Cath Trilogy: Hey Jane

The Father

Jane nodded to Rhys, and he understood. He took Ryan’s shoulders in his hands and looked into his eyes, “I’m going to stay up here with you. Jane will go down there, and if anything goes wrong, I’ll be using her as a human shield.”

Ryan let a little smile crawl onto his lips at the joke.

“At a boy,” Rhys had a smile of his own. One that made Ryan believe that he couldn’t be harmed so long as this man was here standing next to him.

“I’ll be back in a bit,” Jane didn’t mean it, but these words put so much confidence in Ryan that he actually felt calm for the first time that night.

Jane took her gun out of its holster and walked out of the room toward the stairs. She slowly made her way down the stairs to the platform and looked over the side to see the foyer. “Come on,” the impatient voice of the man standing in the foyer sounded.

The man was of Vietnamese descent, and he had a strong build which gave him a layer of gravitas. He would be handsome if Jane hadn’t been looking at him with the knowledge that this man had just killed his son’s love partner. It lead to Jane having a rather biased view of him.

There was no time like the present, so Jane came around the corner with the gun raised just enough so that with the flick of her arm it would be aiming directly at this man’s stone, cold heart.

He looked at her and took a moment before smiling. “Hello darling, it’s been a while.”

Jane shook her head, “I’ve never seen you before in my life.”

“We both know that’s a lie,” Adam smiled and his nose twitched.

“I am not anyone whom you have met before. I can guarantee that.”

“Alright, whatever you say,” he slipped into the study, and Jane cursed under her breath. Cautiously, she went to the study door and pushed it open. Her fingers stroked the gun, and she breathed to calm herself. The sensible part of her told her that help would be on the way and to be calm and just get him subdued before help came. Although, the more barbaric side of her just wanted to kill this man before he could bring more pain to anyone else.

In seconds, her decision was made when she saw the man pointing a gun directly at her head. They stood perfectly still like this for what seemed like hours before the man spoke. “So, you really don’t know who I am?”

“Not a clue,” Jane’s hand didn’t waver through the bitterness of her words.

“That’s a real shame,” the man sighed. “We had some fun --you and me.”

“I’m almost certain that we didn’t.”

“Then you do remember,” the man’s breath smell of liquor, and it was so obnoxious that Jane felt vomit raise to her mouth.

“Go to Hell,” Jane muttered.

“They’d welcome me back like a king,” the man said with a mysterious tone and cocked his head to the side. Jane frowned without understanding, and at that moment, the door opened and closed. It was obvious that the sound was being attempted to be muted, but the creaking was still there.

Jane thought that it had been back up, and she shouted, “In here.”

A woman with grayed hair appeared in the doorway and took in the scene. She stood with a terrible fear that made her as pale as a white object. Her hazel eyes were beautiful, and for the briefest of moments, Jane’s guard was completely unaccounted for only for one reason. Adam had tackled her to the ground with an astonishing amount of strength. The woman in the doorway said with a quiet voice, “Where’s Ryan?” The question was obviously intended for Adam, but Jane couldn’t keep from staring at her. Well, there was one thing that would hinder her from this action. Adam’s arm curled around her throat, and the time to wonder how this woman was standing in front of her faded away.

She was on the ground being choked by a man who was some pounds above her weight. She let herself go limp in order to save up some energy before heaving with all of her tenacity to get on top. She allowed herself a moment of gratitude when she was on top and pushed down against Adam until he released her. She was on her feet in the blink of an eye, and Adam was staggering to his feet, only to be greeted with the barrel of Jane’s gun.

“He’s upstairs,” Jane smiled at the woman. A pure and genuine smile, “Mom.”
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