Going Back Home

one of one

Sree let out a long sigh as she sat in front of the computer. She checked her phone again, Keaton should have Skyped her two hours ago. He was never late for their daily talks, but for the past two weeks he'd been on radio silence and it was making her heart sink. She bit her lip, running a hand through her long, raven hair. Maybe the fame had finally gone to his head. Maybe he was done with all his friends back home in Washington now that he had Demi Lovato to flirt with every chance he got. She finally gave up, shutting her laptop and walking out of her room.

Even the past few calls he’d seemed distracted, always giggling over something and quickly ending their calls. As she walked into the living room she saw a photo of the two of them when they were little and quickly grabbed her coat, she couldn’t be here for another moment, not with all the ghosts of him lying around. She tugged on her shoes and walked outside quickly grabbing her bike as the cool autumn air washed over her. She followed the smell of water as she made her way down the small path her and Keaton had carved out as kids. She bit her lip, why did everything have to remind her of him?

She quickly started peddling faster, her long hair flowing out behind her as she finally saw the water in the distance. She slowed her speed before stopping at the top of a grassy hill. She put her bike on its kickstand, knowing no one would steal it, it was ancient. Without another thought she dismounted and made her way down the small ramp on the side of the hill and onto the beach.

Luckily the cold of twilight had driven most of the tourists and even the locals away as she looked at the long, empty stretch of sand. She started walking, shoving her hands into the pocket of her jacket. She missed Keaton, that she couldn’t deny, but how could he start being such an ass the moment he got famous? She had been there through everything for him, now he wouldn’t even return her texts. With a long sigh she plopped down on a log and looked out into the setting sun. She was sick of the way he’d been treating her and secretly hoped he’d get kicked off to teach him a little lesson in humility, but cursed herself for the thought and immediately knocked on the wood she was sitting on. She wanted Keaton to be happy, it was just...

She sighed, she had no idea what. She was about to get up after the sun had set, still leaving the sky a blood red, when she heard a voice. “A pretty girl like you sitting all alone on the beach? There has to be a rule against that somewhere.” She looked up to be met with the stunning blue eyes she’d missed so much.

“Keaton?” She asked in complete disbelief. “How did you... did you get kicked off?” She cursed herself for her fleeting, selfish wish, but he simply kept smiling and shook his head.

“Nope. I asked Simon if I could fly up to see you, because as you remember, it’s kind of a big day today.” She narrowed her eyes at him.

“Really? You haven’t said a word of it.” She said, standing and starting to walk away.

“Sree, come on.” He said, grabbing her shoulder and turning her to face him. “I’ve been planning to come up and see you-”

“Really? She asked skeptically. “Because I was pretty sure you were way too famous to concern yourself with a small town girl like me.” He stopped, narrowing his eyes.


“You never talk to me anymore! And on the rare, rare occasion you actually return one of my texts or Skype me all I ever hear about is Demi Lovato this and Demi Lovato that and Oh my God Sree, she’s the prettiest girl on the planet and she’s so talented.” She imitated his fan boy antics and he winced.

“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

“Too late.” She said. “No go back to being famous and adored and leave me the Hell alone.” She turned and started to walk away again only to hear him kicking up sand as he followed her.

“Please, can I just talk to you?”

“No.” She didn’t want to turn around and see those beautiful eyes that she could have sworn she loved at some point. Now they just reminded her of the friend that used to always be there for her.

“Sree.” He said simply. She stopped, turning around to see a flicker of something in those damn blue eyes, but before she could figure out what it was it was gone again. “I didn’t come back because of today.”

“Oh, so you lied to me again-”

“Will you please just let me talk?” He interrupted, blushing wildly. She stopped, letting her hands drop to her sides and running on of them through her hair as he looked at her. “I came back because… because I…” He stopped again, pressing his lips together.

“Because you what?” She pressed.

“Because I missed you.” She shook her head, not quite understanding what he was saying.

“I missed you too, but why are you so-” He cut her off by grabbing her face and pulling her lips to his. Her eyes flew open in shock as he pulled away, blushing wildly. They looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity before she finally spoke.

“Keaton?” He bit his lip.

“I don’t just miss you because you’re my friend. I missed you because I love you Sree.” Her jaw about hit the sand as she gawked at him.


“I love you.” He repeated, this time a little more confidently. “I have for a long time. I was hoping that maybe if I went on the show you would be proud of me, that I might finally deserve you but…” He looked back up at her. “Jesus, I wished every single second that you were there with me. It wasn’t the same with just Drew and Wesley. I wanted you to be right there.” He reached out, taking her hands in his.

“Keaton.” She whispered. Her heart was thudding painfully against her ribcage as he looked at her, begging her to return his feelings. She let out a small sigh. “But I thought, what about Demi?”

“Demi? Well she’s pretty hot but, she’s old.” He said, sticking out his tongue. She giggled and he smiled at her. “And, you know, she’s not you.” I just know that you like her, so I was hoping that if I said how cool she was in person maybe you’d come visit me.” Sree bit her lip, the wind picking up and causing her hair to blow romantically around her face.

“Well, I’m glad we discussed this.” She said cryptically. He narrowed his eyes at her, his palms starting to sweat.

“And why’s that?” She smiled, looking into those eyes that matched the water around them.

“Because I love you too.” She whispered. He smiled, grabbing her in a tight hug before pulling back and looking into her eyes.

“Hey Sree?”


“Happy birthday.” And with that he leaned down, pressing his lips to hers again as the waves crashed onto the shore.
♠ ♠ ♠
As said in the description, this is for the beautiful and lovely Sree
AKA GoodGirl;
I hope you liked it!