that's huge, ours went okay except for one small problem.' 'Hey you guys are talking about Hunts'

'Wait she knows' his confusion bought a smile to my lips. 'Your eyes gave you away' my words were barely audible 'my eyes, what do you mean my eyes?’ 'You're a werewolf, your eyes still have a yellowish slit through' I was nearly able to tell all supernatural beings from their eyes. 'How can you tell that?' 'I am a wizard. I'm just messing with you but I am some weird special child that everyone but me knew about.'

'Tell me what exactly was this little mishap in the Hunt' still stunned by my revelation Mr Peters questioned Stevie. 'Well I invited Nala to The Hunt, I think she got a bit over whelmed and ran off luckily I found her about an hour into the Hunt. The small problem was she had been cornered by one of the demons, Josh, I killed him and carried her back to the clearing.' 'Actually you missed something, I...I...I ended up with blood over me after you killed him and I think I might have swallowed some of it' I was nervous revealing what had happened, I knew it was something important but I was afraid to let Stevie know.

'Wait what?' They screamed at me in unison as the brakes slammed on in the car. 'Shit. Why didn't you tell me?' 'I... I ... I didn't know' Stevie stumbled over his words. 'And you say you normally heal quickly but not this time, I know exactly where we need to go' changing the cars direction we speeded off into the centre of the surrounding town.

The silhouette if the buildings behind us contrasted with the setting sun behind them, where were we heading? I was beginning to feel weaker, the pain finally hitting my nerves that's when I saw it the little path descending into an underground car park. Speeding towards it Mr Peters didn't even stop but shouted 'demon blood' and luckily the barrier lifted in time.

The car pulled into a bay outside a set if double doors where a team of people with a stretcher stop waiting. Shit, how bad was I?

My eyes began to get very heavy and as they closed sending me into black I could feel the weight of soft tears flowing down my cheeks.

I tried to open my eyes, oh god I tried it just wouldn't happen. Was I dead? I'd only just found out about my true self now I was going to be in a box in the ground rotting.

'My child, have you seen my child I heard she was here' opening my eyes I could see her, an angel. She was beautiful, her pale skin, long blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. 'Who is your daughter?' I asked curiously betting that whoever it was would look beautiful too. 'She thinks she's a human, she is the chosen child' 'but... But...That's who they think I am'.

'My child; at last I have found you but why may I ask are you in purgatory? What has happened my dear?' She was so caring I finally had a parent who was amazing. 'I swallowed demon blood' she looked at me eyes wide staring, not saying anything just quietly contemplating my fate.

'Let's go find your father' and with a tug on my hand I followed her into the unknown.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took so long, is short and sucks.
Title- Viola lion - Isles and glaciers
holly :)
comments/ rec's would be appreciated :)