Miserable and Magical


The humid June air hung heavily around me as I walked along the riverbed, I’d assumed being next to the river would be cooler, but I was wrong. I sighed and sat on the hard ground; staring across the calm water I suddenly got the terrifying feeling that I wasn’t alone. I looked around myself and sure enough, leaning against the trunk of an obnoxiously large oak was a man. My blood froze in my veins and every story I’d ever heard about a girl being attacked came rushing back to me. ‘How could you be so stupid?! Now you’re going to get raped and murdered and end up on the six o’clock news’ I mentally scolded myself. The man chuckled and I couldn’t bring myself to look away from him as he approached me, I wanted to scream, I wanted to run, but my body wouldn’t do anything I willed it too, it was as if I was paralysed. “wow” I sighed involuntarily as he stepped into the light of the moon, he was beautiful, like Adonis kinda beautiful. His deep brown hair and black eyes make every hormone I have ever had come crashing into me at once. “Don’t worry I don’t plan on raping and murdering you, I was just admiring the view” he grinned and one word started flashing in my head. Player. Player. Player. I jumped up quickly and dusted the dirt off of my shorts. “well I’ll leave you to it” I attempted to give him a sweet smile but it was next to impossible, he was hot but you could just tell he was an ass. “get home safe, you never know who’s lurking around this time of night” His wicked grin terrified me to my very core, I nodded and hurriedly walked back towards my car, I risked a quick look over my shoulder and I nearly died at what I saw. He wasn’t alone, there was four of them, beautiful, menacing looking people. On the right of the guy I’d met was a girl, she had long black hair and a supermodel figure, on her other side was another guy, he looked a year or two younger than the others but he was still gorgeous. Lastly on the far left was a guy with white blonde hair and gorgeous latte coloured skin. Suddenly self conscious I hurried to open my car door, just looking at those people was a massive hit to my self confidence. As I pulled out of the car park I was vaguely aware that they weren’t stood by the water anymore but I didn’t think too much into it, I just wanted to get home and forget the whole weird encounter.
The next day at work was close to painful. The small bar I worked in was next to empty due to it being a Wednesday, I was looking forward to closing the place in a few hours, at midnight. I blinked and then there, right in front of my face, was the guy from last night. He looked even more stunning in the light of the bar, his eyes were practically glowing and he was joined by the beautiful girl from last night, both were staring intently across the room and I followed their gaze to a group of plastic girls sat in the corner laughing obnoxiously over something clearly hilarious. I rolled my eyes as one of the girls approached the bar and I realised it was Connie Anne, the queen bitch that made my life hell through my school years. “Oh my gosh! If it isn’t not so little Toby McMuffin” she sneered, flipping her hair as she got the bar. “Connie, it’s great to see you. How’s college going? Still blowing teachers for passing grades?” I put on my sweetest smile and I saw annoyance flicker briefly through her eyes, she threw her head back laughing and attempted to suppress her glare. “I dropped out of college actually, decided to focus on my modelling career instead. Why waste looks like these?” “Why waste looks like that indeed” we both jumped and turnt to stare at the stunning specimen of a man sat on one of the old leather stools. “Hi, I’m Connie-Anne. What’s your name?” She fluttered her false eyelashes at him and I couldn’t stop myself from physically gagging and making the most unattractive noise. “McMuffin will you hurry up and get me another drink, you standing there is making me queasy” the player and Connie started laughing ridiculously loud, attracting the attention of the group of plastics and the raven haired girl, caused them to come over to see what the commotion was about. “McMuffin?” Player managed to choke out between laughs. The fake girls decided to join in the hysterics and I turnt my eyes to the floor, all I needed was for the raven girl to start laughing and it would be just like school again. “You see our little Toby here used to have a bit of a weight problem didn’t you sweetie?” One of the girls I remember being particularly vicious pinched my cheek over the bar, I pulled away quickly and retreated to the other end of the bar. “Nathan stop being an arsehole. Pick a bird and let’s leave” The Raven girl snapped and the entire room went silent. “Alright calm down Felix, hey Connie, wanna come outside with me for a second?” Nathan smirked, Connie bit her lip and nodded enthusiastically, I fought the urge to roll my eyes, trying to avoid another bad habit. “Well you know what? I’m closing early, I don’t care where you go but you cant stay here” I snapped, finally having lost my temper with the bar full of assholes, excluding Felix of course. They cleared out relatively quickly and I finally managed to breathe normally once I had shut and locked the back door. I threw the keys in my purse and turnt to walk down the alleyway to the parking lot. I froze when I spotted someone slumped against the wall on the hard dirty ground, I slowly approached the figure, hoping and praying it wasn’t some junkie that I was going to have to protect myself from. I heard a deep groaning and was about to completely ignore the figure when I caught a glimpse of peroxide blonde hair covered in something thick and sticky. “Oh my god, Connie?!” I practically shrieked throwing myself on my knees next to her. “fuck off McMuffin, you ruined it for me with Nathan” she mumbled then began snoring again. What the fuck? I rolled my eyes and picked up my purse, “fuck you then” I laughed stepping over the body on the floor and walking to my car. Some people are such assholes I thought to myself as I drove back to my house.
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sorry if it's a bit pants i'm new to this! please let me know your opinions!:)