Till Death Do Us Part

Vanishing Tricks

“Ok, ladies and gents, settle down please.” Miss Palmer, the geography teacher said, raising her voice over the noise of the students who were pouring into the classroom.
Among the few students who were already sitting at their desks were two boys: Frank Iero and Mikey Way. They were sitting next to each other chatting idly, counting down the minutes until last period would be over so they could go home.
But their conversation was interrupted by the fact that the teacher actually wanted to get started on the lesson (teachers: why do they always have to start when you’re in the middle of a VERY important conversation?)
Frank began to get bored very early into the lesson; he wasn’t exactly famous for his love of geography, or any other subject for that matter. On the other hand Mikey listened intently and got on with his work.
Frank began to gaze around the classroom lazily his eyes passing the cheerleaders and jocks that he despised, to the sort of OK geeks, everyone.
After all his only real friends were Mikey, Bob, Ray, his girlfriend called Kelly and Gerard. Meg wasn’t on that list. Frank didn’t really get on with her, but put up with her for Gerard’s sake because Gerard was one of his best friends. Frank always got the impression that she thought that she was too good to be with them, even Gerard, and didn’t like how Gerard let her walk all over him.
Actually, Frank thought to himself, where is that dude?
He looked round the classroom again to see if he could spot Gerard as he was supposed to be in the same class as him.
He knew that if he nudged Mikey to ask him he wouldn’t get a response so he wrote him a note:
Got any idea where your brother is? He’s not here- F
He passed the note to Mikey then after reading it; Mikey craned his neck to scan the classroom. Frank was right; he was nowhere to be seen.
Don’t know, it’s not like him to skip. Maybe he’s gone home- M
Possibility. Hey you don’t think that Meg has, you know, led him off do you? - F
‘Led him off’? What’s that supposed to mean? – M
You know, had her wicked way with him in the toilets or something! –F
Mikey read what Frank had written and struggled not to laugh.
As if! He thought. The pair were best friends; he knew they wouldn’t do something like that.
Dude, I think you’re letting your imagination run away with you. You know perfectly well that they aren’t doing something like… that. And besides the toilets are beneath Gerard, he likes somewhere comfortable. –M
Er, EW!!! How do you know that?? –F
We have conversations –M
Ok…totally having images of you and Gee have late night chats over milk and cookies –F
What? He’s my big brother, we share things! –M
Whatever you say dude. Oh my God, what if they are in YOUR BED right now because he finds your mattress more ‘comfortable’ than his own? –F
WHAT???!!! –M
Ha ha ha! I knew that would get a reaction! –F
Mikey? -F
Mikey? –F
Are you going to reply? –F
I’m trying to get the image of my brother and Meg in MY BED out of my head –M
Oh well, it could have been worse, he could have been with ME in your bed! –F
FRANK!!!!! –M

*At the same time but in a different classroom*

Bob was getting worried, Meg wasn’t in class.
He was sitting next to his best friend Ray Toro in French, but couldn’t concentrate as he was too caught up in where Meg was. He was worried because he didn’t know what she could get herself into; she wasn’t exactly the most responsible of people.
All scenarios ran through his mind from her going off with some boy (likely, she was popular with the boys) to skipping (again, very likely as she hated French).
Ray seemed oblivious to Meg’s disappearance, so like their friends in the next classroom, Bob decided to pass him a note.
Where’s Meg?-B
Ray didn’t reply.
Ray, where’s Meg?-B
No reply.
Dude, where’s Meg?!-B
Again Ray didn’t reply so Bob decided to use force and tugged on Rays’ afro. Ray made little squeak in protest (and getting a dirty look from the teacher in the process).
Er, OW! What was that for? - R
You weren’t replying my notes. Do you know where Meg is?-B
What she isn’t in class?-R
Why would I be asking you if she was in class?!-B
Oh, ha ha. No sorry dude, don’t know where she is-R
Well where do you think she might be?-B
I don’t know, she’s probably skipping or she’s gone home because she’s sick-R
What if something’s happened to her?-B
I think you’re overreacting, anyway why are you so bothered? You’re acting like her dad!-R
No I’m not! I’m just concerned that’s all-B
You’ve never been this concerned about her before and she’s skipped class THOUSANDS of times!-R
Bob… you’re acting strange...-R
No I’m not!-B
Yes you are! You said the last bit all defensively!-R
How can you tell I said it ‘all defensively’ when I’m writing on a piece of paper?-B
You used an exclamation mark-R
And now you’re saying whatever, you’re hiding something!-R
Whatever, no I’m not!-B
Now you’re DEFINITELY hiding something, you said ‘whatever’ and ‘no I’m not!’ in the same sentence.-R
Bob? -R
Bob? –R
Bob, you still there or are you concentrating on feminine verbs? –R
Whatever –B
See! God, I’m so good I could be a psychiatrist! –R
Bob? –R
Do you find feminine verbs more interesting than me, your best friend? –B
I’m not answering that –B
Dude, you’re freaking me out… but then again you are kind of a scary guy-R
Conversation has ended- B
Bob? Bob, talk to me! –R
Terminated –B
Don’t leave me like this... I don’t want what we have together to end like this! –R
You’re not funny, you’re not going to make me laugh -B
Admit it, I’m a comedy genius!-R
Bob? -R
Bob? -R
Bob? -R
You’re acting strange man -R

And the funny thing was, Ray was right.
Bob was acting strange.
And he was going to get a whole lot weirder.