Status: Book 1 Complete! Second addition started!

Nothing Personal

Two Fronts and a Tragedy

Maybe she was paranoid but Tabitha felt increasingly nervous as she called her mother for the seventh time.

"Hi, you've reached Tori Reed. Sorry I can't answer your call right now. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible," her voicemail answered for her instead. Angered, Tabitha tossed her Droid into the passenger seat as she gritted her teeth. What would have her mother preoccupied? She thought furiously as she passed the street lights of the highway. In the background Tim McGraw's ruff voice sooth her from the speakers but her nerves were still shot as her fingers tapped incessantly on the steering wheel.

In the trunk where a pile of bags she packed for the week she planned to stay at her mom's place. As the clock struck 10:10 on her dashboard in bright blue letters, she made a sharp turn off the ramp and into a lonely road surrounded by hedges and gates. Her eyes scanned for a familiar street sign as she slowed down her vehicle. A second later MULBERRY appeared in bold white, as her bright beams caught up to the reflective green face. She made a left turn to the condo complex lined along the sidewalk and perfectly cut hedges. After parking closely to the Victorian inspired buildings, she popped open the trunk of her medium sized SUV and swung a bright blue duffle bag over her shoulder and another travel case out, pulling the handle out and rolling it across the uneven pavement after closing the trunk.

She walked briskly in the cold, only having a Columbia jacket to provide her warmth in the cool, California night. She passed a familiar gray elongated SUV and caught the first three, letters, 'XCH' of the license plates, making her feel very sure that it belonged to her mother. Next to it was a smaller vehicle, blatantly white, and she assumed the newer Fusion belonged to her brother. Her Nike tennis shoes tapped loudly against the pavement until she reached the complex opening, stepping under a bright fixture.

From a distance, behind a car, a figure heard her footsteps and watched them, his dark eyes catching up with her as she stepped under the light. He could identify her feminine outline underneath the bright light. Behind cool eyes, he observed Tabitha move up the narrow staircase up to the second story where the door was located. With anticipation, the figure waited for a moment until a night shattering shriek burst the silence of the mild Thursday night. Even though he knew it would happen, the volume of the scream alone made him cringe, stumbling to regain balance on his Tahoe.

Instead to being welcomed into a warm room, Tabitha watched with wide, disbelieving eyes as she processed the scene for a long, excruciating moment. In front of her, not even four feet away, laid her mom, unconscious with bruises on her battered torso, as if she can been tossed around the room. Chaos was everywhere. Furniture overturned, glass plates shattered on wood floor too close to Tori's head for Tabitha's liking.

Tori herself was sprawled in the tight quarters of the kitchen, with her hand stretched forward towards something but as Tabitha leaned forward, she discovered nothing was there, just smeared blood which got Tabitha's heart beat pounding.

She dropped to her knees beside her mom after dropping her bags in front of the door. She felt Tori's pulse at her neck and wrist and sighed heavily in relief as she felt Tori's strong pulse. She lifted up the hem of her mother's jogging tank and gasped at the horrendous purple bruises littering her mother's once-flawless flesh. She kept herself from gagging as she pulled out her phone from her pocket and dialed 911.

"Hello, nine-one-one, what's your emergency?"

"My mom, she's unconscious and lying on the floor and there's blood but I don't know where it's coming from," Tabitha rushed over the speaker as her words slurred. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she examined the injuries.

"Do you know where the blood is coming from?"

"I just said no!" Tabitha angrily replied.

"Where are you?"

"In her house, 270 Grant View, Wicca Heights, California 90807," Tabitha described. "It's the third brownstone from the left."

"All right, who is injured," the operator calmly replied.

"My mom," Tabitha repeated behind clenched teeth, "Victoria Reed." Tabitha affectionately pushed aside some of Tori's brown strands from her pasty face. Her green eyes were wide open with unmistakable fear of what had just happened to her, something Tabitha needed to know but as long as Tori was out cold, she wouldn't get much answers. Her lips were blue and ajar and Tabitha attempted to close them with a nudge from her fingers but her lips fell back open.

"The ambulance will be with you shortly," the operator insisted. "Please stay on the line."

Tabitha's face darkened. "Bring the police, too. I think someone broke in. My mom is beaten up and bruised and I don't think a fall could've caused it," she insisted with haggard breathing. She looked around the room for any other possible explanations but everything was out of order. The couch was moved aside as if some force pushed it out of the way to get to Tori. The thought made Tabitha tremble with anger. A lamp had fallen over and the glass of the vase shattered all over the small square of carpet placed in the middle of the small condo for the living room. Pots and pans lay disarray on the stove and countertop, one being flipped, spilling some pasta over the tile on the other side of the island.

"Oh mom," Tabitha grumbled angrily, vowing revenge, "who did this to you?"

Suddenly another thought came to mind as she remembered she passed Todd's car on the way here. "Todd!" She exclaimed, standing up. Where did he go? She thought. Was he here? Did he see what happened? Oh my God… was he hurt, too, trying to defend mom? "Todd! Todd, where are you? Todd!"

Tabitha was in near hysterics as the possibility of Todd being fatally injured occurred in her mind. She left her mom in the kitchen as she quickly climbed up the loft to the bedrooms where Todd could've been. Surprisingly, the upper floor was in pristine shape. Not a single wall clipped or dented and the valuables very clearly there on the table. She pried open the trio of doors on the right side of the wall only to discover empty rooms.

Upon reaching the third door, she expected the same result as the other doors, but instead of finding a darkened, void room, she found the lights to be at their brightest, revealing a pair of bare feet from the other side of the bed. Frantic, she maneuvered around the large bed and leaned over the body –her brother's body –and let out a shrill scream. His hair was matted with blood as a small, oval shaped wound found on top of his head let out a pool of the red substance that was soaked into her mom's expensive tan carpet, as well as slipping all the way into his curly locks. His face was ghastly white, drained of any color, except for the huge blue bruise forming over his cheeks as she suspected he was beaten before the bullet was popped into his forehead.

Stunned and in shock, her numb hands dropped her cell phone, concerning the operator who began to call out for her. "Miss, are you there?" Tabitha couldn't hear her though as she felt her world focus out, staring solely at what remained of her brother. Her bottom lip trembled but she tried to hold it back. She spotted his grey glazed eyes and that ignited her panic.

"Todd!" She tried to cry out but her words couldn't manifest themselves and she began to burble. "Todd! You have to hold on," she coaxed but it was futile, as she knew his heart no longer beat in his chest cavity. She pounded her fist against his torso, only to have it bounce off the stiff, plaster of skin. She repeated this process over and over again, frustrated and desperate, until she gave up. Gasping for air, she gazed blindly at him, as tears blurred her sight. All she could make out was his dark shape, the curls on his mop of his head, and his pale complexion.

Heaviness dropped, onto her chest as if 200 pounds had collapsed onto her lungs as she found it difficult to breathe or move. She felt she was about to faint. Giving up on dipping into her strength reserves, she collapsed onto his corpse, gripping his bloody t-shirt as she sobbed painfully into his chest, feeling her throat constrict as her face heated up. She smeared some of the blood from his shirt onto her face, reddening her face further. His body felt stiff in her grip as she caressed his face with her hand, he felt cold to the touch. She assumed he had been decaying for an hour or two. She curled up next to him, unable to look at his cold, unmoving face any longer and let out a shrill scream, over and over again, until she felt a pair of hands lift her up.

"No! NO! Get your hands off of me!" She fought, throwing them across the room. She was too blind with fury and tears to realize it was a paramedic instead of an intruder ready to finish the job. A normal human being would've been stunned at her sheer strength but the experienced 40 year-old paramedic understood an individual in grief can come up with a surprising amount of strength, especially in survival mood, and blamed the incident on her adrenaline. "NO!" She yelled out, daring to show her wild, amber eyes but before she could twist around to attack them, another voice intercepted the quarrel.


She looked at the doorway and saw bright blue Madison's form advance towards her with open arms. Her eyes dimmed from a vibrant yellow to her normal emerald green orbs as she regained control of her body. Tabitha, in this rare event, dropped her defensive stance and let her walls down and lunged toward her Alpha, stumbling into her strong arms. Madison –shaken by own revelations –fell into Tabitha's strong embrace and they shared a moment of silence, almost telepathically understanding each other. Madison held back her own sobs when she realized how hurt and helpless her Beta felt.

"How the hell did you get in here?" The paramedic asked but Madison shot him a heated look instead, daring him to kick her out. Feeling her authority and natural superiority over the short distance, he nodded and let the two continue on with their moment. Madison patted down Tabitha's hair as she tried to ignore the putrid scent of blood all over her Beta. Putting her needs above her own, Madison put up a strong façade and led Tabitha down stairs, passing another pair of paramedics on their way up to join their co-worker, carrying a gurney up the short flight of stairs. Madison held Tabitha's face in her shoulder so she wouldn't see the scene.

"Tabi, baby," Tori croaked as she was pulled out of the condo on a gurney. She saw the pair descend the stairs and immediately noticed how shattered her daughter was. She, too, was shattered by the memories of her attack but they slowly faded as she was more concerned with the welfare of her daughter. "Tabi," she croaked out again. Tabitha tried to lift her head but Madison kept it down until they left the mess of the condo.

"Shh, Mrs. Reed, its best you don't talk," a female paramedic insisted, placing an oxygen mask on the older woman as they stepped into the cool night.

"She's fine, Tabi," Madison cooed. Madison even kissed her forehead, missing a patch of blood that had stained her almond flesh. "Sore but fine," Madison insisted. "They only knocked her out."

"And the blood by her hand," Tabitha feebly questioned, her words smothered by Madison's cloth clad shoulder.

Madison shook her head. "It wasn't hers. They searched her body. There were no major cuts, just burns and bruises. The blood probably belonged to…" Madison felt her own throat constrict, hating to remind Tabitha of her personal tragedy. Understanding the cut off, Tabitha heaved another hearty sob and almost buckled under the weight of her grief but Madison kept her up, dragging her body onto the porch where she tried to avoid the mass gathering of sightseers. Madison shot them a grimace, disgusted by their curiosity on such a private matter. Police lights flashed red and blue all over the area and Madison rushed to get away from there as possible. Behind her BMW, she opened the passenger door and propped Tabitha inside. Under the low illumination of her interior lights she how much of a mess Tabitha really was.

Tabitha's once rosy cheeks were flushed, despite the coverage of blood, Madison could still see that. Her hair was limp and dead and tangled. Her eyes were dead and vibrant red from crying out all the water within her small, fragile body. She shook and trembled in the leather as her mind tried to reason what the hell had just happened.

"Marcy! Marcy!" A pair of voices called out, rushing up towards Madison's BMW. Tabitha looked out and spotted Tom and Trent's dark outlines coming forward. "Aubrey, hi," Trent curtly greeted the blond. Madison nodded graciously.

"Marcy," Trent began, sounding much stronger than his older siblings, being the only stable one because someone needed to be one within the chaos, "we're going to St. Christopher's hospital. Do you want to come with us or do you want to go with her?"

Madison looked at Tom's devastated face as he was unable to speak. His heart beat was beating furiously against his rib cage as he played with his hair, unable to focus his energy anywhere. Madison advanced towards and laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. He nodded back, silently thanking her for his compassion.

"It'll get better," Madison confided in him. "It'll hurt, a lot, I know. I suffered a huge loss, too, but you need to focus on your mom. She needs your support." Tom nodded again, understandingly. "She's going to be a mess, the worst one, when she learns what happened to Todd, but you guys…" Madison struggled with her own words. "He did what he had to do. He died defending his mom, like a good son should. If she didn't they'd both be dead and…" Madison lost her own strength and embraced him, unable to say anything else. Tom hugged her back just as tightly as they sobbed into each other.

Trent tried to avoid the scene, knowing if he got too involved, he'd be a blubbering mess, too, and the family didn't need that, someone needed to be strong. "So you're staying here?" Trent asked again. Tabitha nodded again wordlessly. "Okay… we'll send you up dates, all right? Are you going to stay with Madison tonight?" Tabitha nodded again, knowing Madison wouldn't have a problem with that. Trent held back his tongue when he knew their dad wouldn't be happy that Tabitha wouldn't be there to grieve with the rest of the family but he also knew everyone would have an issue in their own way.

Tom was silent, keeping his problems to himself, the exact opposite of his twin, who was always open about his problems and able to say the right thing at the right time.

Trent was too much like Todd but wasn't able to pitch the right words and felt horrible about it, knowing he could be open with his emotions but… he knew it wasn't the right time, because everyone was a mess. To talk about emotions wouldn't help at all.

Tyler was in shock, like everyone else, but kept denying Todd was in fact dead, clinging onto the hope he would be revived. He was also clinging to his mother in the ambulance as the large vehicle pulled away from the curb, turning on the screeching sirens as it did.

Tabitha, well, she was a yeller. When she was frustrated, she'd yell and scream and berate anyone who stood in her way. He knew she would want someone to blame and it was this rash-thinking that concerned him. He would've warned her to keep cool but at the moment, as she stood frozen in the small coupe, he knew she was just a ticking time bomb and he didn't want to ignite her fury too early. He let the matter be, for now.

As for his dad, well… Richard was a strong guy but he had to be the most empathetic of them all, always the one willing to carry the burden and especially with this tragedy, Richard was bound to collapse. Trent gulped just thinking about it. He hated seeing his dad weak but he knew it only a matter of days before Richard fell to his knees.

"I love you," Trent bid, hugging her. She leaned into his embrace and mumbled a soft 'I love you, too' before he left, pulling Tom away from Madison and towards the bright Mustang parked closest to the scene.

"I'll go get your bags and we can head to hospital," Madison offered, wiping her wet cheeks with her arm. Tabitha nodded solemnly.

As Madison turned around, she saw a familiar face. Alongside Sheriff Stilinski were his son and Scott. It looked like the two were getting a scolding from the Sheriff but Madison wondered how the hell Sheriff Stilinski was even allowed on the premises, it wasn't even his city! She held back a growl but something slid by her, showing her with such a force she had to stable herself on the trunk of her BMW. She turned around, enraged, only to see Tabitha's sly figure advance in the different direction, towards a Tahoe… and earlier familiar Tahoe.

Tabitha knew it was the one she destroyed only a few days ago and she felt her blood pressure rise. She lunged out of the seat when her wandering eyes caught sight of his glimmering paint and approached it with such hostility, the coward hiding behind it didn't have any reaction time to head in. She veered around and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him off the ground. Madison followed him and gazed, amazed at how bold the usually responsible and cautious Tabitha was. Madison also eyed the black-clad figure with hesitant eyes, not ready to unleash her Alpha quite yet, wondering if Tabitha would kill him or just scare him, but from the feral look in her eyes, this girl was ready for the kill. Just as Trent had predicted, Tabitha's fury had been unleashed by the unfortunate on-looker-and-probably-perpetrator. He was one unlucky soul, Madison thought with a shake of her head.

The man gasped for air and glanced at Madison, his light hazel eyes begging for help, confusing her for a bystander, but she just shook her head at him and crossed her arms over her chest.

"What are you looking at, huh?" Tabitha taunted viciously, slowly suffocating him with her arm pressed against his throat. He kicked, did anything he could escape her reach but it was all futile as she hooked her claws into his torso. He gasped at the pain, almost feeling like he was stabbed all over again. She pulled her fingers out and examined her nails and the blood smeared over her flesh before wiping it off on her coat. No one would assume it was from another person except for her brother's. The thought enraged her again. "What did you do to my brother?" She demanded, pushing him against the vehicle one more time.

Madison glanced back at the Sheriff and noticed the boys gone. Suspicious, she looked at Tabitha. "Looks like you got this covered. I'm going to cover on the front lines, okay? Make it quick. Don't let him get away." Tabitha nodded her head and continued to slice away at the unfortunate man with her claws.

Madison left the scene, intercepting the duo of boys halfway there.

"What are you guys doing?" Madison asked innocently with an edge in her voice.

"Is Tabitha okay?" Stiles asked. "We heard there was an attack and a murder on my dad's scanner and demanded all units. Is she okay?" He explained with wide anxious eyes, his pupils flittering from the left to right.

"How did you know Tabitha was related?" Madison interrogated.

"We didn't," Scott defended their actions, "we only knew when Stiles' dad mentioned the last name of Reed and we kind of assumed…."

Madison sighed. "Just get out of here, okay? It's none of your business."

"Is Tabitha hurt?" Stiles demanded. Scott looked at his friend questionably. He couldn't explain Stiles' fascination with the brunette.

Madison shook her head. "Physically, no, emotionally…she's scarred. She just lost a brother tonight and her mother was brutally attacked. Her psyche is trying to reason how the hell this could have happened. She's also on the edge of murdering someone. Whoever did this better watch their backs because she's out for blood." Madison resisted the urge to look back at the Tahoe. She had yet to smell the distinct smell of overkill but the lingering scent of blood disturbed her. She had hoped Scott wouldn't detect it. She also hoped the duo would relay the message to the Argents, very sure they did it.

Scott looked troubled for a moment but a hand pulled him back before he could slide past Madison's guard.

"Don't," Derek ordered, "do it. This is Tabitha's territory and she already has a lot on her plate. Just leave her alone, Scott. Let her grieve."

Madison gaped at the other Alpha and with her baby blues, silently pleaded for him to keep her secret. He seemed to understand as he flashed a bright grin. "Go on home, boys. Don't be rude," he chastised. Scott and Stiles looked at him awkwardly before hesitantly agreeing, turning around to head back to Stiles' Jeep. "Wait one minute though," he ordered. "Who is she lovely woman?"

Scott shot him a harsh look, knowing this was his attempt to intimidate Madison –still assuming she was a simple Gamma –but Derek's true game plan was evident to Madison as she fought a scowl.

"This is Aubrey Lundgren, she's our friend," Scott emphasized. He was afraid Derek's interest in her would be harmful but Derek had no such plan.

"And a werewolf," Derek pointed.

"Bitten by the Alpha," Scott defended. Derek raised an amused brow and grinned at Aubrey.

"So what are you….A Beta or Gamma, perhaps even an Omega…?" Derek questioned humorously. Aubrey scowled and growled, baring her teeth but made sure to keep her nature in check, not wanting to alarm them with her natural eyes, surely that would give her away.

"A Gamma," Aubrey pushed through clenched teeth. Stiles noticed this and wondered if there was more to the story.

"Well, you look stunning, Ms. Lundgren." Derek complimented but his swag didn't impress her.

"Thank you," she sarcastically retorted. "You don't look too bad yourself," she continued with her sarcasm, eyeing his dark attire and leather jacket.

"So, do you know a Madison?"

"…A Madison…?" Aubrey tried to even her heartbeat. How the hell did they even discover her name? She thought frantically, tapping her names on her arm and she rebalanced her feet.

"She's your Alpha," Derek insisted, knowing full well Madison was messing with them.

"No, Tabitha is my Alpha. She bit me," Aubrey kept up with her lie, determined to stick with it.

Before Scott or Stiles could retort, Derek silenced them with a wave of the hand. "Go guys, I can handle this." Stiles opened his mouth to try and stop whatever Derek planned but Derek's harsh glare shook him in his converse shoes.

"Don't hurt her," Stiles warned Derek under his breath, sure Derek had heard him. Derek had no intention of hurting 'Aubrey.' He just grinned and nodded while Madison scowled at him.

"Oh, that's clever of you," Derek said with a grin when he heard Stiles' jeep start. "Hiding in plain day light," he mused. "No one would suspect you, Madison. While everyone is lifting up rocks and looking underneath, you're helping them find you, when they have no idea they already found you. It's brilliant but reckless." He took a breath. "I know everything about you, what you're planning, why," Derek kept on going, staring directly at Madison's brilliant grey-blue eyes.

"Oh really," Madison retorted skeptically, "and what's that?"

"You want revenge on the Argents because they slaughtered your parents."

"Way to be specific," Madison grumbled.

"You were four years old, when Chris and Kate killed yours parents –Sloane and Aubrey was it?" He began, crossing his arms as his voice began to even, in a low, direct tone. It made her body stiffen. "They set the house afire and you got away before they doused the gasoline. Sheriff Klein took you in and hid you, and you may think he covered up it up on his own free will but he was paid to keep quiet. He had to be quiet or else he and his wife would be targeted, too. He was obliged but he thought he could redeem himself if he kept you a secret, so you could live a normal life."

"Yes I know," she harshly whispered, clenching her jaw as a fresh set of tears lined her eyes. "Yes I know I killed a man, maybe he wasn't innocent but he made an effort and I didn't know that. Not until last night when my dad cornered me and told me things I didn't even know he knew. He knows what I am. He knows that sneak out at night to shift. I am utterly shell-shocked. So thank you so much for that fucking reminder," Madison shoved him hard.

Understanding her dilemma, he let it slide and regained his stance, driving home his point.

"Is there anything else you want to elaborate?" She challenged again, this time with her eyes shifting from blue to red.

Derek puckered his lips, pretending to think, before replying again. "Nope, that's it. I just wanted you to know that I know who you are and…" he let it drag before leaning forward next to her ear. She shivered at his breath crept down her neck. He let his finger push aside a strand of her golden hair, letting his flesh feel the soft, baby smooth texture of her own. She gulped. "I want to help and if I can't, I'll destroy you Madison."

"Is that a threat?" Madison hissed. She couldn't believe she was going to be blackmailed, that she put herself in the position of being blackmailed. She growled loudly but Derek wasn't moved.

"It was a smart suggestion, dear," Derek insinuated. Madison scowled before baring her needle sharp canine teeth. With no option, she played a bluff.

"You do know I could kill you, too," Madison persuaded, narrowing her eyes, "I've killed before and not just hunters," that she bluffed and from his smug expression, she knew it, too. "Okay, honestly, you'd be my first Alpha but trust me, I'm very clever with the way I execute the stupid individuals who get in my way," she hissed. Derek found it utterly amusing that the petite blonde tried to get into his face. With little effort, he used his hand and pushed her away. She felt the burn of his rough shove but kept in place, saving what dignity it had.

"I can call Stiles right now and tell him you're the girl I met sneaking into the Argent's house," Derek threatened with a grin, holding up his phone but she was too cocky for his own good as she slapped the phone out of his hand, her reflexes far better than his rusty ones, and the phone slid far away, stopping underneath a car, catching a deep gash on the screen, permanently destroying the phone. Derek's smug look immediately dropped as he stared in the darkness, unable to fathom she just did that or how the hell he let that slip.

"Arrogance will be your downfall," Madison said as she stole his smug look but she fought it, trying to stay as indifferent as possible but the victorious glint in her eyes remained. He grimaced.

"Don't worry, I can still get to them before you," he insisted. He grabbed her arms and pulled her closer to him. She gasped as their chests made contact and felt his breath creep down her neck again. She titled her head so she wouldn't have to face him.

"And stubbornness will get you caught and killed," Derek retorted. "Admit it, we can do this together. Would it hurt you that much?"

His logic made sense, to some, as wolves –werewolves, too –were pack oriented creatures, relying on each other. Madison already relied on her Beta but she wasn't sure she could accept this stranger. She didn't know much about him or his ways and he could sense it.

"I don't know if you'll get me killed," she snapped back, pulling herself out of his vice grip. She distanced herself and kept a defensive stance as she was weary of another advance. "Other than blackmail, why should I let you in?" She insisted, glaring at him. "What do you have to accomplish you need my help for? What can't you achieve on your own?" She jabbed at him verbally, not wanting to make any more physical contact.

Derek stared her directly in the eyes. "Because to be honest, you have everything set up. They know about me," he explained but was cut off.

"Which is exactly why I don't want to be connected to you," she interrupted, receiving a harsh glare from Derek. "My association with you will reveal my own identity in a matter of days. I don't want my operation jeopardized."

He let that one slide, too, not acknowledging her rude remark. "They will focus on me, not you, sweetheart. You have the skills that I admit I don't have. You have the element of surprise," he continued.

"And you want to mooch off of that, like a leech, not caring for me at all. Admit it, you just want to use me," she accused angrily.

Derek shook his head. "I want to help you. I sympathize for you and your cause and I want to support it but your actions will endanger my life, Ms. Ignorant. Haven't you thought about how the Argents will assume it was me that did these things?"

Madison rolled her eyes. "Doubt it. Don't you see," she waved towards the cop car and the condo, "their focus isn't anywhere near you? They attacked my pack, Derek, not yours. They know there are two separate packs."

"That's why we need to team up!" He insisted. "One big pack is better than one. They can't handle that kind of scale!" He explained passionately, pointing to the same scene. Madison's jaw tightened, frustrated with his narrow sight.

"It's time to go back to history class, Derek," she began, "in World War 2, the reason Germany lost is because of the two fronts." She demonstrated with her fingers, holding up her index and middle finger. "The Allies had them surrounded and Germany didn't have the man power to meet the enemy equally on both sides. When one front was lost, Germany tried to focus on the other, Russia, always looking behind their back for the threat. It's this kind of anxiety I want the Argents to feel. I want their focus to be strained and divided, that way they are more careless than usual."

Derek was impressed by her psychological thinking but was set on being a part of the plot. "Fine, then let's compromise. Let's be the Allies. You can be Russia, representing your heritage proudly, and I'll be France," he insisted but Madison shut him down again before he could continue.

"France surrendered within months after the declaration of war because of their debt and inability to defend itself properly. Germany invaded and took over the country not even a year after WW2 began. Nice comparison, Hale," Madison remarked with a witty glint in her eye. Derek threw his hands up in the air and exasperated.

"Fine," Derek altered his words, "I'll be America, damn it, okay? You're Russia and I will be America. You fight on your front and I'll fight on mine!"

Madison –impressed by the idea of exhausting her enemy but pretending to still be hesitant, tilted her head and narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Let's say I do indulge in this idea of yours, how do I know you aren't going to sell me out in any circumstance?" She questioned.

"What do I have to lose in this?" Derek insisted.

"The question I'm more confused with is… what do you have to gain with this?"

"The Argents will be gone."

She was skeptical as she wondered if he'd be willing to put everything on the line for the simple cause of exterminating his enemy.

"And if we get killed in the process and fail?"

He smirked. "With your clever little head full of these wonderful psychological and military tactics and my strength and knowledge of the area, that's impossible."

She frowned. "Don't be too cocky, Derek. Arrogance got Germany in a deep hole. It started WW2 in the first place. I don't want to be Germany."

"You aren't Germany. You're Russia. You know what Russia did to Germany?"

Madison smirked. "Russia slaughtered the soldiers, destroyed the foundation of the capitol, raped the woman, divided Berlin with a great wall, and made sure they never rose to power again."

"One more thing," she added, "I don't think it'd be a good idea to involve Stiles or Scott in this. I don't want them to know who I am or that you're working with me. They are smart, Scott, too, Derek," she remarked, catching Derek's eye roll. "Not just Stiles. They'll know and eventually discover me. I'm concerned with their loyalty. They are closer to Allison than they are to you or me and it's not something I want to risk. You need to leave them out of this. Not that we need them," Madison continued. "I am the brains of this operation. I can fill in Stiles' spot, not that he ever had one with me, but you know what I mean."

Derek couldn't agree further and nodded along.

The idea appealed to her more by the minute as Derek complied with her reasoning's. In a rash decision she stuck her hand out. Just as Derek was about to shake it, she pulled it back, letting hang in the air for a moment. "You have to promise to put my interest above your own, to consult me before any decision –not just a big decision but any decision –and abide my call, understand? This is my shindig, I'm letting you on and you should feel honored. Don't be like your Uncle and try to take over, understand?" Tabitha ordered. Derek –anxious to seal the deal –nodded furiously and shook her hand.

They grinned at each other for a long moment before Tabitha's hard, rough voiced interrupted their silent congratulations.

Behind the Tahoe, Tabitha delivered one more, final kick to the limp man and sent him rolling down the ditch besides the parking lot. She descended the short but steep slope and knelt over the battered and bloody man. His throat was mutilated as she had dug into his trachea with her claws and cut his vocal words, leaving him to only gurgle for the short few minutes he had left before knocking him out for good. His face was fear stricken with gashes inflicted everywhere, only they were superficial wounds. Unhappy with her work, as she believed he deserved more for his unjustified murder of her innocent brother, she picked up his head and just as she traced outline of his head-

"Tabitha!" Madison hissed under the cover of the dense blackness in the reserved ditch. "Don't do anything else. We need to stage this as a reasonable excuse and right now he looks like he had the shit clawed out of him from a mountain lion attack. If you scalp this man, we throw out that opportunity right out the window."

"Oh, I don't plan on dumping his body in the woods, even though I know he would never be found again and that's probably better than having his carcass found," Tabitha mused. "I plan on making my promise good and personally hand-deliver his corpse to the Argents and then," Tabitha continued but Madison cut her off.

"We are not ready to kill Allison yet," Madison snarled.

"They took one of my own!" Tabitha defended. "I will not let them get away with that!"

"We need to thinking of this thoroughly, Tabi," Madison laid an understanding hand on Tabitha's stiff shoulder.

"They will make the first move if I don't do it right away," Tabitha reasoned furiously, snarling as she stepped threateningly towards Madison.

"This is their first move," Madison dejected. "They want to weaken you or give you a blind resolve. They will take advantage of that. They will want you on a rampage but you have to control those emotions. Be smarter than them. They are predictable. You can't be like them, predictable."

Tabitha glared at her through glassy, gold eyes. "I'll meet to at the God damn hospital. I want to see my mom" Tabitha demanding, storming past Madison. "If you think you know what you're doing, you get rid of the body yourself, Ms. Know-It-All."

Madison sighed as Tabitha intercepted Derek, shooting him a glare on her way to the BMW.

"Derek," Madison requested, "Can you help me move this body to your car?"

"Why my car," Derek asked skeptically. Not only minutes after sealing the deal, she was already burdening him with the body of proof and ultimately setting him up. Madison glared at him.

"Because the police are going to most definitely search Tabitha's as a witness and its protocol and I don't think that we can erase all traces of evidence without seeming suspicious. My car is too clean and also, if by chance, the police search it, I don't want to be connected. Yours seems like the only option left. Now, show me some motivation!"

Derek rolled his eyes but didn't argue as he pulled his car up to the scene and stuffed the carcass into the trunk. Madison thanked him politely before going back to her car. Derek stayed behind and watched over the scene, thankful they had gotten rid of the body before the police eventually extended their search towards the woods around the luxury condos. He heard the excited yips of the German shepherds as they caught the scent of blood. Guiding the dogs back to the origin of the scent revealed the dented and incriminating Tahoe. The police dotted down the license plates number and went back to the gruesome scene in the ditch.

"This could be a suspect," one officer suggested, pointing to the blood. Stilinski nodded along. "This is where the altercation happened," he continued, "when Mr. Reed and this individual began the fight," he pointed to the folded grass strands and broken branches. "The individual then returned to the condo to finish what had happened, where he met Mrs. Reed, and attacked her, probably because she was a witness. The victim then stepped in to defend his mother and that's when the altercation ascended upstairs and was finished by the bullet shot."

"It doesn't explain the burns," another officer slipped in confidently. "It was like the victims had been shocked."

Derek immediately recalled the electric probe Kate had used on him. He shook his head. This was definitely the Argent's work.

"The lab will reveal more to us later. For now, this scenario seems to be plausible. Okay boys see where the trail leads us." Stilinski suggested, motioning for the excited police dogs. The handlers nodded along as the dogs sniffed the scene.

Derek had to grin. Things did certainly go Madison's way. He decided it was time to high-tail it out of there before Stilinski noticed him. Hopping into his car, he drove off the scene, using the back way so the nosy police wouldn't notice his presence. He made a quick stop at the woods three miles in the dense public park where he dragged the almost-dead hunter a mile into the woods. He staged the area so it would seem like a legit animal attack and didn't apply too much pressure to his shoe, hoping not to leave any imprint. After staging the body, he hurried back to his parked car on the void road and sped off into his hiding place.

He had no idea how the scenario would play out. Madison wanted it to be like an animal attack but if the police thought he was the killer –which most likely, he was –then he ought to have defensive wounds. When examining the body before dumping it off, Derek noted there was none. The poor guy was caught off guard by Tabitha and didn't have any opportunity to defend himself. Also, she cut his vocal cords, which made it seem sketchy.

If he was head of police in the investigation, he'd most likely believe the idiot was caught and killed shortly after the victim –whom he didn't even know the name of –was murdered. It would most obviously appear as a revenge killing, his death…a very quick revenge killing. Plus, how the hell does a corpse get three miles away from the scene, two towns over, when he left his vehicle behind at the scene of the crime? He shook his head. The story would only uphold for so long.

Though…He began to wonder, if there was incriminating evidence in the car…It would certainly connect the Argent's to this, too. It wouldn't look good on the hunter's part. Hmm, it's a win-win situation for Madison.

Meanwhile, in the opposite direction, Madison watched over Tabitha from a distance as the family gathered around a doctor. As suspected, the doctor concluded Victoria Reed would heal fairly quickly. It was the difficult task of trying to break the news that her eldest child was dead that had everyone on their toes. Tabitha and Trent offered to do it, taking one for the team, but Richard knew his daughter was in no state to deliver the news when she herself was torn up about it, and he didn't want to subject his youngest son to the responsibility that he shouldn't have, as the youngest he didn't need to worry about that. He was just a kid in Richard's eyes. He announced –as the father –it was his job to do the dirty work of the family and pushed passed the private room's door separately, leaving the rest of his kids to discuss it among themselves.

Madison pitied the family as she felt heavy stones in her stomach weigh her down. She no longer felt the urge to cry as she had shed her last tears long, long ago, but she envied the fact Tabitha had family to hold themselves together. Her uncle did it all alone when he took custody of Madison as a child.

Tom and Tabitha separated from the group to grieve privately.

"Are you going to be okay?" Madison asked, concerned about Tabitha's mental state. "I can stay here."

"No," Tabitha objected. "I mean, yes, I'll be fine," she insisted, giving Madison a pointed look. "I mean no as in don't stay here. Go home, Aubrey. You're tired and don't even try to deny it. You have bags under your eyes. Just go, okay?"

Madison nodded slowly, not wanting to go but in respect, did so. She hated how Tabitha tried to be strong when it obvious she was about the crumble. Her eyes were red as ever, her voice cracking from sobbing for an hour straight until the paramedics had to pry her off of Todd's body.

"Just… don't go into the morgue," Madison bid one last piece of advice before giving Tabitha a long, meaningful hug. "I'm so sorry Tabi. I really am. I didn't mean for this to happen." She croaked into Tabitha's cry, cloth clad shoulder. The police had removed her article of clothing –except for the Columbia jacket which mysteriously went missing –and replaced it with her other clothes in her duffle bag, including a simple graphic tee that went well with her dark washed jeans.

"It's not your fault," Tabitha accepted. "They were the ones who chose to pull the trigger, not you," she tried to reason but inside, it felt bitter. Madison knew Tabitha must've blamed her for something, because Madison felt responsible herself. If she hadn't introduced Tabitha to the hunters or sewed her into her plot of revenge, Todd most likely would still be here breathing and Victoria would be finishing her plate of homemade spaghetti.

Tabitha though truthfully felt no anger or resentment to Madison, just concentrated sympathy fully knowing and experiencing the grief her Alpha felt and understanding how difficult it must have been to wait for so long for justice. She thanked this experience silently –however tragic it was –because she grew closer to Madison than she thought was possible.

"Get going," Tabitha persisted, "seriously, you have school tomorrow. I'll be fine. I know… I promise I won't do anything crazy. I don't think they'd be crazy enough to come at us again not even hours later. I'll keep you updated."

Madison nodded and picked up her bag, glancing back at Tabitha who had a dazed and distant look in her dark, brooding eyes. Something didn't feel right but Madison didn't want to push it right. She passed the sheriffs who were joining efforts on the brutal crime and wondered if Sheriff Stilinski's son accompanied him. She exited the busy hospital and to the BMW parked next to Tabitha's Ford Escape. She also noticed a familiar beat up blue Jeep close to hers and wondered if the duo were really stupid enough to stick around.

"I thought you told them to go home," Madison demanded as she spotted another familiar Camaro nearby. Derek emerged from the shadows in his same outfit earlier.

"They don't listen to me," he smoothly replied as he leaned against the BMW. She scowled and swiped at his elbow. "You know, you owe me a new phone," he said, lifting his shattered device and tossed it at her. "It's useless now. Thanks for breaking the screen."

"No problem," she offered with a wide, white sarcastic smile.

Derek was awed by her beauty under the pale moonlight. It was like a scene out of a movie. Her long gold hair was tussled by the wind gracefully as her face was as smooth and flawless as ever, with her brilliant blue eyes and dazzling smile. She was the kind of girl who would have a guy on his knees in a matter of seconds.

"I wonder how you look with your natural color," he wondered out loud, fingering the tips of her hair. She scowled and pulled away. He reached out again and cupped her face, pulling her closer to him. She felt her cheeks heat up at the intimate moment, too uncomfortable with the little distance between their noses. Right before his mouth covered her own…


Madison had pulled away and used her lightning fast reflexes and used all the force she could muster for as she swung her hand forward. The smack echoes through the parking lot as Derek was in shock, numb and yet, the whole right side of his face cried out in a burning sensation. He was caught in the dangerous stare of the bright-blued-eyed Alpha.

"If you ever try to kiss me again," she snarled, "I will kill you next time." He thought she was exaggerating but he didn't underestimate the anger in her eyes. "This is a strictly platonic business relationship, understand?"

He nodded, but not too much, as his face cried out when he moved his head.

Stiles had come across Tabitha by chance, even though his dad had suggested he may be a good companion for the young woman because they experienced similar circumstances –having a family member being violently taken away from you –he really had no intention to meet her again, not until he knew what to say. He heard her sob as he ventured into the basement to look at the body, curious of how Todd Reed died, and when he turned around the corner, spotted her frail form slip down the wall, collapsing onto the cold ground outside the morgue's door.

Something in him kicked and he rushed next to her, taking her into his arms. She immediately pulled away, glaring at him with vicious, feral gold eyes but he wasn't unnerved, understanding some people wanted to be alone, insecure about crying in public, but he also knew solitude wasn't a healthy mixture with grief. He pulled her back into his grasp and she struggled.

She violently squirmed, almost throwing him onto the floor, but he hung on, shoving her face into his shoulder while patting her hair down with soft strokes. She cried out and pounded against his chest with her hand, probably leaving a bruise but he let her abuse him.

"Shh," he cooed as she gripped his hand and tried to pull it off. "Just let it out. Punch me, slap me, or hit me, anything. You need to let that anger out before it eats you alive," he advised from experience. She shook her head and let out another choked sob.

"Why were you in the morgue anyways? Why would you torment yourself?" Stiles asked, closing his eyes as she settled into his arms, giving up on struggling.

"I needed to say goodbye," she explained into his shoulder. "I needed… but I couldn't. I couldn't walk into there. It was locked, like… like…" Like he didn't want to see her, or that she wasn't allowed to explain herself. It was true, she guessed, when someone dies, you don't get a second chance. She had underestimated this, not until she realized she wouldn't be able to touch Todd again, or hear his voice in the morning, or thank him for the simple things, like introducing her to soccer and tennis., for being a good brother and letting her sleep in his bed when she had a nightmare when they were young.

"I didn't even get to tell him I loved him," she choked, grabbing Stiles' sleeve with her hand and clutching it like a life line. In a tender motion, he kissed the crown of her head.

"I'm sure he knows, I'm sure he knows," he comforted. "It wasn't your fault."

"I know it wasn't," she tried to be angry and shout it but her voice didn't have the energy anymore and ended in a low whisper Stiles almost didn't catch. "I'm angry that they took it out on him. He didn't deserve it. He didn't do anything to them. It's my fault I got caught up in this mess. I put him in danger and now he paid for it. I'm a complete idiot and my idiocy got him killed."

"It wasn't your choice you got bit, was it?" Stiles told her, mumbling into her ear. "It wasn't your fault you are what you are. Someone else did that. Don't take that burden. There was nothing you could have done to prevent this. Bad people did this, Tabs." It was the first time Stiles used her nickname and he grew quiet for a second, wondering if he crossed the line but from the way she clung to him, he assumed she didn't care.

He readjusted his position and sat Tabitha in his lap while he kept her tight in his arms as she slowly regained an even breathing pattern, her tears drying up as she listened to Stiles' voice, taking his words to heart. It was soothing, being able to be comforted by someone, and not feel like you're disappointing them by 'giving up.' He understood perfectly.

Stiles rubbed her back, messaging the kinks in her muscle, as she confided in him.

"I was so angry, I went into a blind rage," she described, "I saw him next to that car and all I could think was that he was enjoying this, watching my family suffer, and taking an innocent man's life. I bolted out of her car and at his throat, accusing him first before I banged it against the metal. I heard his skull crack…"

"Don't tell me Tabs," Stiles interrupted. "You don't want to incriminate yourself."

She sniffled as she rested her head in the crook of his neck. "Am I crazy? Am I psychopathic? Do I need to be locked up?"

"To be perfectly honest," Stiles closed his eyes as he rested his head against the wall, "I would've done the same." Tabitha smiled, believing him. "But the law says it's not right but hey, I've probably already violated half of them with the shit I do."

"Not helping," Tabitha mumbled.

"Sorry," he apologized.

"So you're not going to tell on me?"

"It's our little secret," he promised, taking her hand into his own.

When she stopped replying he dared to lift her face to see if she was still paying attention only to find her eyes closed with a serene expression.

"Tabi, are you awake?" He called out. She didn't answer. He decided he was comfy where he was and adjusted Tabitha so she was molded with him, legs sprawled on the dusty tile next to his as their torsos warmed each other.

"Remember the supply closet?" Tabitha suddenly mumbled.

"Huh," Stiles replied, surprised. "What about it?"


"Seriously, what," Stiles asked again, a grin playing on his lips. Tabitha nervously fiddled with his hands, webbing it with her own.

"Nothing," she playfully coaxed, opening her eyes even though her sight was blurry. She breathed heavily, taking in his scent. "Did I ever tell you that you smell amazing?"

"Is this your attempt at flirting with me?" Stiles assumed, not helping that fact he couldn't resist smiling.

"Maybe but… thank you, so much. I don't think I could've relaxed so easily if it was someone else." Her chest felt lighter and her head felt clearer. "Don't think too much of this," she warned. Confused, Stiles looked down only to be stunned by the sensation of her warm lips on his own but it wasn't…forced. It was light and delicate. Against his better conscience, he lifted his hand to her cheek and held her face in place as he deepened it.

In their moment of bliss, Tabitha forgot all about her brother and the guilt that weighed her down. She ignored Madison's warnings to stay away from Stiles as she lifted herself to be at the same level at him. She cupped his face as his hands slithered down to her waist to support her as she knelt down in between his legs while he propped himself up against the wall.

This is wrong, his conscience warned him. She's upset. She's looking for a distraction. She's going to hate you later. She's going to see this as you taking advantage of her.

No, he argued with himself, she wants to be in control, that's what she wants. If he declined her advances, she'd fall deeper into her despair. I need to be her distraction. She needs this. She needs affection. She needs…

He found himself staring into her pure, sad, desperate and genuine green eyes as she pulled away. A small smile played on her lips as she gazed lovingly at him. He pushed aside her banes and smiled at her before leaning into another kiss again. She accepted it and let her hands fall onto his shoulders and lace again behind his neck. He pulled her to him until there was no space left between them.