Status: Active

Losing Neverland


If you grew up in the twentieth century or after perhaps you are familiar with the particular story of Peter Pan, the boy who refused to grow up, and the Lost Boys who battled against the conniving Captain James Hook and his vile pirating crew. I dare say then, that you are also familiar with the story of Wendy Darling and her two brothers Michael and John?

Wendy would tell stories of all sorts, entertaining not only her brothers but Peter Pan who would sit outside the nursery window and listen to the stories so he may bring them back to tell the Lost Boys. How one winter night Peter’s shadow escaped him and hid away in the nursery, and how Peter flew in to fetch it only to be caught by Wendy and her brothers. Then that sly Peter tempted the Darlings to go off to Never Never Land with him and they flew off into the night, leaving poor Mr. and Mrs. Darling alone to fret about where their sweet angels had gone.

While away in Neverland the three children lived dreams of all sorts, they swam with sirens, danced among the redskins and battled against pirates. Never in their wildest imaginations did they think about their mother and father, and soon they forgot all about them.

Wendy grew affectionate of Peter, and although Peter didn’t realize it, he was rather fond of Wendy too. Jealous, Peter’s fairy, Tink, joined forces with Hook and together hatched a plan to rid Neverland of Wendy, and behind Tink’s back Hook plotted to kill Peter as well.

Soon Wendy realized it was about time for her and her brothers to return home, and on the night of their departure Hook seized his chance and captured both the Lost Boys and the Darling children. While at the hideout, Hook skillfully poisoned the “medicine” Wendy had left out for Peter while he napped.

Luckily for our hero, his little jealous fairy Tink caught wind of the plan and was already on her way to save him. Sadly enough Tink could not stop Peter from drinking the poisoned medicine so she drank it herself and died brave and noble. With a little bit of faith, trust and pixie dust Tink was brought back to life, and Peter was off to save his Wendy-bird and the Lost Boys.

In a fierce battle that ended in Hook being eaten alive by the crocodile, Wendy confessed she loved Peter but she must go home and grow up. The story wraps up with a heartfelt return home and tragic farewell. Peter vows to visit although he never does in Wendy’s time, but he does manage to visit Wendy’s daughter, Jane, and Jane’s daughter, Margret, but that is where the adventure ends.

So whatever happens after Margret?

That is the story I am here to tell, because the adventures do continue. They continue with Margret’s daughter, Melody, and by far it is the most curious tale of them all.
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In case you didn't enjoy it too much, I must admit these are never my favorites. Sadly enough though, I had to summarize the whole original story of Peter Pan for those of us who are not familiar with it. The first chapter will be a thousand times better, I promise.
