‹ Prequel: Stars and Stripes
Status: 8/15: Currently writing the next chapter. I've got finals, an article due, and work so it may not be up until after Sunday. But, it's still happening!

Heartbreak Warfare

Don't Change Your Plans

Breakfast was awkward for Louis and Liam to say the least. Liam kept not-so-subtly glancing at Harry who seemed oblivious to the change in atmosphere. Niall was yakking on the phone to Kinsey. Zayn was grading papers. Louis pushed food around his plate.

This wasn’t how they pictured their reunion. This wasn’t how they pictured themselves, ever. But it was reality.

“Is Wren coming to pick us up soon?” Niall questioned once he was off the phone.

Liam checked his watch, tearing his eyes away from Harry. “Any minute.”

Five quiet minutes passed and the hotels’ host popped up to their booth in the quaint dining room. “Excuse me; a Mr. Wren Parker is here for you.”

Liam stood up abruptly. Zayn glanced up, startled, “Excited are we?”

“Did someone miss Wren?” Niall cooed, laughing his contagious laugh. But, Liam wasn’t in the laughing mood.

He waved them off as they gathered up their belongings for the day and headed out to the main entrance. The crowd of girls hadn’t thinned much in the night. Harry thought it might have grown.

Wren stood by the black SUV, his shiny face smiling welcomingly. “You alright, Wren?” Niall grinned, pulling him in for a tight hug.

“I’m doing great. Missed you guys something awful. What? You guys don’t have texting in Britian?” Wren joked. Zayn chortled, giving him a quicker embrace.

“Good to see you, mate.” He nodded.

Liam scratched his face as Wren glanced over at his with his almond shaped eyes. He gave no impression that Liam and Louis had been at his place last night, or that he was with Olivia as he nodded at Harry civilly.

“Hey, Wren.” Harry forced a smile. Liam wanted to tell Wren not to take it personally, it was rare when Harry smiled and meant it, but he didn’t think with his newfound knowledge that it would be appropriate.

“Wren, mate,” Louis embraced him loudly, pretending they hadn’t been in contact almost the entire break of One Direction. “It’s been far too long.” They shared a private laugh that seemed innocent enough to everyone but Liam.

Liam nodded awkwardly. “Wren,”

He took Wren’s hand, shaking it once and pulling away like the touch burned him. Louis and Harry eyed Liam for very different reasons.

“Shall we get a move on?” Wren clasped his hands together. “I know Julia can’t wait to see you all.” And almost as an afterthought, he added, “And Olivia wants to get this meeting started. You know how she gets. Always the worker bee.”

Liam was almost relieved when Louis gaped at Wren, his voice an octave higher, “What?

Wren gave him a meaningful look that Liam didn’t understand. Harry accidently slammed the door on Zayn. He yelped, glaring angrily at Harry, not having heard Wren’s news. “Bloody hell, Harry. Watch what you’re doing.”

“Olivia’s gonna be there?” Harry swallowed, trying to seem casually by shrugging. “How is she?”

“Olivia?” Zayn questioned thoughtfully, rubbing his head.

Wren’s face was no longer facing them as he sat in the driver’s seat. Louis parked himself in the passenger seat while the rest of the lads took their spots in the back. Wren’s suddenly cold eyes stared at Harry through the rearview mirror. Louis’ blues flickered to his friend, noting how stony his complexion was now.

“She’s doing really well.” Was Wren’s simple response. Louis could almost hear the words ‘without you’ at the end of his cool sentence.

Harry nodded, staring out the window, “Oh, good.”

They took off towards NYPR in an uncomfortable silence. Louis shifted in his seat, “I didn’t realize Olivia would be assisting with the tour.” Liam could plainly see the faux-casualness in his tone. Apparently, as of last night, this hadn’t been part of the plan.

“She had a change of heart last night.”

Louis’ jaw clenched.

“Well, I can’t wait to see her.” Niall announced, completely oblivious (or at least pretending to be) to the unfriendly shift in atmosphere. “I really missed her.”

No one spoke again for the rest of the car ride.

+ + +

“Are you sure about this?” Julia Morgan questioned, a motherly look upon her light eyes. She brushed a piece of Olivia’s dark hair behind her ear. Olivia looked up from her paperwork, nodding solemnly.

“As sure as I’ll ever be.” Olivia sighed, leaning into Julia’s hand.

A small encouraging smile played on her lips, “You know you can always back out. If it ever becomes too much, Wren’s more than willing—”

“Julia,” Olivia chuckled lightly, “I’m fine. I can do this.”

Julia sighed exasperatedly, allowing the brunette to temporarily get back to work. She glanced around Olivia’s clean, barren office. The walls were like dull, blank pieces of paper. There were photos of Charlie, Olivia, and Wren on her desk and book shelves. A Chinese proverb calendar sat open on her wooden desk, full of pen marks, every date filled in with multiple arrangements.

The desk Olivia propped herself at was seated as far away from the large window that showed off the beauty of the city (especially during the night when Times Square was dancing with light and culture). It was breathtaking, but Olivia still hated to look down at it. Julia used to mutter that it was a waste of a view, but Olivia still couldn’t stomach the height. She had only taken the office because she needed to easily communicate with the employees on her department’s floor, or else she would have stayed on the lower levels of the skyscraper.

Olivia had changed in innumerable ways in five year, but her fear of heights had yet to falter.

“Where’s my grandson at today since you’re not at home?” Julia picked up a small photo of Charlie. It was his first Christmas; he was getting his picture taken with Santa at the Macy’s. She smiled fondly at the memory, remembering every detail of that day.

“With Dean and Grace.” Olivia replied shortly, flipping a page over in her packet. “They’re taking him ice skating in Rockefeller Center today.” A faint smile fell upon her lips, lighting up her entire face. She had such a beautiful smile and Charlie was one of the few people who could get her to use it.

“Sounds like fun,” Julia crossed her legs, “you know, if you want to join them at any time—”

“Oh, Wren’ll be here any second.” Olivia muttered, glancing hastily at her watch. Julia uncrossed her legs, hopping off Olivia’s neat desk.

“Just,” Julia peered into Olivia’s dark eyes, “remember what I said.”

“About taking off early to skate with Charlie, Dean, and Grace?” Olivia’s brows furrowed as she packed her laptop up.

Julia sighed, kissing her forehead gently, “You can always back out. With Harry coming back, things are going to be…difficult. You can’t control everything, Olive. And I don’t want you to kill yourself trying to. If Harry finds out, he finds out.” She stopped herself, shaking her dyed-blonde locks. “What this old lady is saying is: be smart, be safe.”

“Is this a sex talk or a ‘Harry’s-going-to-find-out-he’s-a-dad’ talk?” Olivia joked mildly, “Because I think you’re a little late on the former.”

Julia rubbed her face, “Get out of here,” She laughed softly.

“Thanks, Julia,” Olivia said honestly as she leaned against the door frame, “I know what you’re trying to say and it’s the reason I’m doing this. I need to do this. For me.” Her tone was serious with a slight edge of pride. Olivia was doing just fine without Harry Styles. And it was high time he saw that.

She had always imagined him sitting at home; fucking some random girl, thinking Olivia was just a ball of pathetic nothingness (if he even thought about her at all).

He needed to see that Olivia was stronger because of him. She was even happier because of him. And he deserved to see that.

After all, the greatest form of revenge was success.
♠ ♠ ♠
A wizard is never late, she writes precisely when she means to...
Life is chaotic. I was hoping to write more this break but, life (obviously) had other plans.
Hope you all had a fun New Year's and I wish you a happy 2013! We survived the end of the world!! I think things are already looking up if you ask me. No fiscal cliff can dampen my triumph.

Anywho...I recently got hooked on Gossip Girl and Scandal Squad is the product of that addiction. Yet another project for me to update semi-never. Goodie...But, seriously. I'm making a NY's resolution to make more time for updating once I've finished applying to school.
We'll see how that goes...
Feedback is the most wonderful thing in the world! (:
Happy New Year!