Status: as of right now, i've only planned for this to be 3 chapters.

Hidden Lakes


“Hey Sammi, its Luke. I know you’re probably still at work, but I just wanted to see if I could catch you before I went on stage. I’ll call you after. Bye.”

His voice instantly brought a smile to my face as I sat in my car. I had just gotten off work at the coffee house I’ve worked at since I was 16.

I met Luke when I was a freshman in high school. We were in the same grade, but I didn’t really know him until I became friends with his sister Jessica, who was in the grade above us. But even then we never really hung around in the same crowd, even though we did have mutual friends. The only time we came into contact was if he happened to be home while I was hanging out with Jessica, or if we crossed paths at a party.

But about 5 months ago though, that all changed. We threw him a going away party to celebrate his first tour with The Word Alive. We somehow ended up in the backyard of Mike, Jess and Luke’s older brother’s house. Even though everyone was there to party with him, we somehow just kept finding our way to each other.

We hung out of the rest of the week before he left. Nothing happened, and I really didn’t think much of it. Until he started texting me from the road. And then we started having these nightly (or daily, depending on what time zone he was in) talks that lasted for hours.

I didn’t know what was happening between us but I was starting to develop feelings for him and it scared me. For many reasons.

For one, I wasn’t sure how Jess would react to me and Luke possibly becoming more than friends… if that was even where it was headed. I was never brave enough to ask when we were talking. We mainly just talked about our days and the crazy things that were happening on his way across the country and how much he loved meeting fans of his.

I was also afraid of putting myself out there. I’ve been hurt by guys in the past and I didn’t want that to happen with Luke. I had too much to lose if it did.

I put my phone in my purse, deciding that I’d wait until I got home to try and call, and started driving to my apartment.

When I got home I dropped my purse by the door and kicked my shoes off before I flopped down on the couch and texted Luke.

To: Luke H.
Hey I’m home. Call me when you’re off stage.

I got up to find something to eat for dinner while I waited for his reply.

I didn’t have to wait long however, my phone buzzed as soon as I opened the fridge.

From: Luke H.
I’m gonna hit the shower and then I’ll call you sweets.

My stomach filled with butterflies when he called me ‘sweets.’ He did it from time to time, and it turned me to mush every time.

I heated up some left over pizza as I waited for him to call. I was tired. Work was swamped with customers all day and I was exhausted.

When I was done eating and putting my plate in the dishwasher my phone rang. I’m embarrassed to admit that I practically ran to grab my phone on the table.

Luke’s face lit up my screen. I took a deep breath to calm myself before I answered, “Hey rock star,” I said happily, “How was the show?”

“So sick,” I could hear the excitement in his voice. “It’s so crazy that this is actually my life.”

I laughed, “I bet, where are you tonight?”

“New York. We’re headed to New Jersey soon. Once everyone takes advantage of the showers here.” He sighed contently, “So how was work?”

“Long,” I said walking down the hall to my room to change into pajamas. “People are so picky about their coffee.”

He laughed, “Yeah they are. What are you going to do with the rest of your night?”

I was shimmying out of my jeans, with my phone between my ear and shoulder, “I’m already changing into my pajamas so I’ll probably just watching TV.” I giggled.

He scoffed, “It’s only like, a little after 9 in Arizona, and it’s Saturday shouldn’t you be out clubbing with my sister or something?”

I pulled on the short shorts I usually slept in, and pulled the phone away as I pulled my shirt off quickly, “I would if I wasn’t tired and talking to you.”

“I feel so honored,” he laughed lightly. I pulled a spaghetti strap over my head before I focusing back on Luke.

“You should be,” I shot sarcastically.

He chuckled, “I miss you.”

I froze, “You do?”

“Don’t sound so surprised Sam,” He scoffed, “We talk constantly, why wouldn’t I?”

“I… I don’t know,” I stammered.

There was a moment of silence before he spoke, “You’re all I think about,” he said softly.

My heartbeat sped up and a huge smiled spread across my face.

“Say something,” He urged.

“Sorry,” I squeaked, “I just… I wasn’t expecting that.”

“I didn’t cross a line did I?”

“No!” I exclaimed, “No, I… I think about you all the time too.”

He let out a big sigh, “Oh thank god. You freaked me out for a second.”

“Sorry,” I laughed, “I just didn’t… I didn’t know what was going on between us, so I wasn’t expecting you to say anything.”

“I’ve been trying to work up the courage to say something for months now.”

I bit my lip trying to control the smile that wouldn’t leave my face, “So have I, honestly.”

“Does that mean I can take you out when I get home?”

I fell back on my bed, “I’d say that was a huge, fat, yes!”

We talked for another hour before he had to go. He said we was going to tell Jess about us. I was nerves, but was glad he was doing it instead of me.

“When do you get home again?” I asked before we hung up.

“Another month,” he said with a hint of a sigh.

I smiled softly, “Don’t sound so down Luke,” I laughed, “You’re living the dream right now.”

“I know,” he chucked, “But you see, I started getting closer to this girl right before I left and I really can’t wait to see her again.”

I loved and hated that he could make me blush simply from a few words, “Well she can’t wait to see you either.”

“Good, I’m glad we got this all figured out,” he joked. I heard someone talking to him in the background, “I really have to go now,” he sighed.

“Alright. Text me if you want, I’ll be up.”

“I will. Bye beautiful.”

My big obnoxious smile returned, “Bye.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So rooneytunes asked me to write something for Luke Holland.
so enjoy!