Status: Finished! Thank you guys SO much! Subscribe to the sequel, please!

The Sky Under the Sea

Currents Convulsive

[Oli's POV]

“Oli! Oli, put me down!” Josh shrieked, fighting his way out of my grasp.
“No!” I laughed, continuing to tickle my boyfriend’s side.
Pausing to catch my breath, I wrapped my arms around Josh’s waist and pulled him closer to me.
Our foreheads rested against each other as I stared into his eyes.
“Did I ever mention how much I love you?” I asked, closing the distance and leaving a kiss on his lips.
“Yes, but I love hearing it anyway.”
After another minute, Josh awkwardly pushed himself off me and stood up, stretching before addressing me.
“I hate to say this…” he trailed off, smiling apologetically.
“You have to go back to our bus.” I finished.
You Me At Six had actually set up a curfew for Josh, seeing as he almost always missed bus call on their last tour.
He nodded, pouting slightly.
“It’s fine.” I laughed, edging him towards the door. “Don’t make the rest of your band mad, we’ll have breakfast tomorrow.”
“You mean, like a date?” Josh smirked.
“I’ll bring you flowers if it will get you off my bus!” I joked, hugging him closer one more time.
“It’s a deal.”
He jumped off the last step, and ran off towards his tour bus on the other side of the parking lot.
It was pretty dark, and the venue was empty by now.
I was about to shut the door when I heard a soft sniffling sound coming from the side of the bus.
“Hello?” I called out into the darkness, stepping outside.
Crouched down on the ground was Vic, his arms wrapped around his knees as he let tears drip down his cheeks.
“What’s wrong Vic?” I asked, crouching down in front of me.
He was my best friend, and it was slightly heartbreaking to see him so upset. Not to mention cold and alone.
Kellin? What could Kellin have possibly done to hurt him like thi-
Fuck, no.
“What happened?” I asked, taking his hand in mine and pulling him up.
“H-he, I love him.”
His voice was so soft, I barely heard him.
“Come on,” I decided, leading him towards my tour bus. “Nothing helps more than a good friend and a proper cup of tea.”
“I’d like that.”
We stepped onto the bus, closing the door behind us.
Vic didn’t look out of place as he curled up on the couch, letting his hair fall over part of his face.
I made him a cup of tea, easily remembering how he preferred it with a bit of milk and sugar.
“Thanks.” He smiled, taking the mug from me.
Settling myself besides him, I placed an arm over his shoulder and held him close. He had stopped crying, but was sniffling every now and then.
After he had significantly calmed down, I took that as an opportunity to ask him exactly what happened.
“It’s a long story.” He answered dully.
“I’ve got time.” I promised.
He nodded, staring off into space as he wondered where he could start.
While he mulled over his thoughts, I sent a quick text to Jaime and let him know Vic would be sleeping on my bus.
The buses were leaving in less than five minutes anyway.
“You know how I told you what I felt towards Kellin?” Vic finally decided, glancing my way.
I nodded, remembering this conversation clearly.
It was just a few hours ago.
He was watching Sleeping with Sirens’ set with pure awe when I came up behind him and joked about crushing on the front man.
He had blushed, pushing me away before finally breaking and admitting that yeah, he did have a thing for Kellin Quinn.
“Anyway, after their set I asked him to take a walk with me and he agreed. Something was bothering him, and he finally told me…”
“Told you what?” I prodded, even though this wasn’t really my business.
“He’s been cutting.” Vic sighed. “I don’t know for how long, but there were so many scars covering his wrists…”
“That’s fucking terrible!” I shouted, remembering at a certain memory.
“I promised him I’d help him stop, that I would do anything to help him…” Vic trailed off, burying his head on my chest.
Out of habit, he clenched at the ends of his hoodie.
“Vic.” I started, propping him back up. “It’s great that you want to help him stop, but please keep in mind that it won’t be easy. Keep in mind just how long it took you to stop.”
It’s been at least two years since the last time Vic cut himself, and I’m fucking proud to say that I helped with that.
He didn’t know where else to go and finally opened up to me.
He was afraid to tell his own band, though in the end, they were extremely understanding about it; especially Tony.
“I know.”
“If you ever get frustrated with any lack of progress, just remember what you told me years ago.”
He looked at me in confusion.
“In case you forgot, you turned that into a lyric for Stay Away From My Friends.”
“I remember now.”
Sighing, I hugged him a little tighter.
“I’m not going to let him go, even if I completely fucked up tonight.” Vic continued. “It’s hard to go through that alone, even worse when you think you’ve lost everyone close to you, but I won’t allow that.”
His voice cracked slightly at the ‘fucked up’ which brought different thoughts to mind. I never actually found out what happened.
“Back to the original point…” I coughed awkwardly, “what happened with Kellin?”
“Oh.” Vic nodded, remembering. “We walked towards the dock and I made him repeat he didn’t need to hurt himself and throw his razor blade into the water. Then, the moment was so perfect that I, I kissed him.”
“Seriously?” I asked, amazed.
“Yes! It was absolutely perfect Oli! The sky, the stars, the moon, the sea, everything! Then he pushed me off and freaked out!”
“I shouldn’t have kissed him Oli! Now I’ve probably ruined any chances of friendship, let alone a relationship!”
“Vic, calm down.” I instructed, placing a hand on his back. “You didn’t fuck up, okay? If anything, I’m proud that you had enough courage to kiss him.”
“I thought he liked me…” Vic whispered, brushing back his bangs. “We were always flirting and being all cute and shit.”
“Maybe you just caught him by surprise and he didn’t know how to react.” I suggested, looking down at him.
“What if he doesn’t trust me?”
“Why the hell would you think that?” I demanded.
Just thinking about that… Vic was such a great guy, he was so innocent and sweet and caring.
He was supportive and was a good listener.
Hell, if it wasn’t for Josh, I’d date him!
Not really, we were like brothers at this point; overprotective and watchful of each other at all times.
“His last boyfriend literally…shattered him.” Vic shrugged. “He has trust issues, and I guess he’s afraid that I’m going to do the same.”
“Then show him you’re not like him.” I decided, smiling encouragingly.
“How do I do that?”
“Take him out for breakfast tomorrow.” I offered. “Show him you’re not going to let that awkward moment ruin your friendship.
“I’m serious.” I continued. “Remember to keep showing him support over his cutting problem. He’ll realize you really do care about him and reconsider.”
“I think it might work.” Vic smiled.
“If it doesn’t, well he’s an idiot for not wanting to be with someone as wonderful and perfect as you are.”
“I’m not perfect, but thanks.”
“You are to me.”
“You know,” Vic started suddenly. “If we weren’t so close, I would think you have a crush on me.”
“You wish!” I laughed, pushing him off the couch. “You’re just jealous I chose Josh over you.”
“Please, we all know it’s the other way around.” Vic smirked, pulling me off the couch as well.
“I’m jealous that you’re dating Josh?” I trailed off, mocking confusion.
“No!” Vic laughed, sitting back on the couch. “That’s not what I meant; I meant that you’re jealous that I didn’t want you!”
He pouted, turning away from me.
“Come on, don’t be like that!” I complained, laying back and resting my head on his lap. He looked down, laughing at my saddened expression.
“Do I have to buy you flowers too?” I asked.
“I might have told Josh I was going to buy him flowers before I took him out for breakfast tomorrow.”
“Yes!” I laughed.
He looked out the window with a thoughtful expression. The trees were blurring into one as we drove past.
“What is it love?” I joked, placing a hand on his cheek.
“Thank you for being my friend.” He answered seriously. “You’ve been there for me every time I needed someone. You’ve never broken my trust or a promise, and we’ve known each other for nearly five years.”
“You deserve it.” I replied, sitting up. “I’m only offering what is given back, and you’ve been one of the better friends I’ve had.”
“Love you Oli.” Vic smiled, hugging me.
“I love you too Vic, you and every one of your flaws and scars. Kellin would be incredibly lucky to have you.”
“You know who’s lucky?” Vic asked. “Josh. You’ve been together for practically three years, and you’re perfect together. I really want that with Kellin.”
“And have that you will.” I quoted.
He smiled, leaning against the pillows of the couch before laughing. “Okay, this is getting too corny and romantic, let’s watch a movie.”
“Sure thing, Love.” I winked, laughing as well.
The rest of the band had locked their selves in the back room, playing video games which left the front room to us.
Searching through Netflix, I selected a random movie and we spent the next two hours half paying attention to the film.
When the credits began rolling, Vic let out a yawn before slumping against me in mock exhaustion.
“Oli, I’m sleepy.”
“Come on, there’s an extra bunk you can sleep on.” I offered, leading him towards the bunk room.
“Don’t forget to take Kellin out for breakfast tomorrow!” I reminded him, climbing into my own bunk.
“I won’t.” Vic yawned. “Don’t forget to buy Josh his flowers.”
“Good night.” I laughed.
When it came to having friends, I couldn’t be happier to have Vic by my side.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Pierce the Veil


Bit of a filler, but I thought I'd introduce Oli's character a little more! Just a little Fransykes...
What should happen with Kellin?