Till Death Do Us Part

A Moment Can Change Everything

“Keep still!” Moaned Gerard, his face screwed up in concentration.
The sunlight was shining on his black hair so that if you looked at it in a certain light, it seemed full of all different colours mixed together. One minute it was as black as coal, the next a chestnut colour.
The pencil in his hand was busily racing across the page in front of him, each line that was made joining with the next to form a full of picture.
He was sitting on the grassy slopes of the school grounds with his drawing pad on his lap and a girl was sitting opposite him.
The girl looked bored which you could tell by the way she kept fiddling with her brown curly hair and was gazing up at the cloudless sky.
“I can’t help it, I can’t sit still.” The girl in front of him sighed.
“Well try Meg, this drawing needs to be handed in tomorrow and I can’t hand it in unfinished. You know what Mr Birch is like.”
“Sorry, I’ll try.” Meg said and tried as hard possible to keep still, but just couldn’t. Every few seconds she would have to twitch her nose or scratch an itch on her face. It was impossible.
After ages of attempting to draw a portrait of Meg, Gerard had had enough and tossed his pad onto the grass next to him dramatically.
“It’s a good job I like you Megan Watkins, or else I would have to ram this pencil into your eyeball, which would not be a pleasant experience.” Gerard said matter of factly, trying to keep a serious look on his face, struggling not to laugh.
Meg gave him an innocent look, flashing her big brown eyes at him.
That was the problem with Meg. No matter what she did to irritate Gerard, he just couldn’t stay mad at her. They had been best friends since they were both nine years old and Meg had moved to New Jersey and into Gerard’s street. He would have forgiven her for anything; she could no wrong in his eyes.
The pair had gone through everything together, and now were seniors at high school. They had other friends (Frank, Bob, Ray and Gerard’s brother Mikey to name their closest.)
They did everything together and were inseparable.
They had even planned their futures together. Gerard wanted to do art for a bit then join a band and Meg wanted to become a music journalist and would write about how great Gerard’s band was in magazines like Kerrang, even if they weren’t that great.
But Meg knew that she wouldn’t have to lie about how great Gerard’s band was. She idolised him and knew that whatever he did, would be a huge success.
“Let’s have a look at what you’ve done so far then?” Meg asked picking up the drawing pad.
She flicked through the drawings of vampires and of his little brother Mikey to find the picture of her.
She gasped at it, it was amazing.
He had got everything right from the curls in her hair, to the freckles that were speckled over her nose, to the dreamy look in her eyes.
It may not have been finished, but it was perfect.
“Gee, this is…it’s…amazing.” Meg grinned.
“It’s not that good.” Gerard shrugged modestly.
“It’s, it’s….” Meg stammered not finding the word she was looking for.
“God, get a room!” Gerard laughed, shoving Meg in the ribs. He didn’t get why she thought it was so amazing when there were drawings he had that were ten times better.
Meg giggled and shoved him back so hard that he lost he lost his balance and ended up lying on the grass.
“Well, if you want to play like that…” Gerard said playfully then grabbed Meg by the ankle so she toppled over.
“You are so dead, Gerard Arthur Way!” Meg squealed and jumped on Gerard, pinning his hands down to ground so that she was on top.
Then they began to have a play wrestling match, rolling around on the grass and yelling at each other.
The other students who were milling around must have thought they were completely mad. They didn’t care that they looked like a pair of five year olds when they were actually seventeen; they were just two friends having a good time.
“Hahahahaha!!!! No Gerard, stop tickling me, no, no!!! Hahahahaha!!!” Meg yelled.
“Oh, did you say you wanted me to carry on?” Gerard said innocently, and then carried on tickling her.
Meg pushed him so that he rolled over and suddenly she was on top of him and then… well both of them did nothing. They just stared at each other in the eyes, panting because they were of breath because of all the wrestling.
Then Meg began to draw in closer to Gerard so that he could smell her perfume and Gerard began to draw closer to Meg so that she could smell the apple shampoo in his hair.
Then they kissed.
And nothing would be the same ever again.