Status: Book 1 Complete! Second addition started!

Nothing Personal

A Fatal Flaw

A howl pierced the silent, blinding black night as a ghostly shape darted in between trees through the cool mist levitating over the damp forest floor. The soft thud of paws pounding against crippling leaves scared a squirrel who rushed to the nearest tree trunk to find shelter on a high branch. The squirrel's beady black eyes spied the grey and white figure leap over the tough terrain and shivered at the sight of the rare predator. Behind it was a similar shape but of darker colors, almost blending in with the night. Shortly after, another pair of figures burst through a barricade of trees in pursuit the wolves. The group met up at an opening, where the she-wolves anxiously paced around, eyeing each other with curled lips, silent snarls vibrating through their throats. Something had them on edge as Lucas and Alex try to decode the animalistic behavior. Madison –showcasing a magnificent midnight black coat –hadn't informed them of anything.

Tabitha on the other hand made her feelings obvious as she shot every living thing and dark shadow a suspicious look with her scrutinizing yellow eyes. Her coat was a mix of patches, blending dark grays and iron reds with her white underbelly. Her eyes were wild and regal, bright and reflective, glowing like the sun in vibrancy in the near pitch blackness.

Madison's unique red eyes –the mark of an Alpha –burned against her black coat while she stared intently at her confused pack. Unable to vocalize words, she sent a telepathic message to her pack, making Tabitha wince as Madison's voice penetrated her skull painfully.

"Thank you guys," she sent with a light yip, "for watching Tabitha for me. You can go now. Tabby and I will surround the hunters and get them moving, until we lead them back to their cars. They should get the point." Madison directed. Tabby's bright orbs glared at her Alpha.

"They have weapons, Aubrey. You think they'll take kindly to the idea that they're being stalked"? Tabitha retorted, snapping. Madison sharply barked back, surprising Tabitha who jumped back and whined.

"They can't shoot what they can't see!"

Tabitha growled. "Psh, but they take blind aim. They are careless but still there is a chance we could get hit."

"I doubt it. With my speed and your agility, they can't touch us. Come on now."

"What about us? Are you sure you want us to leave?" Lucas vocalized quietly. He felt unsure about Madison's decision. Only two wolfs against a group of armed hunters? He felt nervous and Madison understood that.

She thanked him for his caring concern but repeated her order. Madison swung her head low and nodded at them stiffly. "Go home. It isn't safe in big numbers. We haven't trained you yet. You're leverage at this point still. Don't worry about the hunters. We'll keep them at bay."

Madison wasn't a careless leader. She was very protective of her pack and understood the risk of having the pups out in this kind of situation. Even with their size, they wouldn't be to defend themselves at the level Madison felt comfortable with. Tabitha on the other hand was a trained fighter who could kill easily and willingly. That's why she was Madison's Beta.

The boys complied and tracked back as the wolves pushed on forward quietly, crawling low to the ground as the followed the hunter's fresh scent. Tabitha felt edgy and constantly looked over her shoulder, wondering what was lurking in the distance. It wasn't a human presence. She understood that. She instantly thought of Derek –not knowing his name but remembering his pale face –and tried to reassure herself that he'd still be too injured at this point to retaliate but her conscious argued with her shitty excuse.

"Don't worry Tabs," Madison reassured her. "He wouldn't put himself in this situation. He runs away from Hunters. He wouldn't put himself at risk. That's another thing we have against these pathetic excuse of beings –the element of surprise. They won't expect to be hunted down like the miserable weaklings they really are."

"You really do hate these people, don't you"? Tabitha asked genuinely. Due to the telepathic connection, she understood Madison's feelings and memories. It made her skin crawl at the intensity of hate Madison held for these unfortunate individuals.

"Do you really have to ask?" Madison replied bitterly. "They took everything for me just because they're scared of the unknown. That's the human race pretty much, annihilating anything that surpasses them so they can be the supreme race." Madison growled lowly, scaring a rabbit who darted to her nesting hole. "It's all to feed their damned ego. They are the most selfish creatures."

"I get it…" Tabitha sympathized. "Have you ever… wondered maybe… there was a reason? Don't snap at me yet Mads," Tabitha used Madison's rare nickname, seeing as it was only them now. "Maybe it's because I come from a logical family but what if… Sloane really did deserve it? I said don't fucking snap at me, Maddy!" Tabitha jumped away from Madison's teeth as the black wolf attempted to lunge at Tabitha's throat.

"It's not like the hunters blindly hunt werewolves for the fun of it! Just consider what I have to say!" Tabitha continued passionately, her gold orbs burning brightly in the dark. "Have you ever thought, just once, despite your blind love and loyalty for your father, that, perhaps outside the house, he wasn't who you thought he is? Take my perspective for instance. I love my uncle Victor, I really do, but I can't deny he smuggles drugs and is indirectly behind the hundreds of deaths involved in the Drug businesses. Other than that, I would lay down my life to protect him. And if he is at risk, I know damn well my family would fly him out here to refuge at our house and if authorities were closing in, we would risk our reputation willingly to stand beside him and even obstruct the investigation." Tabitha sighed. "I'm not saying your father was a horrible person, Mads. He was a great father, I can see that. He protected you even when he was on the verge of death. That's pure selflessness and you can't ask any more of a father. I'm just asking you a simple question. If you ever wondered if outside the house he wasn't as selfless. A person can be two different people depending on who they talk to. He loved his family but maybe he wasn't the same with someone else? Just… think about it, okay, before you go Freddy Kruger on them?"

Madison thought hard but all she could picture was her father's wide smile, gentle voice, and strong hands holding her up on his broad shoulder, coaxing her that she would never fall, not even he was near. The memory made her heart sink and she swallowed a hard lump. Shared and understood, Tabitha let it go.

Suddenly a murmur of voices cut through the silence as Madison and Tabitha stiffened. They hid behind a fence of wide-trunked trees, gazing through the slit spaces in between while watching four figures enter the scene, carrying a crossbow. Tabitha narrowed her eyes on the smallest one, with a long veil of curls cascading down her back. Is that…? She was scared to think.

"Allison," Madison snarled in her head. "I told you she wasn't as innocent as she seemed!"

"Calm down," Tabitha suggested. "Let's not be blinded by your emotions, okay? So what if she's in the group."

Madison rolled her eyes. "Now you can stop yelling at me for an 'unjustified' murder. If I don't kill her, I bet that she'll kill, too, before she even goes to college. Why else would she be wielding a bow and arrow in the middle of night?"

"Do you think they know about us?"

"Most likely," Madison would've shrugged if she wasn't deathly still. "Definitely after your stunt at the hospital because Scott probably told Allison and Allison told her dad, worried about another werewolf on the scene. Always having daddy taking care of it," Madison growled.

"Don't get too excited," Tabitha warned.

"It's going to be the end of him," Madison scowled.

"I thought you were going after Allison!"

"Oh, her, too," Madison corrected. "He'll suffer first and then I'll kill him."

"Oh brother," Tabitha criticized. "You're awful."

The watched Allison take aim and strike a tree with a brilliant flash. It made Madison jump at the sudden sound. Tabitha wasn't bothered as she heard similar sounds all the time at the ranch, in fact she was behind some of them.

"Good job Allison," Chris applauded his daughter. It made Madison boil inside.

"How about we scare them?" Tabitha offered. She felt antsy and excited.

"Not yet," Madison warned.

"Damn," Tabitha sighed. She really wanted to see them scrambled like chickens. Madison knew this, in fact, she felt the same, but she felt observing their techniques was most important.

"You know, I think my brothers have a hunting stand up here. In fact, I think they left behind a Winchester, too It is south of here…" Tabitha mused, glancing around.

"Please, like they'd leave behind that," Madison doubted.

"You'd be surprised."

Madison sighed. She continued to glare at the quads as they practiced targeting on a poor oak. "Total disregard of nature," Madison sneered. "That's absolutely shameless!"

"That's it," Tabitha announced. "It's time to end this shenanigan. You told me we'd we herd them like cattle back to their trucks… wait…"

Madison watched as an idea formed into Tabitha's head and smirked. She had to agree with was a convincing suggestion.

"I'll admit," Madison commented, "I like that, but let's save that for later, okay? You don't want them to get too scared. We want to startle them, not make them pack up their bags and get the hell out of dodge!"

"Oh come on," Tabitha whined. "Fine, I'll improvise. I'll go fuck up their trucks and on my queue you scare them, urge Chris to call it a night and when he gets to his car, he'll see someone's been there. That'll be enough to make him step back."

"Good idea. I like that. Do it. I'll wait here."

"Thanks Mads. It'll take me ten minutes tops, okay?"

Madison nodded and watched Tabitha take her leave before disappearing into the shadows.

It didn't take much effort for Tabitha to find the Tahoe truck parked alongside the void road. Smirking, she hummed Carrie Underwood's infamous "Before He Cheats" tune for inspiration. She had phased back into human form –not minding being naked as no one was there to see her –and extended her cat-like-claws before dragging them along the exterior of the red glossy paint. The squeal of the tortured metal irritated her ears as it echoed loudly over the looming trees. Madison heard it too but it wasn't because of her sensitive hearing. It was loud enough for the hunters to hear too. Chris and his company glanced at each questionably as it pierced the night. Madison held back a smirk.

"Dad," Allison meekly began, "what was that?"

"Shh," Chris snapped, looking around. "I don't know. Everyone shut up."

The squeal was followed by a crash as Tabitha pounded her fist into the glass of both the driver's and passenger side window. The glass shattered across the pavement and little inside the leather interior. She would hate to sit on that, she though with a chuckle. She finished by taking a large branch –saving her irritated flesh from more injuries to her already bloody hand –and smashed it into the front shield. Satisfied with her work, she grinned. She finished off the unfortunate Chevy by slashing the tires with her nails. Oh, how much she loved the strength of her new nails. Screw a French manicure!

She decided to add another lovely touch as she pounded the base of the branch into the front headlights. Let's see how they can drive without them, she thought victoriously. She considered snapping the battery out to leave them stranded overnight in the bitter cold but that would require leaving finger prints and even thought she didn't have hers in the record, leaving them on the hood of this car would most likely wind her up in jail, seeing as Chris probably already suspected her. Finally finished in five minutes, she let out a lone howl when she quickly phased back into her natural, wild form.

Madison understood that queue and bounced up, as the hunters finally understood what was happening. She let out a loud, vicious growl, startling a shaky Allison, whose father pushed her behind him as he steadied his gun on his wrist like a cop would. His teammates faced the other direction trying to figure out where the unknown wolf –or more likely, a werewolf –was. Allison reset her bow and kept it straight with elbows bent at a sharp angle, aiming it randomly as she tried to figure out where the sound was coming from. She would've laughed if she wasn't already hyped up with adrenaline.

"Come out!" Chris demanded. Madison didn't oblige and continued to growl in the darkness where her enemy couldn't see her. Suddenly another presence disturbed her as she smelled a familiar scent rush up towards from behind. She leapt out of the way and ran in the other direction to avoid his barreling form. He slipped at the sharp turn she took and stumbled down the decline closer to Chris who immediately aimed his gun at the surprised boy.

Allison screamed at the sudden shadow before recognizing his deep, soulful chocolate brown eyes and thick black locks.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Scott cried out. "It wasn't me. It was someone else."

"Scott!" Allison squealed, dropping her bow and arrow before she leapt onto him, engulfing him into her warm embrace. "You scared me half to death." Scott reciprocated her affection and held her tight against him.

"I suspected as much," Chris mused as his eyes diverted back to the direction of his car where he heard the glass shatter.

"I was following another werewolf and when I realize it was getting close to you, I, well, I couldn't risk it. I told you bringing Allison out here was mistake. She was in serious danger, especially with a new pack around. I smelled four of them, one for each of you!" Scott exclaimed, holding a shaken Allison in his arms. Chris shot him a scowl insulted Scott doubted his abilities to protect his own daughter.

"Was it Tabitha?" Chris asked.

"I don't know. All I know was it was dark wolf circling around you. It got away quickly." Scott looked back at the trees where the wolf was hiding, wondering if it really was Tabitha. He was unnerved by her sudden appearance and the chaos that ensured after her unexpected arrival. He didn't want to blame Madison but she was the one to introduce her to the pack.

"But you scared it off?"

"Yeah," Scott mumbled into the crown of Allison's head. "I wouldn't let it get any closer to you. Now I think it's time for you to head home. It isn't safe out here. I smelled quite a few away from here. I don't know where they are now but I don't want to waste any time guessing. Allison needs to be safe. Next time you give her archery lessons, do it somewhere public. This is their territory, where they have the advantage. They could have easily overpowered her. Tabitha alone could take you down. I'd hate to think what she could've done to Allison tonight, with her animal in control."

Chris had to agree with Allison's safety and grudgingly lead the couple away from the scene and towards the direction of his SUV.

As soon as they broke out of the woods, Chris gaped at the scene to greet them as Scott quickly began to sniff the air. Yep, strawberries and vanilla, he thought bitterly, holding Allison tighter. She covered her mouth if he hands as she examined the busted up car with wide eyes. Chris traced the scratches with his fingers, collection metal dust under his fingernails. His shoes stepped over broken glass pieces that crunched under his soles.

"Don't come over here, Ally," he ordered. "Call your mother and ask her to come pick you up. I'm getting a tow truck over here," he said, noting his broken head lights and shield. He held back an ugly curse word as he realized the damage would be very expensive to cover.

"Actually," Scott interrupted, receiving a dirty look from Chris. "Stiles dropped me off. He can drive Allison and me off if that's all right with you."

Realizing it was probably safer with another werewolf to detect Tabitha, Chris nodded. "Scott," he called out, "what do you smell?" He had noticed Scott's nose twitch trying to catch a whiff of whoevers scent was here earlier when they first arrived.

"Yeah, Tabitha was here."

Allison looked up at Scott. "Wait, if she was here, who was back there circling us?"

Chris and Scott exchanged a bewildered look as they realized how big this situation could be. It wasn't just Tabitha anymore, she had a pack. Well Scott already knew that, remembering Lucas, but he didn't think she would get them involved with this, whatever this was, he had yet to know. He didn't know what had set Tabitha off to target Chris and Allison, as she had never met them –not that he knew off. So many questions burned in his head. He reminded himself to ask Chris privately.

"All right Allison, let's go," Scott suggested, lightly pushing her in the opposite direction of the destroyed truck.

A little ways away, Stiles sat patiently in his Jeep, flipping his cell phone incessantly in his hand while he jittered nervously inside of his newly repaired vintage truck. His eyes caught movement from the left hand side and he spun his head around to get a better look, hoping to God it was Scott but instead was met by a different pair of beady yellow eyes staring at him from across the road. They didn't belong to a human figure but a dog shape, an actual wolf. He gaped, amazed. The wolf stepped out of the shelter of the forest and into the open moonlight, the silver spotlight matched the overtop color of its coat, lighting the white underbelly and some red patches. The slender, graceful form of the regal beast astounded him as he couldn't take his eyes off of it. It tilted its ears, trying to catch a sound, before returning to the side of the road where it hid itself under the cover of a parked white vehicle.

He was staring at it so intently he didn't notice the vibrating bushes next to his car. When he did, he found himself caught in the glare perpetuated by glowing blood red eyes outside his window. Again, the creature was in dog-form than human form but he recognized the red eyes as the mark of an Alpha. He gulped, unable to cut himself from the intense glare of creature. Even separated by glass, he felt terrified. The thing turned its head and bolted onto the street where he was afraid it would attack the wolf hiding behind the white car. He didn't hear the ruckus though as he leaned forward.

Suddenly the interior lights flipped on as the driver's side door was pried open. He caught a physique of a female with long, light hair covering her bare shoulder as she leaned forward to find something in the passenger side. She grabbed a handful of material he could identify at his distance and slid it over her head and shimmied it over her body, then squirmed again as she struggled to cover her bottom half. He could only interrupt movements.

A second figure was caught in the dim light and he gasped as he recognized her face almost immediately. Her hair was a mess and lay damply over her bare shoulders too as she zipped up her jacket over her body. Her bottom half seemed to be covered as her spotted a bright blue cover her hips when she rested over the car. Her still couldn't see Tabitha's friend as she hid her face well. As soon as the light came on, it shut off, leaving the two figures in the dark. One slid in the driver's side while the other hurried to the passenger side. Stiles heard the door slam loudly before the car lights flashed on brightly. The car shifted to DRIVE and rolled forward before accelerating into the night.

They didn't get away fast enough though as his eyes caught the BMW logo printed on the back of the car. His eyes narrowed dangerously. It was easy to connect the dots, Tabitha, her friend –who happened to a familiar blond, and Madison's expensive BMW. "Oh my God," he whispered, his mouth ajar. He felt shell-shocked by the news and at the same time, angry he didn't see it sooner. He should've known it wasn't a coincidence! Madison was definitely involved.

His door was suddenly pried open and he jumped back in surprise, exclaiming "Oh my God," before he could register their faces. Scott's dark brown were wide with concern while Allison crawled into the backseat. After Allison adjusted to the tight arrangements, Scott climbed in, too, and buckled himself in the passenger seat.

"Are you all right Stiles?" Scott asked.

"No," Stiles honestly replied. "No, I'm not okay. I'm so freaking confused right now."

"How," he asked.

Stiles tried to speak but felt like he was betraying Madison. He didn't know the full story. For all he knew, Tabitha was manipulating her. There had to be a reasonable explanation. "Later," Stiles replied.

"So, Tabitha is definitely behind this. Her scent was all over the scene."

"Did she hurt anyone?"

"I don't know… there was more than one, like four. We don't know who did what. Tabitha certainly destroyed Allison's dad's car for sure. So then there had to be another werewolf that was ready to attack Allison and her dad. We don't know who." Stiles swallowed painful as he suspected who already. He was completely blindsided and it stung like a slap.

Madison was dead silent in her car as she realized Stiles saw too much. Killing him was out of the question because she was too fond of him and also it would fuel Scott's hunt for her if he found out her true identity which was inevitable.

"We can convince him you bit me," Madison suggested out loud. "Look, he already knows I'm a part of this but I need to prove that I'm not the master mind or even a willing participant. He'll believe that you're the Alpha, you already act like. Plus, I'm sure he can't tell which wolf belonged to whom. He'll connect you as the Alpha probably."

"Sounds good," Tabitha complied, tired and exhausted.

I can't believe he was there. Damn it. Why did he have to be a part of this? Why did he have to park there? I wasn't ready to be discovered this early! She ranted in her mind. Her car sped past a rotting fence post as dirt flew behind her. Tabitha saw in the distance her house lit up like a Christmas tree. She sighed loudly.

"You can stop here Mads," Tabitha announced, extending her hand out while the other laced around the door handle. Madison pressed down on the break roughly and the car jerked forward before settling down. "Thanks Mads. I'll see you later."

Tabitha bolted out into the night, immediately she heard a pack of dogs barking angrily in the distance and she rolled her eyes as she greeted the mob of labs rushing towards her. "Clover," she hushed the dogs while hugging a large yellow lab. "Shh, it's okay. It's just me." Clover licked Tabitha's face while the other dogs yipped happily around her. "Quiet now, you don't want to wake up dad." Dread immediately filled her chest as she realized she would have to make up another half-ass excuse. "Damn…" Hopefully Trent got Aubrey's call and he explained to Dad whatever Aubrey said, she thought hopefully. She rushed to the brightly lit porch, followed by the large mob of dogs who circled the house. "What are you guys doing out anyways? Shouldn't you be in your kennel? It's like eleven o'clock at night!"

"I should say the same to you," a gruff man said as the door whipped open, cold air rushing into the foyer. She gulped. She wasn't scared of anything… except her father. Sure, he never laid a hand on her but his tongue lashings left deep marks on her psyche.

Physically, despite his mid-forties, Richard Reed was at his prime, standing at a six feet with broad shoulders decorated with medals in his uniform when he was wearing it but at the moment, in the midst of sleep, he was adorning a simple Ohio state t-shirt and lazy black sweats. His dark curls were untamed and slipping over his forehead in an unusual fashion. (He'd usually comb it back with gel in the morning.) He was darker than usual under the light while his lips were set in a straight, disapproving line. His black, midnight black eyes stared at her with such intensity, it made her skin crawl. She shook under the gaze and in the brutal evening cold.

"I just needed some air. I had some… issues." She pathetic said.

"So I've heard. Aubrey called Tyler and Trent to tell them you were hanging out with her. What happened?" He wasn't sympathetic despite his interest. No, it was more like an interrogation because he didn't believe a word she said. She looked down ashamed.

"I…" Maybe, maybe I could reveal to him what I really am. It's still the full moon. I could totally do it but… "I was…"

Let's think about this, she coached herself. I could tell him the truth and risk him kicking me out, seeing as he's already close to doing it now. Or… hmm… that's it! I know it's not true and I'll have to find someone quick but for now it'll do and I can actually sleep in my nice warm bed. "I was out on a date."

The words felt foreign on her tongue and she gulped nervously, hoping he'd buy it. From the looks of his high brows, saucer wide eyes, and a jar mouth, he certainly was surprised. She took the opportunity to knock him off his feet. "I asked Aubrey to cover me, so then she'd tell my brothers and they wouldn't be nosy. It got really late and I tried to race home but his car broke down so then I called Aubrey to pick me up and drop me off."

Richard stuttered while Todd descended down the stairs behind him. Tabitha waved to her brother who rubbed his sore eyes in disbelief. Tom followed behind him with his dumb cat –originally name "Tom Cat," curled up in his arms. He smirked as he realized Tabitha was in trouble.

"And you didn't tell because?" Richard shrieked. She winced.

"Because I knew you'd freak! I didn't think you'd allow me to go. And even if you did, you would probably send one of the boys to spy on me and that would not go smoothly! Admit it, you would!"

"ONLY because I love you, sweetheart," Richard defended his actions as he led Tabitha inside the warm house. She sighed in relief. Good, she wasn't going to be kicked out. "Now, I completely understand why you would be uncomfortable with telling me."

"Uncomfortable about what," Tom demanded. The extraordinarily large cat hissed in his arms as it spied Tabitha. She sneered back at it. She and cats didn't get along, even before she was bit.

"Your sister was out on a date!"

"WHAT," the twins exclaimed as they rushed forward. She exasperated a groan. Here we go…

When Madison got back home, she got in with ease, not worrying about her dads as both slept soundly and could probably sleep through a hurricane. She rushed to her room and locked the door behind her. She flipped on a lamp in the corner, dimly illuminating her large room, darkening the green hued walls. She collapsed into her queen bed and fingered the soft cotton sheets before rolling in the thick warmth of the comforter. She pulled her phone from her pocket and opened her contacts before scrolling down to Stiles' number. Without a question, she pressed his face and initiated a call. She pressed her iPhone to her ear as she waited for his voice to answer.

On the last ring she was about to give up and chuck her phone until his voice suddenly greeted her coldly. "Aubrey." She shivered as guilt built up in her chest.

"Stiles," she gulped. "I know you saw me today… I can explain…"

"You better," he demanded. "You lied to me. You lied to us. You know was Scott is, don't you?"

"Yes but it wasn't my choice!"

"That's what Tabitha told us."

"She's a liar, a conniving, vindictive liar!" She couldn't believe the hostility in her voice when she spoke of her faithful Beta and best friend but Stiles seemed to fall for it as his coldness dropped and was replaced by concern.

"What do you mean? What happened to you?"

She sighed. Another complex lie to add to her web she was tangled up in. "She bit me, Stiles. That's why I really moved schools… I couldn't handle it. She…" her breath was caught in her throat as she struggled to find a believable story but he confused it a mangled sob. Lucky her, she thought bitterly as she felt guiltier about the situation.

"You don't have to tell me, Aubrey. I get it. It's tough."

"NO Stiles, I do have to tell. You have to know. You deserve the truth," she lied. She felt absolutely miserable. "She caught me off guard one day. I was taking a walk and she was suddenly there by my side. She was nice to me at school when I was trying to adjust and she would offer me notes in class to help me catch up. We got into a casual conversation when suddenly she said there was a short cut to get to my neighborhood. Stupid, naïve me, I followed her."

Madison made a fake sniffle. "She pushed me to the ground and… I was so scared. I never saw ruby red eyes before and she had this grin on her face. I thought she was seriously going to kill me. I fought for my life and she ended up biting my wrist before suddenly running away at a speed that couldn't be humanly possible. I limped home where it suddenly healed as soon as I went into the bathroom to examine it. I wasn't able to show my parents because it wasn't there anymore. Then things got strange, I could smell things, I could hear things, I could see things. She would keep her distance from me at school until things got bizarre. That's when she confronted me and told me what I was. I didn't believe her at first until she shifted in front of me. She was terrifying. She was jet black with the most murderous red eyes I have ever seen. It was like something out of a horror movie."

She felt herself shudder. She couldn't believe she was scaring herself. So this is what Tabitha felt when she attacked her. She wondered what on earth would possess her to stay loyal to her.

"Then why do you stay with her?" Stiles asked.

"I don't have a choice. She's my Alpha."

"You talk about her like she's your best friend. Is that a lie?"

"Not so much. She keeps me sane. She's the only one who gets this and helps me with… whatever you call this. Over time I've come to depend on her." She was going against her earlier statement about how Tabitha was a "conniving, vindictive liar." She had to return to that old statement before her real feelings ruin this story she was running. "But she's gone weird. Now that I introduced you two, she's all set on watching you like a hawk. She didn't feel safe with another pack so close. Then we saw the hunters today and she was dead set on killing every single one of them. I managed to stop her before she took a human life. It didn't feel right."

"You did the right thing, Aubrey. Thank you."

"Look, I have to go, okay? My parents are up and are wondering where I was. I'll talk to you later, okay?" She lied. Stile bid her good night before hanging up.

On his end, he still felt confused while he sunk into his bed. Scott told him he saw a black wolf hanging around Allison and her dad. Yet, this was around the same time someone busted up Chris's truck and Scott was also dead set on the fact Tabitha was there and she did it. If Madison said Tabitha was the Alpha, then that meant she was the Alpha Scott saw, yet how could it be Tabitha could be in two places at the same time? She couldn't be the one circling the hunters if she was destroying the car.

Where was Madison in all of this? He'd have to ask her when he saw her at school today. She must have been the gray wolf he said on the street eyeing him. He would ask Scott if he saw the gray wolf around the area at all to collaborate whatever story she would tell him. To avoid adding to his migraine, Stiles gave up thinking and focused on sleeping for the day ahead.