‹ Prequel: Stars and Stripes
Status: 8/15: Currently writing the next chapter. I've got finals, an article due, and work so it may not be up until after Sunday. But, it's still happening!

Heartbreak Warfare

The Man Who Never Lied

“Liv,” Wren Parker’s soft-spoken voice said. His warm hand touched the brunette’s lower back, silencing her bouncing body. “You’re doing it again.”

Olivia half-glanced at the man, smiling nervously. “Sorry, tonight’s the night, you know. Lou and Dean are coming over. Dean’s been planning this for weeks now.”

“And you’re the nervous wreck?” Wren laughed good-naturedly.

“I can’t help it.” Olivia heard the beep of the chicken go off in the kitchen.

Wren glanced around the wall that cut off the kitchen to the rest of the apartment. “Where’s Charles?”

“In the living room, watching TV.” Olivia answered as she quickly opened the oven door and released its warmth into the air.

“Need any help?” Wren offered.

The door bell rang and Olivia smiled up at him. “Can you get that?”

Wren bent over to kiss her cheek lightly and then shuffled out of the kitchen. Olivia heard him greet Dean happily.

“Where’s the lovely hostess?” Dean exclaimed, barging into the kitchen. Olivia set the timer for the potato crisps and grinned excitedly at the short-haired brunette.

“Hey, Dean-O.” Olivia embraced him. He squeezed her, lifting her feet off the ground.

“Be careful with Liv,” Wren quipped, “She hasn’t finished making dessert.”

Olivia snorted, finding ground again. Dean’s grey eyes were shining with nervous determination. “You got it?” She asked.

Dean patted his charcoal-colored blazer pocket, nodding quickly. Wren pulled out the nice china out of the cabinet and handed a few plates to their new companion. “Make yourself useful, eh?”

Dean chuckled, heading into the dining room with Wren to finish setting the table. Olivia put the pumpkin pie into the warmer underneath the oven and rapidly put together the rest of the food, bringing it out to the deserted dining room. She could hear Dean and Wren talking rambunctiously with Charles about the soccer game.

A faint knock sounded on the front door. Dean hooted loudly, signifying they hadn’t heard the door. Olivia hurried out to the foyer and wretched open the door, wanting to blurt out the news as soon as Louis’ grinning face appeared to her.

“The housewife look suits you, Livi.” Louis joked. Olivia nudged him in the shoulder, rolling her chocolate colored eyes.

“Bite me, Lou.” She pulled him into a friendly hug. They pulled away and stood in the doorway, content to be in each other’s presence. “How’s the album going?”

“Good, good,” Louis entered the warm apartment. It smelt of Christmas and Olivia. “We actually got to write most of the songs. That was fun and new. Lots of angsty twenty-year-old emotion.” Olivia laughed and Louis took off his scarf, tossing it on the crowded coat rack.

“The tour going well?” Olivia questioned, leading him through the familiar home. “I know Julia’s excited. She can’t stop talking about it.”

“Ah, Julia,” Louis clucked his tongue, “What a woman.”

“Uncle Lou!” A small voice cried. Three sets of footsteps stormed into the hallway.

“Charlie,” Louis’ smile grew as he knelt to the ground, opening his arms for the child to chuck himself into. “Good Lord, you get ten times bigger every time I see you!”

Charlie grinned proudly, “Momma says I’m nearly forty inches tall!”

Forty inches?” Louis exclaimed wildly. “You’re gonna be the tallest man in the world!”

Wren’s arm snaked its way around Olivia’s waist as they watched the duo. Olivia leaned into him as Dean beamed at Louis.

Louis stood up, ruffling Charlie’s hair to annoy the boy. He pouted playfully and skipped out of Louis’ arm span. Louis glanced over at Dean, his smile matching the others. “Hey, babe,” He took a few steps toward Dean, standing on his tip toes to kiss the tall man’s lips briefly. “I missed you.”

“Get a room.” Charlie groaned. Olivia chortled quietly as Louis squinted down at the boy, his hand found Dean’s and he squeezed it.

There was another rapid knock on the door. Olivia ordered them all to take their seats and help themselves. Jogging lightly, Olivia pulled open the door. At first, she simply blinked, unsure if her eyes were playing tricks on her or not.

“Olivia,” Liam breathed, engrossing her in a tight hug. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

“L-Liam?” She was completely caught off guard. “How—where—what are you doing here?”

Liam seemed slightly hurt but Olivia didn’t really care. If Liam could find her…

“I followed Lou.” He replied sheepishly. “You look really good, Olivia. We all missed you. I can’t tell you how sorry—” He sighed, unsure how to finish.

“Um,” Olivia swallowed. This was the last thing she wanted to happen. Not tonight. This was supposed to be a special night. “This is a surprise.”

“Hey, Liv,” Wren’s voice closed in on them, “What’s the hold up?” He arrived at the door, confusion covering his face, “Liam?”

“Wren?” Liam was the one to be caught off guard this time. “What are you—?” He noticed Wren’s hand placed intimately on Olivia’s side. “Wow, I can honestly say I didn’t see that coming.” Liam held out his hand, “It’s good to see you again, Wren.”

Wren took it politely. “I’m glad you’re back, Liam, but this isn’t really a good time.” Olivia quietly agreed.

“Livi, Wren!” Dean called in annoyance. “We’re hungry!”

“Who could possibly be at the door that’s so important?” Louis’ voice entered the mix. Footsteps were coming towards the three at the door. “The bloody president?”

Liam’s eyes widened as if he hadn’t thought Louis would catch him if he knocked on the door.

“Liam?” Louis gasped as they all stood in the foyer. “What the bloody hell are you doing here? How did you find—?”

“He followed you.” Olivia filled him in.

“So, you’re Liam Payne, one of Lou’s band mates.” Dean held his hand out for Liam to shake. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” He smiled kindly. “I’m Dean Masters.”

Liam shook Dean’s hand, clearly confused. “Er, I wish I could say the feelings mutual.”

Louis felt like he was going to be sick. Liam wasn’t supposed to be here. This was wrong. The time for five best mates to share silly secrets was over. Dean was Louis’ and he had kept it that way for so long.

Olivia and Wren exchanged glances between Louis and themselves. No one knew what to say. Olivia prayed Charlie would stay in the dining room, but he was always too impatient for his own good.

“Momma,” Charlie crossed his arms expectantly, “What’s the bloody hold up?”

“Hey, watch the language, little man.” Louis scolded lightly.

Liam furrowed his thick brows, his mouth sat agape. “Okay, I’m lost. Who is he?” He pointed to Charlie.

“Charlie Mann,” Charlie held out his hand boldly for the Brit. “I’m four and a quarter.”

“Mann?” Liam interrogated, noting the obvious similarities between Olivia and the boy: the brown hair, the dark eyes that didn’t seem to have pupils. “Momma?” Liam shook his head, trying to make sense of it all. “Olivia, is that your son?”

* * *

Olivia agitatedly brushed a hand through her dark locks. She wanted to feel angry at Liam for ruining tonight. But, she couldn’t.

Jesus,” Liam said quietly, trying to take all he had just heard in. “You have a kid and Lou’s gay.” He looked mournfully at his friend, “Why wouldn’t you tell us, mate? We wouldn’t have cared.”

Louis swallowed with minor difficulty. Dean’s hand sat intertwined with his. Louis played with it absentmindedly. “You know how these things are: I tell you, the rest of the lads find out, and the next thing you know, a picture of me and Dean is on every ragmag with some ‘close friend’ citing us as a couple. It wasn’t just that I wasn’t ready to be outed, I wasn’t ready for Dean to have to go through what El and Dani went through.

“And I guess I was sorta of hoping he would never have to. One Direction was over; I didn’t think my personal life was going to be an issue. It had nothing to do with you, Li. I was going to tell you once I was ready. Things have just changed a lot these past few years; I didn’t know how to tell you.” Louis sighed.

Liam didn’t seemed moved, only hurt. “You—you were there for all my kids’ births! You were my best man at Dani and I’s wedding! You’re supposed to be my best mate! How could you not tell me about Dean? How could you not tell me you were gay?” He stood up, making his way to the door.

“Liam,” Olivia tried, understanding this was tough for him. “I know this is a lot but—”

“Olivia, I appreciate it, I really do,” Liam stopped her at the door, “But I need to get my head around this.” Olivia nodded. “It was nice to meet you, Dean.” Liam managed to get out before shutting the door behind him.

“He took that well.” Dean said hopefully.

“He didn’t break your nose.” Olivia said pointedly to Louis. “I told you—”

Really?” Louis snarled, “You’re going to play the ‘I-told-you-so’ game? Let’s see how awesome things are for you once Harry—”

“That’s enough, Louis.” Wren cut in. “I think we should have a rain check on tonight. Go back to the hotel, collect your thoughts.”

“Come on, babe,” Dean said softly, taking him by the hand. Olivia glared a hole into the carpet.

“We’ll see you tomorrow.” Wren said to Louis. Louis nodded curtly and left the apartment. Dean looked on mournfully.

“Talk about shit timing.” He sighed sadly, his hand pressing against his pocket.

“Sorry, Dean-O.” Olivia sighed guiltily. “Not tonight.”
♠ ♠ ♠
My computer is being dumb (per usual) and won't let me put up Charlie's pages. So, this is what he looks like.

Too lazy to write much else, but thank you to all that have commented so far. Keep it up (;