It Takes Someone Special to Be a Dad

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Evgeni’s POV
Now I knew exactly how Kate felt when she was left waiting to find out if I was alright after my accident.

She was snuggled up in my side as she continued to sob with what tears were left. “Shhh, it’s alright. He be ok,” I rubbed light circles on her back. The usual thing that helped her to calm down wasn’t going to help this time.

“Kate,” the nurse opened the door to the little room.
She sat up and wiped away the tears before heading out with the nurse.

I didn’t know what to do with myself now as I began pacing the room hoping and praying that Asher was going to be ok and everything could go back to the way it was.

“Zhenya I am sorry about the other night at dinner,” my mother spoke up.
“It doesn’t matter,” I continued pacing not caring about anything other than Asher at this point in time.
“Zhenya…” I had completely zoned out my emotions beginning to get the better of me.
“Zhenya!” my mother stepped in front of me stopping me dead in my tracks.
“I know how much you love them both… now stop moping in here and demand to see that son of yours,” my mother’s warming smile told me that she wanted this thing between me and Kate to work out too.

I walked up to the nurses’ station determined and not ready to take no for an answer and did exactly what my mother said, demanded to see him.
“Ok ok, sir just this way.”

I followed the nurse down hall into the pediatrics wing of the hospital, “room 18.”
“Thank you,” I hurried counting the numbers above the doors as his room got closer and closer.

The door was open but I knocked anyway. Her head shot up to me and the tears began flowing from her eyes, “Evgeni,” she rushed from his bedside into my open and waiting arms.
“Shhh,” I pulled her into my chest and tried to calm her down.

I tucked her head under my neck and rested my chin on her head as I held her. It was all I could do to at least try and make her feel better.

“Mummy… Geno,” Asher spoke barely above a whisper.
“Omg,” Kate pulled away from me and rushed to his bedside, “Asher, sweetie. Are you ok?” she ran her hand over his forehead placing kiss after kiss.
“Scared,” he put his arms out wanting to be held.
“It’s ok buddy,” I moved to his other side where he latched onto me and didn’t let go in the slightest.
“I will go get the doctor,” Kate placed a lasting kiss to his head before disappearing.

Kate’s POV
I was shaking; I was terrified for my son’s safety while all at the same time relieved and happy that he was awake.

“Stay,” Asher complained as the doctor wanted to check him over.
“Asher buddy we can’t, it won’t be long,” I tried to detach my hand from the death grip he had on my fingers.
“No,” he used his other hand to hold onto Evgeni in protest, “stay,” he began to sob.

I looked at the doctor for help before he gave in, “I guess,” he offered with a smile, “but you have to promise to be brave ok?” he looked at Asher who nodded agreeing to the conditions.

Asher was fine and content while the doctor took his blood pressure and checked him over but once it was time to have blood drawn he was not a happy camper, “come buddy, it’s ok,” I ran my hand over his head as he buried his face into Evgeni’s chest.
“No,” he tried pulling his arm away.
“It won’t take long, just like a little mozzie bite,” he began to let his arm out.
“Good boy,” Evgeni kissed his forehead.

He was silent and fine with the intrusive needle for the first few moments but then the tears streamed freely from his red puffy eyes.
“Shhh,” Evgeni wrapped his arms around him tighter before he began soothing him in Russian.
I was thankful that Evgeni was here, I don’t know how I would be able to handle this all on my own.

“Alright, I think we all know it will be best if he is sedated for his MRI, if that’s ok with you,” the doctor looked between Evgeni and I.
“Yeah, whatever is going to make this easier,” I agreed instantly.

He didn’t want to let go of Evgeni so they agreed to let us stay with him. Evgeni held him while the anesthesiologist slipped the needle into his tiny arm and he began to fall asleep, “I love you baby boy, we will be here when you wake up ok?”
“I love… you,” his eyes began to slip shut as his head fell onto Evgeni’s shoulder.

While he was having his MRI Evgeni went out to keep his parents up to date.
I stayed waiting anxiously for the results and hopefully finding out the reason behind my son’s illness.

Evgeni was back just in time for Asher to wake, “whole team out there,” he looked wide eyed and exhausted as he came back in the room.
“What?” I frowned taking my eyes off of my little blonde boy for just a second.
“Sid, Vero, Flower, Craig, Kuni, everyone.”
“How did?... owell,” I shrugged. I was kind of glad everyone was here, it told me they cared and it made me feel a little better to have all that extra support.

The doctor came back in, the sympathetic look on his face told me that it was bad news, “spare me the details, what’s going on with my son?”
“He has a brain tumor,” he deadpanned.

What? No, “Now we don’t know if it cancerous, but I want to schedule him for surgery on Friday. The sooner we get the tumor out the better, and then we can find out what it is. But it explains all the headaches and seizure.”
“That was a seizure?” I gulped as I looked at my son’s tiny body that was made to look even smaller with all the IV’s and huge hospital bed.
“Yeah, but it’s ok he didn’t feel anything and we are going to put him on some medication that will stop it happening again.”

Everything that was being said to me wasn’t making it any easier. I was freaking out because I had just found out that my son now has a brain tumor, it could be cancerous or could be benign, I prayed for the latter. How do the doctors do this?

We were left on our own with Asher who was still not completely awake yet. It was then that I looked at Evgeni. He had been silent this whole time, sitting in the chair on the other side of Asher’s bed. He looked up and into my eyes, I could see the sadness and fear in them when a tear, just one tear escaped his eye.
“Evgeni, no don’t cry,” I got up and knelt down in front of him.
He looked away trying to hide it from me, but it was too late, his jaw was jutted trying so hard to stop the water trickling down onto his cheeks.
“It’s ok,” I found myself beginning to tear up as this big tough hockey player cried in front of me.
“Look at me,” I cupped his face and made him look up, “it’s going to be ok and then we can be a family,” I kissed him and stroked his face; “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he sobbed.

I knew once the initial shock was gone we would have to be brave for Asher. If we were scared then there was nope in hell for Ash to be ok.
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If this tugs at some heart strings for some of you I am sorry but it's a big part of the story :/