Till Death Do Us Part

FINALLY! Some Good News!

Mikey and Ray were sitting in Mikey’s living room, watching movies and generally just hanging out.
They hadn’t spent time together as just the two of them, so they had decided to spend the day together.
They were in the middle of a conversation about Madina Lake, when they were interrupted by the phone.
Mikey got up to answer it.

Mikey: Hello?
Officer Hillman: Hello this is Officer Hillman; can I speak to Mr or Mrs Way please?
Mikey: No sorry, they’re both at work. Can I take a message?
Officer Hillman: Are you any relation to Gerard Way?
(Mikey is quiet for a few seconds.)
Mikey: Yeah, I’m his brother.
Officer Hillman: Yes, you can then. We have some news on your brother’s killer.
(Mikey goes really pale and Ray notices that something’s the matter.)
Mikey: Er, what news?
Officer Hillman: We seemed to have made a mistake in our investigation. Bob Bryar is innocent; he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Pete Stump murdered your brother.
(Mikey is in shock so doesn’t speak.)
Officer Hillman: Last night we had a phone call from Meg Watkins. It was the strangest phone call. She just kept on repeating that Bob was innocent and insisted that we investigate again. We told her that we couldn’t but she was in a lot of distress, so we agreed. It turns out that we had the murder on CCTV all along. Pete stabbed Gerard, and then Bob went over to him to try to save him, but accidentally touched the knife so it had Bob’s fingerprints all over it. So he is free to go home... Michael? Michael? Are you still there?

Mikey was in too much shock to reply, so Ray had to hang up the phone.
“Mikey? Mikey? What’s happening? What’s going on?” Ray asked, staring at Mikey worriedly.
Then Mikey suddenly started to cry but was grinning at the same time.
“Mikey, what is it? You’re freaking me out.”
“Bob’s innocent!”
Then the pair hugged happily, knowing that they were getting their best friend back.
It was the best feeling in the world...