Till Death Do Us Part

Flashbacks and er.... a Rat ***

“Gerard, why aren’t you at school?” His mother demanded from over the coffee shop counter, where she was working her shift.
“I was sick.” He muttered. “I just thought I’d come round to tell you I’m going home.”
“Aw, my poor baby. Do you want me to leave early and come home with you in case you’re sick again?” His mom said changing from strict to all concerned in the matter of two seconds. She even came from round the counter to put her arm round him.
Luckily everybody Gerard knew was still at school so he wasn’t in any danger of getting embarrassed by his mom hugging him. He liked it actually; she was good at comforting him and making him feel better about things that were getting him down.
“Nah, you’re OK. I’m just going to go to bed.” He said and headed for the door.
“Before you go, what made you be sick?” His mom asked.
“Oh, I don’t know.” He lied. “It must have been something I ate.” He said.
“Alright then, see you after. I don’t know when I’ll be able to get off work and your dad is working late tonight. Oh and before I forget, when Mikey comes back from school can you tell him that I found his ‘secret’ pet rat this morning. I found it under his bed when I was cleaning his room”
Gerard smirked when she said that. Mikey had brought a rat a few weeks ago and called him Morris and had decided to keep it in a shoebox under his bed. He knew his mom wouldn’t want one as she didn’t want any pets, so the only person who knew was Gerard.
He is so in for it. Gerard thought to himself then waved by to his mom and made his way out the shop.
He walked down the pavement a bit until he was sure his mom couldn’t see him, and then he leant against a wall and closed his eyes.
He hadn’t lied to him mom, he really had been sick and the school nurse had sent him home. He had lied thought about what had made him sick though, the full story replaying through his mind:

*Gerard’s POV*
I was making out with my best friend, Meg. What was I doing, what was I thinking?
I knew I should pull away, but I just couldn’t. It felt so… great.
Then Meg fell back onto the grass, so I was fully on top and we were making out properly.
It felt as if we were in our private world, just the two of us together. I could have stayed all day with her, but of course all good things come to an end. We both fell back to earth, with a very painful thump.
One minute we were kissing then the next minute Meg thumps me straight across the face! It hurt like hell, but it wasn’t half as painful as what happened next.
“What was that for?” I blustered, my cheek throbbing painfully.

“What do you think?” She yelled getting up from off the floor. “We shouldn’t have done that, not me and you!”
I looked at her. She looked angry as if she wanted to hit me again, but I couldn’t understand why. It wasn’t as if I had leapt on her or anything. One minute we were having a play wrestling match (as you do) then we suddenly started kissing. She didn’t exactly pull away; she lay down as if she wanted to carry on. Which she did want to as she began to run her fingers through my hair and stroked my face. Not exactly how you behave when you don’t want to kiss the person you are kissing, is it?
I pointed all this out to her as she seemed to think I had made a pass at her or something which made me as mad as hell.
“So you are blaming me for us making out?” She demanded her hands on her hips.
“What? No! Did you listen to me? I said that it wasn’t my fault or your fault. It just happened!” I yelled.
“Oh, so you just happened to stick your tongue down my throat?” Meg said sarcastically.
“AAARRGGGHH!! What’s your problem anyway? We kissed big deal. Can’t we just forget about it and carry on?” I asked.
“I shouldn’t have kissed you.” She said simply giving me an icy look. “It’s made things all complicated. We’re supposed to be best friends not boyfriend and girlfriend.”
I gave her a puzzled look.
“We don’t have to go out with each other. God, Meg lets’ just forget what happened and move on.” I said calmly even though she was really doing my head in.
“I can’t.” She said then began to walk away down the grassy slope.
“Where’re you going? Come back!” I yelled after her.
She turned around and said, “Leave me alone. You’ve ruined everything; it’s not the same anymore. I’d never want to go out with you anyway.”
Then she walked away leaving me feeling sick to the pit of my stomach.
I’d lost my best friend and she hated me (I couldn’t understand why she blamed me for ‘ruining everything’ when it took two of us to kiss.)
I walked back to where we were sitting before and picked up my sketch book, it was open at the drawing of Meg.
I looked at it, her face and suddenly my self pity and sadness turned to anger.
It wasn’t my fault that we kissed! If she wanted to act like a little kid then let her. I wasn’t going to have anything to do with her.
Then I ripped the drawing into hundreds of tiny pieces and watched them flutter around the school grounds like paper butterflies.
Then my stomach lurched and I had to run to the toilets to be sick.
Thanks Meg, thanks a lot.

*Back to narrator (er…me)*
Gerard opened his eyes and realised he should be getting home. He didn’t feel sick anymore, just angry at Meg.
So he stomped all the way back home and slammed the front door closed when he got in.
He ran up to his bedroom and threw himself on his bed, only expecting to hear the sound of the mattress sagging.
He didn’t expect to hear an EEEEKKKK!!!
Then he realised what he had done…

*Gerard’s POV*
Oh my God…
Oh my God…
I can’t believe I’ve just done that…
I didn’t mean to! I just jumped onto my bed without looking and Morris was sitting there and…
I squashed him!
He’s definitely dead, I’ve just checked for a mini rat heartbeat and there wasn’t one. Plus I really don’t think the fact that his mini rat intestines are kind of squeezing out of his body is a good thing…
Mikey’s going to kill me!