Leather-bound Secrets

A journal. It all came down to a journal. It held her true feelings. It held every thought that crossed her mind. It held every story and emotion she could never reveal to the world. It was her source of freedom. It was her source of trust.
Him and his pure blue eyes, like crystals, came in and changed everything. She wanted to confide in him. He was her greatest fear. He was everything she was trying to run away from. He was also the one that could help her, if she ever stopped to think about her true feelings; if she ever stopped to read her own journal.
The journal. It was an extension of herself. It revealed everything. She was literally an open book, but what happens when she loses her journal?

An open book
Words scattering every page
Eyes scanning, looking for meaning
A cover to hide behind
All of those prying eyes
Afraid of every thought
That leads to one thing, the same thing
The feelings she’s too afraid to admit
Trust held within its chapters
Everything revealed in a single book
In this leather-bound journal