Miserable and Magical

Pill popping prick.

Dreams of beautiful beings and high school horrors haunted my dreams and I awoke with a start, I lay in bed staring at the ceiling for a few moments waiting for my heart to return to normal. I couldn’t get the images of Nathan and Connie out of my head and I poured myself a cup of coffee, how the hell had I ruined her chance with him? I’d barely spoken to the god in our two brief meetings and none of it had been flirting on either part. Our entire lives Connie could get any guy she wanted, occasionally it was a guy I wanted but I decided not to be bitter, no point holding onto high school crushes. As I sipped I realised something, for the first time in years, I was jealous of Connie, I wanted it to be me a gorgeous guy like Nathan was flirting with. I shook the unwelcome thoughts from my head and decided to wash away the memory of the dream with a hot shower. I still felt equally as uncomfortable when I was finished so I decided I needed to get out, knowing fresh air usually makes me feel better, I quickly dried my hair and threw on some makeup before pulling on my usual attire of shorts, boots and a light shirt. I grabbed my purse, keys and i-pod before heading out of the door, I decided to listen to John Denver and I made my way towards the lake at a leisurely pace, letting all of my worries about gods and sluts slip from my mind. I sat in the same spot as I always did on the floor and looked out across the water trying to remember the last time I felt this content. I felt him before I saw him, it was the chills that danced their way up my spine and the way every cell in my body burst into flames whenever he was near “what you listening to then fatty?” He pulled the headphone out of my ear and popped it into his “who is this?” he asked staring out at the lake. I sighed and realised he was not going to go away and to be honest, I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to, but I did want to know how he was coincidentally in the same places as me for the past three days. “it’s john Denver, are you following me?” the words tumbled out of my mouth and I felt a blush creeping it’s way up my cheeks. “what a weird name for a song, are you following me” he mused quietly to himself and I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my lips, he looked at me with a raised eyebrow and an amused expression. “no the song isn’t called are you following me, I meant it as a question. Are you following me?” I decided not to be shy anymore, I remembered what happened with Connie and how he’d mocked me with all of those people, this was the last time I was ever going to talk to him, I had decided, and I never go back on my decisions. “Do you want me to be Toby?” he smirked and that flashing sign appeared in my head again, player player player. “obviously I want some freak who seems to be stuck to my ass the past three days following me around everywhere, it makes me feel safe” I gave him my get a fucking grip kid look and his smirk grew. “you’ll never know the answer if you’re going to be sarcastic” “ok cool cya” I pulled my headphone from his ear and stood up ready to walk away from the weirdo for the last time in my life. A light breeze blew and suddenly the wind was knocked out of my lungs, I opened my eyes feeling something pressing me into the ground and came eye to eye with Nathan. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” I screamed kicking and pushing him away. His dark eyes burnt into mine and I felt all of the fear leave my body, he was going to get off me, and he was going to do it now. “get the fuck off of me” I snarled and his eyes widened as if he’d seen a ghost, he just lay there, pinning me down with his weight, as I stared into his eyes all I could think was I wish you were in so much pain, just as I finished that sentence in my head, his eyes screwed up and he looked in pure agony, I managed to push him off of me and the second he was away from me, his face relaxed into it’s usual beautiful form and he stared at me horrified “how did you do that?” he growled and I stared at him blankly, I didn’t do that, the dude was crazy. “stay away from me” I snapped before running back the way I came, once I was a safe distance away I glanced over my shoulder just in time to see Felix walk out of the forest, laughing at (I assume) Nathan, I couldn’t look any longer and I ducked into the nearest store, a small cheap coffee shop, I ordered a milky sweet coffee and stared into the cup. I didn’t do that did i? I couldn’t have…I shook my head and mentally slapped myself. Get a grip October, he’s probably pilled off his head or something. I nodded to myself deciding that was it, he was on drugs and having a bad trip. The thought made me laugh and my utter hysterics soon developed into tears, I sobbed into my coffee and looked up when I felt the air stir. I jumped out of my skin when I saw who it was “Hi” she smiled her white teeth shining and her long raven hair like a force of nature following her every move, the most beautiful woman in existence was sat across from me at a shitty coffee shop while I looked like utter shit. Felix…